Fire the training team - Bob Z, Jared R and the jaded motley crew

Can these worms. I know it seems like they are doing good but open your eyes and look elsewhere. People have fast forwarded and leapfrogged in training. Was chatting with Bob last week and it’s insane how he’s been doing the same shit moving papers around hiring the TiLT agency and been singing the same song for a decade. You want productivity - can Bob and his bitch. Horrible training. So frustrated with what they give us.

I just send my resume to those guys. I’m looking for an easy gig that I can farm all the hard work out to. Damn I could be a too performer in a role line that. I used you all ass references…

I hope they can the rest of the training team too. they are D level players at best. flunkies from other companies. if you dont believe just look at their profiles and ask around