Finally! Sales Leadership at the Helm!

He is our hope-trust: A 2nd CEO giving False promises(funding on the way); A CFO who thinks he can run sales(cut commissions); An immature "director" of Marketing(what marketing?); VP of "reimbursement" trying to create a new CPT code with unpublished 1 study; and now a new VP of Sales with a PhD -ALL have little to no experience IN THE OR for General Surgery.

Nice Clinically based Sr Management Team and the board continues to support them..... I wonder if they all really know what the Throat Stapler is used for.
ALL have little to no experience IN THE OR for General Surgery.
And little to no experience with medical devices, and they don't really know anything about this company or the problems.

Nice Clinically based Sr Management Team and the board continues to support them..... I wonder if they all really know what the Throat Stapler is used for.
Maybe after they figure it out, they'll want to use a "throat stapler" on themselves.
You may not like GB, but you honestly cannot say he personally has ruined the lives and careers of "soo many people". Better to blame the board. They are the ones that allowed TT to spend money like flowing water, refusing to move to WA, paying for all his expenses to maintain an apartment, car, etc. there. Letting him open up that ostentatious RC office and waste so much money on furniture, first class travel, his bimbos and their sexual harrassment cases.

The board is where the blame lies, as they had/have all the control. They are the ones who didn't have a clear vision where the company should go, and they did not keep it going in that right direction.

Blame the board for ruining so many people's lives, people who were fired or laid off with no warning. I hope they sleep well. Merry Christmas to all those who just lost their jobs.

who were his bimbos? Wow, how many lawsuits were there??