Finally! Sales Leadership at the Helm!

top performer compared to who? DE? Everyone in the sales force sucks. We don't trust the sales force to get the number thats why we ask so many questions.

Did you just say "trust?" As in credibility? Yeah, the whole sales force sucks. Mgmt has been right on the whole way. They've been lying to the sales force for years...plenty of cash, well reimbursed, better than a nissen. save it.
Wow, I was hoping something would change with GB, but it's just more incompetent decision-making at the top. New job search here I come. I wont continue to work for that weasel JT

Weasel? I couldn't agree more... can I add unqualified, arrogant, a@#*%le as well. Great first hire as VP of Sales GB!!!
Weasel? I couldn't agree more... can I add unqualified, arrogant, a@#*%le as well. Great first hire as VP of Sales GB!!!

Yeah, and that's why the Midwest region beats the west region by 3x the sales numbers. Why aren't those clowns fired? The Midwest region carries this company. Hey, Mike, you paying attention to what we do?
Sure "PC will fix this". The Board just fired 3 VPs and "2 consultants" (Bob and Bob?) were hired in to two of those positions...I'm sure remote rule from CA is going to do wonders for the communication problems that MK likes to TALK about but then DO NOTHING about...When do you think they'll move the whole turd to CA and pat themselves on the back?
Sure "PC will fix this". The Board just fired 3 VPs and "2 consultants" (Bob and Bob?) were hired in to two of those positions...I'm sure remote rule from CA is going to do wonders for the communication problems that MK likes to TALK about but then DO NOTHING about...When do you think they'll move the whole turd to CA and pat themselves on the back?

By April. I'd be looking for a new job now, if I worked in Redmond.
The company is now hanging on a business plan constructed by Marketing and Reimbursement. Senior Management is all in on gaining a NOS code for EX. This will be next to impossible with the clinical data they have collected with TEMPO. The EX "procedure" will have to show clinically significant results when compared to an existing procedure to gain proper reimbursement. TEMPO is a good study, but fails to compare TIF to Nissen or other reflux procedures. Because of this, gaining the attention of the AMA to have them recommend a new code will be next to impossible. The VP of reimbursement should understand- but obviously doesn't. My guess is the he is getting advice from the Director of Marketing.

EX is a great device, but Senior staff has has put the entire company at risk by not recognizing that it is a device. They have compromised the careers of all employees- past and present. This is a lack of understand the medical device market and the healthcare industry. The VP's of Sales have merely been pawns under this management team and the prior management team. Personally, I find Sr Management negligent and hold them responsible for the failure of EGS. Happy Holidays!
Thanks GB for ruining the lives and careers of soo many people with your stuttering wisdom and insight.

You may not like GB, but you honestly cannot say he personally has ruined the lives and careers of "soo many people". Better to blame the board. They are the ones that allowed TT to spend money like flowing water, refusing to move to WA, paying for all his expenses to maintain an apartment, car, etc. there. Letting him open up that ostentatious RC office and waste so much money on furniture, first class travel, his bimbos and their sexual harrassment cases.

The board is where the blame lies, as they had/have all the control. They are the ones who didn't have a clear vision where the company should go, and they did not keep it going in that right direction.

Blame the board for ruining so many people's lives, people who were fired or laid off with no warning. I hope they sleep well. Merry Christmas to all those who just lost their jobs.
When are those reimbursement clowns getting the axe? Darla and Gary gotta go!

These two aren't the only clowns. This place is like a clown car. Clowns are pouring out of the wood work from the rank and file throughout all departments and the only thing "Sr" about the leadership is they're the biggest clowns!
Definitely by June. That's when the lease runs out in RWC. Only makes sense that they'll collapse offices and since now all of the VPs are RWC-based, it's bye-bye Redmond.

What and you think Redwood will still be around? Not only is the co running out of cash stat, the new device tax thanks to POTUS will drive you out of biz way before June.

Now who are these Bobs? What happened to GB?