Finally! layoffs are announced by HQ!


Just heard from my old DSM about this as well (she is still a close and very reliable friend). Layoffs are going to be 70-80% much more than anyone thought. AZ has screwed us over again! Starts December furst!

What starts? The initial announcement that there will be cuts? The final announcement of who goes? Just exactly what?
In the past layoffs they would tell you to stay focused because the odds were better that you would stay than be among those let go. Well you won't hear that this time because just the opposite is true. The news is leaking out in HQ and the numbers are massive, game changing. 80% is too high but not by much.

What starts? The initial announcement that there will be cuts? The final announcement of who goes? Just exactly what?

Yes layoffs will be large and soon and the rapid i don't understand why we need to have this happen but the layoffs will be very large and hurt families and start divorcing at this time

Yes layoffs will be large and soon and the rapid i don't understand why we need to have this happen but the layoffs will be very large and hurt families and start divorcing at this time

CHILL out people. 80%? You know that's not true.

December = Sales Structure Announced
January = Individuals are notified.
April = Changes Take Effect.

How many fucking times do paranoid sales people need to fucking hear it?


Jesus fucking Christ, it's like talking to a goddamn brick wall.

HQ layoff's will be 30% and everyone will know by Dec. 1. JUST LIKE EVERY PUBLIC COMMUNICATION HAS SAID.

For fucks sake already. Try to use your brain for a second: How the fuck can they make any decisions about the sales force when the fucking BRAND TEAMS aren't even decided upon and in place yet?

they are keeping to their story, they won't make personnel changes in 2011, why not ask what MT asked for on headcount, he made a propsal and the board is reviewing it......

I bet money that MT had proposed a reduction that is not as damaging as what the board will decide

MT doesn't want to be the bad guy, so he will tell how he asked for a small reduction but the board candidly doesn't give a fk about headcount. It's business and no offense to us sales people but there is not a reason for many of us to be here any longer. The cost of each employee for what we deliver is excessive and the model is much different where they can hire actors to do this job, here memorize these lines....

AZ in the new model needs to eradicate a lot of dead weight and high payroll. These employees are high risk and very expensive to keep on board.

"Right sized"..... it's coming and will be done shortly once the board makes it official. Look for a AZ report that will discuss revenues and restructuring. This will likely be done after others announce layoffs to dampen the blow.

it's not us, it's the job and industry, we are going away and there isn't much value left in this model of "detailing(not sales)"

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