It's finally here....

This is very true. These massive layoffs are not managed by local management or company human resource departments and has nothing to do with performance. This layoff is about cost cutting and will be done by a non biased contract company who specializes in these types of restructurings. They realize that there is bias in allowing local management to influence who goes and who stays and those biases lead to lawsuits. This one will be strictly by the numbers with no interest in anything other than cost cutting and getting the numbers right.

Can't see it. People talk. People know who got a 1 or a 2 last year. If people stay when others received a 3 or 4 and got let go, there are two things to think about.
1) why even have a year end rating system?
2) why wouldn't that person that got let go sue if their counterpart/ or some one close by in another geography was kept and they had a year or two of worse ratings? Would appear to be a wrongful termination suit.

Can't see it. People talk. People know who got a 1 or a 2 last year. If people stay when others received a 3 or 4 and got let go, there are two things to think about.
1) why even have a year end rating system?
2) why wouldn't that person that got let go sue if their counterpart/ or some one close by in another geography was kept and they had a year or two of worse ratings? Would appear to be a wrongful termination suit.

It happened during the last AZ layoff and happened at Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Schering......
It is safer legally to just follow a similar formula which looks at where the person lives in relationship to where a body is needed. In many territories they will be reducing from 6 reps to 2 and will use a center to territory target. Remember this is also about cutting costs so they stick to the formula, no relocation costs and less commute time and fuel costs. It is mostly a lottery now.

In my territory 2 ESS, 4DSS, 1PSS and 2 contract. Granted Invokana and Victoza have similar numbers. It's known here as the SGLT2 rep battle. Ridiculous. And irritating Dr's left and right.

In my territory 2 ESS, 4DSS, 1PSS and 2 contract. Granted Invokana and Victoza have similar numbers. It's known here as the SGLT2 rep battle. Ridiculous. And irritating Dr's left and right.

Well not much longer. Everyone's number and profile goes into the formula and the computer spits out winners and losers. The company doing this has tremendous success in reducing costs and still managing the legal aspects to avoid lawsuits. It is very cut and dried and does not include any performance evaluation numbers. You could have won COE ten times and it won't matter.

Does Wilmington even need to exist? The corporation is run from the UK. Close everything there and you just saved a boatload of money.

The American sales force is actually quite lean. If you cut it much further how can you launch Bevespi and the future triple combo? That will be a huge product!

The hyperkalemia drug has 1 to 2 billion potential as well. You do still have to have sales people to launch a new drug. That is the one time when sales people are truly essential!