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Final SB String

may be difficult to explain, but here you go:
If a low performer specialty rep had an above average green representative that lived within 12 miles of the territory, the specialty rep was not retained. With the reduction in head count you will see approximately ~25 open territories across the two new BU's


Define "above average" for green rep. Part of the problem with this whole concept is they have no real way to measure green performance. And if a green was really performing spectacularly, it would show in the specialty rep's numbers too. So defining"low performer" for specialty reps becomes pretty convoluted as well!

i take it as admin leave through april-meaning we are paid every two weeks during feb, march, and april then severance kicks in which is minimum six months. Dunno but that sounds awfully sweet. plus accrued vacation. i am guessing that the severance and vacation are paid in a lump sum after the three months of admin are over.

is anyone with me on this or am i way off?

i am sorry but my green rep is worthless! he is a young cocky know it all or thinks he does. he falsifies calls and has rode my coat tail as well as the other spec reps he works with. he thinks he is god's gift to women in the few offices he actually does go into (imagine that)! those few offices' staff dispise him for being a real p.o.s. and blatantly stating he will not wait to see the doctor because he has a large territory and will not wait. however, he is a huge bullshiter and kiss up with our dm who drinks with him (tequila shots-hmm) so he is golden in the eyes of our dm. although he was fired, yes, fired from his previous rent a rep job, he never mentions that and lies about how successful he was. so i would not be surprised if he stays while those of us who work out fannies off are gone.

Define "above average" for green rep. Part of the problem with this whole concept is they have no real way to measure green performance. And if a green was really performing spectacularly, it would show in the specialty rep's numbers too. So defining"low performer" for specialty reps becomes pretty convoluted as well!

As a green rep, I have to agree with you. Except that I got lots of news accounts that the three specialty reps were not able to start on Prolia. Although the volumes are not big. It's a shame that it's not possible to truly measure productivity of every single employee

I understand the green team frustration of the above post, however, we are measuring performance. Chances are good the white rep had already been in the account, determined it would take 2-3 years for one syringe and dumped it, moving on to more productive accounts, thus their higher sales. It was frustrating to us too, when you first came on because we ALL knew this day would come. Wish the big wigs would take the input from the field....think validation....

Now SB, what happened to the BHBU reps that were downsized as overlays to the IBU a year or so ago? Are they just screwed?

I understand the green team frustration of the above post, however, we are measuring performance. Chances are good the white rep had already been in the account, determined it would take 2-3 years for one syringe and dumped it, moving on to more productive accounts, thus their higher sales. It was frustrating to us too, when you first came on because we ALL knew this day would come. Wish the big wigs would take the input from the field....think validation....

Now SB, what happened to the BHBU reps that were downsized as overlays to the IBU a year or so ago? Are they just screwed?

The short answer is "no." A lot of it will depend on your location in relation to your territory, your calibration and that of your colleagues surrounding you, and all of the above as it applies to the NBU rep. The impact to the NBU won't be as bad as it was initially feared by their group; the impact to IBU Blue also won't be as bad as initially feared within the IBU.

Also, keep in mind you weren't "downsized" to the IBU. You were actually selected, and even with the uncertainty in IBU and NBU...you're probably still in a better position.

I won't get too specific, but will tell you that SB's original post as it relates to INBU impact is accurate. Your blue number will also be increased by 50% nationally. With the other numbers posted within this thread as it relates to IBU/NBU, you should be able to determine actual impact.

I wish you and everyone else the best of luck.

I understand the green team frustration of the above post, however, we are measuring performance. Chances are good the white rep had already been in the account, determined it would take 2-3 years for one syringe and dumped it, moving on to more productive accounts, thus their higher sales. It was frustrating to us too, when you first came on because we ALL knew this day would come. Wish the big wigs would take the input from the field....think validation....

Now SB, what happened to the BHBU reps that were downsized as overlays to the IBU a year or so ago? Are they just screwed?

Look, I'm a green rep and I don't disagree with you at all. Of course they had to move in to the bigger accounts and leave the lower potentials. Business sense. But that was also bad for us, the better green reps, because we did not even have a chance to show out potential...some green reps truly did not have any feeaking experience or clue, but there are a few of us with lots of experience and pay very close to the white team.

At the end if the day, we are all in the same boat.

I agree with you. Not all green reps were inexperienced in the pharma industry. One of ours had more than 5 years experience and just wanted a foot in the door at Amgen. But there wasn't room for you. Our two green reps combined had less than 20 syringes over the course of the time here, in 3 states. If there was a real opportunity, those numbers would have soared. If the numbers would have panned out, we may be having a different discussion. What we should have done is taken those large geography, high performing territories and made a new slot. There are quite a few of those. Good luck in the future to all of you. Ours were nice people and I wish them well.

BTW RSDs on are on board with the new organization about as much as some of you are with the quotes you've been ask to provide on how excited you are with the new structure. Keep playing the game it is best for you and your families. There is no shame in that.

So you'd rather live a life full of lies by playing the game? wow

BTW RSDs on are on board with the new organization about as much as some of you are with the quotes you've been ask to provide on how excited you are with the new structure. Keep playing the game it is best for you and your families. There is no shame in that.

I gotta admit it was surreal getting that request.

"We very well may fire you in a week or two, so we need to force you to tell us what a great company we are before we do it. We realize it would be harder for you to answer after the RSD calls an gives you the bad news. So, what d'ya think? Ain't the future bright? Tell us now and keep in mind, you're job is on the line. We'll post the best kiss-ass answers in front the entire BU so they can roll their eyes in amazement at your survival skills and wonder if it made any difference in your still being in the room."

So you'd rather live a life full of lies by playing the game? wow

No, you're right. The only truly honorable thing to do is to tell them to shove their request up their polly-wog. Who cares what they think, am I right? Stupid kiss-ass comments aren't going to save your job if you're slated to be axed and a no-comment won't haunt you if they keep you. We all know upper-management has a short-term memory and most likely will have changed before the next re-org. Maybe that's why they had such a short-notice on the request. If people had thought about it for a few days, they wouldn't have gotten a response. As is, you've probably got some of the deepest bullshit a tenured bunch of kiss-asses could create. Should be hilarious.

SB you mentioned admin leave though April and 24 weeks of severance. After April, isn't it just 12 weeks severance and 1 week for every year? Plus your bonus? Also, did tenure have a lot to do with the decisions? I know NBU and IBU had a lot of newer reps. Thanks so much!

Admin leave thru 4/30, then 24 weeks of severance, a bit more for DM and RSD and one additional date for year of service, so a rep with 10 years is paid through end of april then gets 34 weeks of pay as lump pay, - SB

Admin leave thru 4/30, then 24 weeks of severance, a bit more for DM and RSD and one additional date for year of service, so a rep with 10 years is paid through end of april then gets 34 weeks of pay as lump pay, - SB

Damn! I need more than that. NBU reps, what's the going rate on selling one kidney nowadays?

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