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Field Medical: What is next?

Next head of FMT will be:

  • internal (SSF) promotion

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  • Roche person

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  • An outside hire

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Who might be the next Rav? What type of changes should (or should not) be implemented? To we anticipate any changes to the MED roles? MRSDs? Are the MSL teams right-sized with what seems like an endless stream of negative late phase readouts? Would prefer to keep this constructive and not evolve into the dumpster fire that "How to destroy field medical" thread became....tbt I have my doubts about whether that is possible here.

Actually a dumpster fire might a good next step to clean the slate and rebuild new. Add some Sage, even better.

Who might be the next Rav? What type of changes should (or should not) be implemented? To we anticipate any changes to the MED roles? MRSDs? Are the MSL teams right-sized with what seems like an endless stream of negative late phase readouts? Would prefer to keep this constructive and not evolve into the dumpster fire that "How to destroy field medical" thread became....tbt I have my doubts about whether that is possible here.

Oy vey our fearless leaders are going to report into Alexander... either this can go really well and he'll sage these ppl out of their roles or this can continue to get worse. I hope he sees the incompetence for himself!

Alexander is a smart guy he will see the problem when you have 3 weak, non-motivational and inspirational leaders that have never had an ounce of success in their current roles. If for some reason these 3 stay I know myself and others will leave. This culture is not sustainable over here.

I don’t think all of our leaders are bad but our policies and and lack of enforceable accountability are an issue. Furthermore, I have zero faith in AH to fix anything. He still refuses to accept that the ecosystem model is a failure and there’s a long list of leaders now gone because they told him so. Yes there are aspects of the model that work but non-incentivized comp for sales people clearly does not. I just don’t see things improving until we address some of the larger issues at hand that have nothing to do with who sits at FMLT. Grab your popcorn and sit back this is going to be entertaining.

Writing is on the wall…if Alexander has Brian, Cathy and Robert representing our point of view we are all screwed and he will most likely appoint one of them to an even higher esteemed position. We are the joke across CMG everyone knows it.

Cathy Sterk is terrible. Probably taught Peggy all of the tactics to climb up while throwing people under.

There’s no end of this in the short term.

do I still need to watch Ted Lasso season 3 to stay here?

Others on the FMLT far worse- we experience who can’t walk the talk, communicate, coach, connect with teams or clients. Please… anonymous survey AH for real feedback- give those of us who care a voice.

Fully agree about CS. So why do people like that get hired for these leadership roles?

There are more than a few field leaders who have no people skills. Another example is JL. Perhaps the most inauthentic corporate speak bozo among the bunch.

Cathy is a complete bozo pretending to be a leader who is way out of her depth.
She doesn't have basic leadership skills to even do the FD job. I don't understand how people like her stick around so long clearly faking it and being incompetent is what gets people to stay around for 20+ years. Nancy is a smart woman and knows that Cathy is an idiot so if she endorses her for the head of FMT role I will lose all respect for her as well - I will understand why she does it because she can control her, , it's much better to hire capable talent and be surrounded by folks that can actually do the job vs doing everyones job for them.

Cathy and Brian NEED TO GO! Alexander we hope you are recognizing the trash at MLT and you take the garbage out! As an IC I don't know how much more of this BS leadership I am willing to stick around for and I know for a fact several field medical folks and leaders feel the same way - I think it's time for a GEOS survey!

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