Field Access Specialist

Talk about getting punched in the eye, ouch! Whatcha yourself, Willis!

Ophthotech's Eye Disease Med Could Beat Down Rival Regeneron

Easy does it shit tard. I know reading headlines probably excites you like looking at pictures of 10 year old asses does but this OPHT stock is $5 from their 52 week low and falling as of today.

Have to be the laziest people in our company. My god we just got a new one less than a year ago here and he is screwing around already!! Get rid of them- useless

We have a WAG reject in my territory- The guy is so full of shit with his "relationships" . He is a dirtball who just lied to get his job here. So tired of wasting time with these people

The FAS team is expanding nationally. Some areas will have smaller geographies based on current volume, projected sales for RA and Derm.
The job is what it is: Patient/Field Access. Support the sales teams to get the prescription through.
The PCP FAS will remain contract employees where some will stay on and some will be let go at year end.
The expansion is for Contract FAS unless there is current vacancy.
Best of luck to you.