FEXMID 7.5mg...hahaha

I am assuming that the original poster is a King rep. One question, why has Skelaxin lost 10 marketshare points since elan had the product? Additionally, since launch there have been many commitments from physicians that they will write it. Don't forget Flexeril 5mg was doing 170,000 Rx's per month. We will get business!!! Docs know that Skelaxin does not work for all patients. Plus we have $50 coupons to help with high co-pays, do our competitors have that? No!

Wow....You don't even know where I am going with that statement do you? And tell me why you are up at 11:30 on cafepharma? Oh wait you were probably doing research or looking at porn.

Hold on there did I hit a sensitive nerve.....it is ok just take a deep breath and actually 58% of all prescriptions that are filled are generic. The investigational drug that we are working on has no close generic, but hey it is ok I hope I didn't make you mad.

Re: FEXMID 7.5mg. Legitimate Concerns

I can see the usefulness of this page if utilized in a more detailed manner. I have just been given a prescription to this FEXMID medication. The comments on this page are not descriptive enough to evaluate what other users have experienced.
I know there are ginney pigs for every new medication, help someone else out by sharing valid experiences, instead of vague comments and senseless humor that no one really can understand, for the rest of us new ginny pigs out here.

I am assuming that the original poster is a King rep. One question, why has Skelaxin lost 10 marketshare points since elan had the product? Additionally, since launch there have been many commitments from physicians that they will write it. Don't forget Flexeril 5mg was doing 170,000 Rx's per month. We will get business!!! Docs know that Skelaxin does not work for all patients. Plus we have $50 coupons to help with high co-pays, do our competitors have that? No!

WHO has a $50 coupon??
I need one!

Both Fexmid and Flexeril are made from the same molecule, cyclobenzaprine. The difference is in the dosing. Flexeril comes in 5mg and 10mg doses. Fexmid is 7.5mg. This is not a new, break-through product. However, it does give prescribers an additional dosing option.

Both Fexmid and Flexeril are made from the same molecule, cyclobenzaprine. The difference is in the dosing. Flexeril comes in 5mg and 10mg doses. Fexmid is 7.5mg. This is not a new, break-through product. However, it does give prescribers an additional dosing option.

The difference is not in the dosing...moron! It's in the strength.

I was told by my Dr. that the Fexmid would not give me that "drowsy" feeling in the mornings when I got up like Flexeril does.
Obviously then, it's because of the strength, not the drug.

This has to be one of the dumbest things that I have ever seen as a pharmacist. This is a drug company taking a 38 cent molecule, making it a brand (with no generic), and pushing it as something that is "unique". Since when is the 5 mg flexeril too low or the 10 mg too high that we need a product like this. This reminds me of Pexeva or some of the metormin products that have hit the market. The makers of this medication have themselves in mind. In no way does this help the patient. I personally vow to get Every script that I get for this changed when I see it.