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Female Interviewers Disliking Female Candidates

I had an interview with a female manager last week.
The first question she asked was what year I graduated from college.
She did not ask about my recent President's Club award, my rankings, my accomplishments, my experience or anything else except my age.

Funny to ask that since in my case, I didn't go to college until I was out of high school for almost 10 years!

Can someone explain why female interviewers often dislike the female candidates that they are interviewing?

I am female and I have experienced female interviewers not moving me forward in the interview process quite a great deal of the time after meeting me (but I almost always move forward in the interview process when I interview with a male).

In all fairness--I'm getting a little paranoid even about the whole thing because it is starting to question everything about myself. I have been told that I am attractive and slim but I certainly have a look that is different because of my ethnic background so I fear that some biases are even coming to the surface with female interviewers.

And, I know that I am not the only qualified female that experiences the more or less shunned treatment from female interviewers because I hear bs reasons for failing to move a female candidate forward such as "she was wearing too much eye makeup" or "I didn't like the top that she was wearing."

I will continue to keep a positive attitude and hopefully land the right position with the right hiring manager but I welcome any thoughts on the issue.

I have to say-- I got very lucky… it was the MALE interviewers that didn't hire me- I think I was better off though. Especially when one company in particular had ALL males (mid 40s and older) reps-- all of the ones I met were total sleazeballs…. funny part-- you're too old at that age to be sleazy ha… anyhow-- In MY opinion- I think often times women don't want to hire women because they fight too much, are too dramatic (even if you say you aren't) and become crazy lunatics at some point.. (I say this being a female too)…. I know in a lot of situations and in my job(s) even prior to sales, women were horrible towards me- until they got to know me.. It's always funny when we are competitive and vicious when we work together in the same company.. I am guessing when hiring- it's almost easier to just pick a guy and limit the amount of bs that is bound to happen.. Just my opinion!

This shit right here is what gives women working in pharma a bad name. "She doesn't like me. She wouldn't hire me. I'm too pretty. She's threatened by me", "She didn't like my outfit", " He is so mean. He made me cry"... Grow the hell up. And you people wonder why you are always looking for a job...silly, self-absorbed jackasses.

One can't really judge unless one experiences similar situations.

One can't really judge unless one experiences similar situations.

Oh really? Guess what? I'm judging. I'm judging you and your stupid thread and your inane comments. Maybe, just maybe, those hiring managers noticed something about you in your interviews. Something you clearly are clueless about...

After 6 layoffs in as many years "one" would certainly need to get a clue, wouldn't "one"? Common sense would dictate that it can't always be someone or something else, right? After 6 years and 6 layoffs? "One" really must do some deep diving on oneself mustn't one?

Oh really? Guess what? I'm judging. I'm judging you and your stupid thread and your inane comments. Maybe, just maybe, those hiring managers noticed something about you in your interviews. Something you clearly are clueless about...

After 6 layoffs in as many years "one" would certainly need to get a clue, wouldn't "one"? Common sense would dictate that it can't always be someone or something else, right? After 6 years and 6 layoffs? "One" really must do some deep diving on oneself mustn't one?

Judge all that you like but I assure you that not all of these comments are from the same person.

I've had plenty of thoughts on my work situation but I know my stuff and will land something else (just like I have done so in the past).

I also have all the documentation as to what went on with the layoffs so the proof is always presented. And, I actually know people that have been subjected to more layoffs at more companies but they still keep looking and landing jobs.

Have a nice weekend.

Judge all that you like but I assure you that not all of these comments are from the same person.

I've had plenty of thoughts on my work situation but I know my stuff and will land something else (just like I have done so in the past).

I also have all the documentation as to what went on with the layoffs so the proof is always presented. And, I actually know people that have been subjected to more layoffs at more companies but they still keep looking and landing jobs.

Have a nice weekend.

I, for one, am just curious as to when you will have had enough and will look for more redeeming work outside of pharma? Especially in light of the fact that you feel discriminated against in the interview process because of your gender and looks? Does this really seem like an industry you should keep pursuing if you believe these things are happening to you? Like I said, I'm just curious...

I, for one, am just curious as to when you will have had enough and will look for more redeeming work outside of pharma? Especially in light of the fact that you feel discriminated against in the interview process because of your gender and looks? Does this really seem like an industry you should keep pursuing if you believe these things are happening to you? Like I said, I'm just curious...[/QUOTEI

Tjat's fine & I am fortunate in that I could always go back to school in order to get a doctorate if I wanted to. I'm also a natural born saver & have been able to save a little neat egg despite the layoffs.

But, I'm one of the few people that may admit to liking pharma despite all of the bathat comes along with the job.

Aren't we a little judgmental of people that we know nothing about? I am performing but there are things out of my hands such as companies being sold and/or partnerships being dissolved and/or laying off an entire salesforce.

We don't have crystal balls but I am grateful for each opportunity while it lasted and I will maintain focus and get something else.

And, the pharma industry hasn't really rebounded since the mid-2000s.

Um, why do you keep looking for pharma jobs then? You clearly need some sound advice because no one else has given you any. You continue to look for the same type of jobs that you get "laid off" from. The scary thing is that you keep getting hired so you should be questioning the hiring manager every time you get a job offer.

Retail sales might be a better place for you. They are used to candidates changing jobs every year.

Um, why do you keep looking for pharma jobs then? You clearly need some sound advice because no one else has given you any. You continue to look for the same type of jobs that you get "laid off" from. The scary thing is that you keep getting hired so you should be questioning the hiring manager every time you get a job offer.

Retail sales might be a better place for you. They are used to candidates changing jobs every year.

I like pharma jobs for the same reasons that others do and I would also like the tuition reimbursement.

Why should I question a hiring manager for wanting a person who has been successful in every position held? And, the hiring managers also have little or no control about what goes on in a company over their heads in terms of layoffs. I know one hiring manager who has been laid off so many times and is always nervous of being laid off again in any job he holds but we cannot live our lives in fear.

I like pharma jobs for the same reasons that others do and I would also like the tuition reimbursement.

Why should I question a hiring manager for wanting a person who has been successful in every position held? And, the hiring managers also have little or no control about what goes on in a company over their heads in terms of layoffs. I know one hiring manager who has been laid off so many times and is always nervous of being laid off again in any job he holds but we cannot live our lives in fear.

Say what? How can you honestly say you like working in an industry where you are looking over your shoulder every second of the day? You just feel you are stuck in a rut and forced to stay in pharma because no one else will interview you.

I STRONGLY urge you to find a new industry because the interviews after your next layoff will be even harder to find.

P.S.: There is no way you can you've been successful in every position you've held if you're average tenure is 1 year. Any "success" on your resume isn't due to anything you've done considering how long it takes to get data reported.

Say what? How can you honestly say you like working in an industry where you are looking over your shoulder every second of the day? You just feel you are stuck in a rut and forced to stay in pharma because no one else will interview you.

I STRONGLY urge you to find a new industry because the interviews after your next layoff will be even harder to find.

P.S.: There is no way you can you've been successful in every position you've held if you're average tenure is 1 year. Any "success" on your resume isn't due to anything you've done considering how long it takes to get data reported.

The job has both good and bad things that come along with it but that's like anything else. And, if a product has virtually no managed care coverage & I'm still growing it--it may not be success in your opinion but it's something.

I'm fortunate in that I've gotten to know my doctors very well and that's the part of the job that I do like very much.

I still have other options open to me and I can always explore them.

Um, a little career advice for you, if you get "laid off" 6 times in 6 years, you might want to reconsider a new line of work. You clearly aren't doing anything right with your research of the companies that hired you and you clearly aren't performing in the job either. At some point you would actually make the cut and not be part of the lay off if you were.


Of course it is because she is a female that she isn't being hired, not because of this work history. What a joke. Or maybe I am just being judgmental because I am female!

If I had to start over (my first career job out of college was Pfizer), I would go into the insurance industry because there is tons of stability and it is low stress for the most part. Either that, or real estate sales.

Here is a smart thing I hope those of you with children are getting: have your children bypass college until they are about 25, if they must go. I see so many decent sales jobs (food sales comes to mind) that do not require a college degree.

College is a major waste of time and a terrible investment, especially today.

Oh yeah. I know lots of lawyers, doctors, CEOs, nurses, and others in sustainable jobs without college NOT! Complete idiocy in your post.

Facts are that college grads earn more, are unemployed less. Any they marry others who are more educated and more intelligent.


Of course it is because she is a female that she isn't being hired, not because of this work history. What a joke. Or maybe I am just being judgmental because I am female!

I've known males with representative and managerial titles that have been laid off more than that in such a short span of time and still get hired.

So many small companies come and go and that's a huge part of the problem and this industry has not rebounded since the mid-2000s.


Of course it is because she is a female that she isn't being hired, not because of this work history. What a joke. Or maybe I am just being judgmental because I am female!

Would you also give difficulty to a male who has also been laid off many times due to uncontrollable circumstances?

Laid off is not the same as getting fired and if companies or salesforces cease to exist--why is that the person's fault who has been laid off with all of the proof that this has happened?

Also, interviews are like auditions and the most mediocre rep with lousy sales results could land a job if he or she bonds with the interviewer. And, a mediocre rep with lousy numbers but still at a company (although he or she may be on a PIP) still has an advantage over an unemployed rep for reasons that are not always fair.

I've interviewed and been hired by a female manager. However, it was the early 2k's, a much different economy and industry. She was extremely supportive as well. I've had another one that was placed as a new manager over me. I taught her a lot but she was conniving and manipulative. After the job ended I saw her in public and she was relieved to see and apologetic. I'm out of the industry and have had 2 women managers both supportive in their own right. People are people. Women can sniff out phony. I would check your game and intention. If it's true that will be recognized. If you're used to getting by on your flirty, manipulative ways, you'll only fool a male manager these days. Bring some science skills sprinkled with people skills to the table you'll be fine.