Feedback on "Gender Specific" knees??

There is a fair amount of hype in the gender specific knee promotion. Not that sizing isn't important, but male vs female isn't.

Best advice for your mother is to choose her surgeon carefully. Surgeon skill is far more important than which company's implant they use. Don't be shy about questioning surgeons about how long they have been using the chosen implant, how many they have performed, and a summary of their results. Also will he be operating or a resident?

Where are you located? Usually, the big names who publish and are associated with teaching hospitals are a safe bet even if it means driving to the next town. Use your good judgement about the surgeon's skills, no this personality. Give me an asshole who is a skilled surgeon over a charming "just Okay" guy any day.

I faced this challenge many years ago with my own mother, and this is what I did. We drove her to Rush Presby in Chicago, rather than stay close to home with our small town surgeon who was a charmer, but really didn't impress me in the OR. I explained to him, how my mom had a personal connection with her surgeon in Chicago.

Good luck!