zimmer was citing a paper by Dr. Kirby Hitt written for the stryker triathlon knee which described a need for more anthropometric sizing options to better suit certain patient populations including women. This was the main support piece for the gender knee. Unfortunately for Zimmer, Stryker sued and Zimmer can no longer use that paper as a reference. Excellent marketing though on Zimmer's behalf. There is in fact two key differences between the Triathlon knee and the other knees on the market and they are the Triathlon's unique single radius design as opposed to the competition's variable radius knees. This design feature promotes soft tissue guided motion and makes for a more natural feeling knee and is in part why the Triathlon is the quickest growin knee on the market. The second design feature id stryker's X3 polyethlene bearing surface which shows superior wear resistance to all competitive poly's on the market and provides for the potential of a longer lasting implant. the most important factor would be the surgeon implanting the knee, despite the implant design, a poorly placed implant will function poorly. Your mom's best bet is to find a skilled surgeon who uses stryker.