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FDE's are equal now


I lead my district in every catagory. Behavior, ranking, leadership, sales numbers and mentorship. Exemplary and High successful accross the board. I happen to be and FDE.

There are at least 3 other FDE's in my area doing the same.

The top performing Cymbalta rep in the country is an FDE.

Every meeting has at least a third of the MVP's are FDE's. We are (percentage wise) the leaders of a very productive Area.

As I make my last call call my FTE counterparts have been home an hour in thier "comfy clothes".

Well, starting November 1, 2012 FDE's are able to post for all open positions without a predisposed favoring of FTE's and will be equal during the reallocation. Not sure if the new positons are FDE or FTE but it doesnt matter. We now are equal in the hiring/reallocation process.

Smart, because HR is supporting the keeping of all good reps FTE or FDE.

Bad FTE's are now in a more precarious position than performing FDE's. You better have a better ePM than me (doubt it) and better numbers (doubt it) or you are gone!!!

My, how the worm has turned.


Go on the job post site- yup. see all the jobs that are available? Also you moron, are you aware that there have been open territories and they have been collapsed and those are now realigned to make those existing ones more viable? Oh yes, you are eligible to post beginning 11/1- only in biomedicines- not diabetes/ oncology. again- refer to HR job site... why do you think the current FDEs were only extended 6 months? What do you think will happen at the end of that extension? Thanks for the laugh!

Denial is a completely different universe.

Just telling you what all of the FDE's are being told this week by management.

Better check with your boss accordingly. And hope that you dont have any low successfuls on your ePM.

Good Luck....

Heard the same thing.

Dont know about the restrictions to biomedicines but will find out.

Bottom line is that hiring freeze is still on (no postings yet) but when the sh.. hits the fan during reallocation we are going to be looked at by performance and location regardless of FTE or FDE.

May the force be with you.

Go on the job post site- yup. see all the jobs that are available? Also you moron, are you aware that there have been open territories and they have been collapsed and those are now realigned to make those existing ones more viable? Oh yes, you are eligible to post beginning 11/1- only in biomedicines- not diabetes/ oncology. again- refer to HR job site... why do you think the current FDEs were only extended 6 months? What do you think will happen at the end of that extension? Thanks for the laugh!

FDE will be able to post for FTE jobs on Nov 1st because on the Oct 30th conference call it will be announced all FDE contracts will be terminated Jan 1.

I lead my district in every catagory. Behavior, ranking, leadership, sales numbers and mentorship. Exemplary and High successful accross the board. I happen to be and FDE.

There are at least 3 other FDE's in my area doing the same.

The top performing Cymbalta rep in the country is an FDE.

Every meeting has at least a third of the MVP's are FDE's. We are (percentage wise) the leaders of a very productive Area.

As I make my last call call my FTE counterparts have been home an hour in thier "comfy clothes".

Well, starting November 1, 2012 FDE's are able to post for all open positions without a predisposed favoring of FTE's and will be equal during the reallocation. Not sure if the new positons are FDE or FTE but it doesnt matter. We now are equal in the hiring/reallocation process.

Smart, because HR is supporting the keeping of all good reps FTE or FDE.

Bad FTE's are now in a more precarious position than performing FDE's. You better have a better ePM than me (doubt it) and better numbers (doubt it) or you are gone!!!

My, how the worm has turned.

Sure you are. Fixed means Fixed. Lilly made a business case to hire you to protect those that were here before you. Sorry but that is the case. Layoffs/Reorg's have nothing to with #'s it has to do with tenure. I was a Team MVP, top 10% port and my position was eliminated. Btw the rep that took over my territory had horrible #'s (bottom 1/3) and was hired a month before me. Did I mention I was promoted to Senior Rep that year as well. You do realize that the company has hundreds if not thousands of reps, that perform much worse than you, that were hired WAY before you. How big is Bioscience? MSK, Neuro, Mens? That is a lot of reps that came before you my friend.
I have heard tho, that we are light in certain areas and the Man realizes that not all Reps will want to move to stay with him. That is your window of opp. Hope and pray the horrible rep, that was hired 10 years ago, that does not work does not want your spot come... when ever.
Heard DBU re-org to eval spots open, then Neuro, MSK, Mens next to fill, then FDE/FTE.

Thanks for the good laugh. I needed it!
"the #1 cymbalta rep in the country is FDE!" That's awesome considering the number 1 Rep in the country has been a vacant territory before too. Wake up moron.

Thanks for the good laugh. I needed it!
"the #1 cymbalta rep in the country is FDE!" That's awesome considering the number 1 Rep in the country has been a vacant territory before too. Wake up moron.

Thanks everyone for some good laughs on a Friday night. The original poster is clearly a young new hire with a lot of energy and drive, though, they will soon be slapped with reality. It's not the "best" that stay. It's all about tenure and if anyone is trying to explain it to you any other way just wait and see. It's how Lilly has done it in the past and it'll be the same again. If your willing to relocate there will definitely be spots available.

Not sure about that. It was probably a kind of mixture of motivations based on lawsuits potential, and pressure on FTEs to exit voluntarily.

"Just sayin"

You have no clue what's your talking it about. FDE's were hired to fill an immediate sales need and it also gives Lilly options depending how the pipeline progressed. Positive pipeline wins then FDE's would be needed to launch new drugs and a poor or slowed pipeline development FDE's gives Lilly an option to reduce head count without layoffs. No layoffs, just contract non renewals (looks better for wall street).

You have no clue what's your talking it about. FDE's were hired to fill an immediate sales need and it also gives Lilly options depending how the pipeline progressed. Positive pipeline wins then FDE's would be needed to launch new drugs and a poor or slowed pipeline development FDE's gives Lilly an option to reduce head count without layoffs. No layoffs, just contract non renewals (looks better for wall street).

Out of all the posts, this is 100% accurate and factual. For those FDEs that feel they have any greater sense of entitlement- please refer to your contract, or more recently the top ten questions that John L highlighted from his web conference. LLY makes it clear the nature/ relationship of FDEs and their contracts.... We need you when business is good( pipeline is thriving), and we eliminate you when it's not... It's THAT black and white.

1. Does anyone think that Lilly FTEs have exclusivity on competence?
2. Does anyone give a rat's ass about this post?
3. Does anyone think Biomedicines will look anything like it does now in six months?

Thanks everyone for some good laughs on a Friday night. The original poster is clearly a young new hire with a lot of energy and drive, though, they will soon be slapped with reality. It's not the "best" that stay. It's all about tenure and if anyone is trying to explain it to you any other way just wait and see. It's how Lilly has done it in the past and it'll be the same again. If your willing to relocate there will definitely be spots available.

OP here:

I'm not a young pup. Have hired and fired folks like you. I'm not the best but I'm close. I just work a full day and have great relationships.

My point is clearly missed on you entitled FTE's. The game has changed in the past few weeks.

I am as surprised as you are. But you have to believe me that unless you have good ratings and proven reach and impact you are gone. The metrics are being looked at.

There has been too much squawking by DM's that the FDE's are outperforming the FTE's.

The post about location is spot on. Luck does indeed play a part. But my point is that it does for everyone now......we are all equal now.

I hope that you guys commenting on how funny these posts are have good ratings and the doctors know who you are. Otherwise I have your job.....Thanks for that.