FDA not approving new Big Pharma products

You proved how idiotic you are. Thanks.

We do not need an FDA to approve drugs. We need a Constitutional government to severely punish those whom intentionally or recklessly harm others. Since our original government has been bastardized by federalist libtards, we have now a huge quagmired clusterfuck of governmental REGULATIONS. They do nothing but prevent progress and innovation.

Many beloved companies by your lovely FDA have drugs and new indications approved even though they did worse than or equal to placebo. It's all about favoritism and corruption with your Big Government, thereby preventing progress in medicine.

Keep singing the libidiot song that Big brother is here and should be neck deep in everyone's lives for their own good and for our "safety". You'd think that you useful idiots would wise up after seeing how any form of leftism is an absolute failure, but nope, you sing its high praises. No wonder why liberalism is a certified mental disorder.

Somebody has their panties in a twist. Did your boyfriend leave you recently?

Dude, why are you harshing me? I'm a fellow traveller, I will be voting Republican. Your drunken rants give conservatives a bad reputation. Get some sleep and cut down on the sauce. Did you lose your job?

Because you are one of the Big Government libtard Republicans I can't stand. You jumped ship from the Demoncrats when the far left loonies took it over and your kind has taken over the Republican Party. You are no conservative, nor libertarian. I belong to no Party because I cherish my individual liberties and vote.

You need to listen and truly see the error of your ways. Trust me, I worked in the government before and I know way too much. The corruption and moral decay in government is so rampant and disgusting, you'd be physically sick if you saw it like I have and still do. The FDA just happens to be one of the gangster arms of the out of control Federal Government. If you seriously believe they are looking out only for your safety, I have a million dollar dog turd I'd like to sell ya.

Quit relinquishing your God given rights in exchange for false "protection and safety".

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.." Ben Franklin

Because you are one of the Big Government libtard Republicans I can't stand. You jumped ship from the Demoncrats when the far left loonies took it over and your kind has taken over the Republican Party. You are no conservative, nor libertarian. I belong to no Party because I cherish my individual liberties and vote.

You need to listen and truly see the error of your ways. Trust me, I worked in the government before and I know way too much. The corruption and moral decay in government is so rampant and disgusting, you'd be physically sick if you saw it like I have and still do. The FDA just happens to be one of the gangster arms of the out of control Federal Government. If you seriously believe they are looking out only for your safety, I have a million dollar dog turd I'd like to sell ya.

Quit relinquishing your God given rights in exchange for false "protection and safety".

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.." Ben Franklin

You are making me cry now. STOP IT BITCH!

Big Pharma's mass market annuity payout like products have all hit generic status.

Big Pharma's new direction is small market BIG PRICE TAG drugs (small market less than 100,000 pts a year / product price +$50,000 per patient), insurance companies are still willing to fork over HUGE dollars to a patient with some very arcane disease....

No need for army of reps covering these very specialized products.

Good Selling!

And European socialist healthcare countries who approved these drugs on the global market do not commit to safety and comparative advantage approvals?

Approving medicines "vastly superior to existing medicines" in not the FDA mandate. It's safe and effective, as congress passed. If the former is the case, FDA is violating federal law.

Exactly right--FDA is violating its primary mission.

If the FDA really cared about public safety, they would regulate natural medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc.