Bait and Switch - FDA and PFE play the game

oh simple one, first off Delta airline$ when ju$tifying their $200 in$urance $urcharge for unvaccinated employee$, $tated the average Covid ho$pitalization co$t i$ $50k.

secondly, no hospital is making a fortune treating Covid 19 patients.

the only one$ printing money here i$ PFE and other vaccine mfg$

BREAKING NEW$ two top reviewer$ in the FDA vaccine $ection announced their $udden retirement.
I gue$$ their private Caribbean i$land home$ are ready for occupancy.

Like I $said, follow the money.

oKaY YoU aRe CoRReCt $iR nOw I SeE tHe LiGhT

PFE does not have sufficient inventory of the newly branded and approved vaccine so people with still be receiving the product which was labeled and authorized for emergency use only.

Hmmm, well medically it’s the same vaccine so why does it matter you ask. Because legally, they are not the same. The EUA product is not licensed and does not have a product label.

So PFE gets credit for FDA approval, but maintains legal immunity because everyone will still be injected with the EUA authorized vials for the foreseeable future in the USA.

If people have a serious AE, the first thing PFE will say is IMMUNITY, we have immunity from liability on those vials cause they were actually EUA product, not the FDA licensed product.

Of note, companies mandating vaccines now based on the FDA-approval are digging themselves a grave. You Cannot require someone to take a non-FDA approved vaccine and the EUA vials are not legally FDA-approved or they would have a brand label and a package insert.

Fastest FDA full approval in history, no public comment period and no advisory committee. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Outgoing Director Woodcock will be able to buy the state of Rhode Island with her PFE payoff.

Is Pfizer mandating employees to be vaccinated? Thx!