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FDA Approves Another Weight Loss Drug

Just a clarification to all those effected by the rampant dumbing down of America...Qnexa DID NOT receive approval. hey simply got the nod from the FDA Advisory Committee for submit tall and potential approval. that decision will be in Mid April of 2012! If I was a betting man, I would bet against the FDA's approval for marketing QNEXA! My opinion only. I would explain, but reading the above idiotic posts... I will save my breath and not throw pearls before swine...do your own reading. And buy ARNA stock now! Lorcaserin Will be a billion $/yr product by 2014.

Just a clarification to all those effected by the rampant dumbing down of America...Qnexa DID NOT receive approval. hey simply got the nod from the FDA Advisory Committee for submit tall and potential approval. that decision will be in Mid April of 2012! If I was a betting man, I would bet against the FDA's approval for marketing QNEXA! My opinion only. I would explain, but reading the above idiotic posts... I will save my breath and not throw pearls before swine...do your own reading. And buy ARNA stock now! Lorcaserin Will be a billion $/yr product by 2014.

Explain why you are so sure Locaserin will be approved.

FDA usually follows advisory board dumbass. Thanks for your insight. LOL

Yeah - you're smart...I'm dumb But your silly ass didn't know the difference between and Advisory Council's Acknowledgement of Support and the FDA Approval for Marketing of an NDA. Oh.. by the way smartass - since you are so smart and are stating the FDA "usually" follows the Advisory panels rec's for approval... Are you stating you are confident QNEXA receives FDA approval on their NDA ??? Huh smartass?? Let's hear your confidence on this asswipe! I say they dissapprove. You can do your own homework on why/why not if you can f-ing read douchebag!

Explain why you are so sure Locaserin will be approved.

Nahhh ... You can do your own reading up on the past 8 years of research for all three agents in play. Lorcaserin-ARNA/ QNEXA-VVUS / & CONTRAVE-Origen

Then when you are done researching and mommy wipes your nose -- go and buy about 5000 shares of ARNA while it's trading under 2.00/share. You can thank me and your mommy later.

Yeah - you're smart...I'm dumb But your silly ass didn't know the difference between and Advisory Council's Acknowledgement of Support and the FDA Approval for Marketing of an NDA. Oh.. by the way smartass - since you are so smart and are stating the FDA "usually" follows the Advisory panels rec's for approval... Are you stating you are confident QNEXA receives FDA approval on their NDA ??? Huh smartass?? Let's hear your confidence on this asswipe! I say they dissapprove. You can do your own homework on why/why not if you can f-ing read douchebag!

Yes qnexa will get approved smart ass.

Eisai will also be competing with crack cocaine!

Actually this jokester has a point. The most effective drugs for weight loss are addictive narcotics like meth and crack. The FDA cares more about safety than efficacy. Street drugs are super effective weight loss drugs but the safety data is not so good.

If you want to lose weight safely, there is no magic pill. A change in lifestyle including better healthy diet and exercise habits are the cornerstone. Adding a drug like loracersin with modest but significant weight loss on top of that will help some motivated folks. The vast majority of obese people out there have failed the common sense approach and want to take a pill that solves all their problems. No such pill exists. I see lorcaserin as a niche drug for the motivated person with a support system to keep their diet and exercise program on track. The sad reality is that should the drug get approved, people will flock to it, not do the work on their part, fail to lose significant weight and quit taking it. I have sold in this class and that is exactly what happens.

If you want to lose weight fast without effort, there's always meth.

Actually this jokester has a point. The most effective drugs for weight loss are addictive narcotics like meth and crack. The FDA cares more about safety than efficacy. Street drugs are super effective weight loss drugs but the safety data is not so good.

If you want to lose weight safely, there is no magic pill. A change in lifestyle including better healthy diet and exercise habits are the cornerstone. Adding a drug like loracersin with modest but significant weight loss on top of that will help some motivated folks. The vast majority of obese people out there have failed the common sense approach and want to take a pill that solves all their problems. No such pill exists. I see lorcaserin as a niche drug for the motivated person with a support system to keep their diet and exercise program on track. The sad reality is that should the drug get approved, people will flock to it, not do the work on their part, fail to lose significant weight and quit taking it. I have sold in this class and that is exactly what happens.

If you want to lose weight fast without effort, there's always meth.

Maybe we could work on a version of meth that doesn't leave speed bumps. Now that would be a multi-billion dollar breakthrough! We could manufacture in India, import thru Mexico via rivers and tunnels. Awesome! We don't need no stinking FDA!!!

Maybe we could work on a version of meth that doesn't leave speed bumps. Now that would be a multi-billion dollar breakthrough! We could manufacture in India, import thru Mexico via rivers and tunnels. Awesome! We don't need no stinking FDA!!!

I'm a traditionalist. I think laxatives usually do the trick.

It means the investors are betting the stock price will drop and they will make a profit which is not a good sign!

This might be true... Many savvy investors have made a killing for the past 3-4 years shorting biotech stocks--especially volatile ones like ARNA/DNDR, etc. However, If you want to be smart and informed-- UNLIKE the JACKOFF who simply wants to assert QNEXA will get approved and offers no argument nor data... -- Then make your investment decisions based on the profit vs risk ration a company offers and the potential upsides for huge growth margins based on pps/Market Cap's/ and other financials. ARENA IS A STRONG BUY - regardless of the shorts! Of course, if Lorcaserin is not approved later this year -- I would have lost horribly on this agent twice now...But, ME THINKS NOT!!!

This might be true... Many savvy investors have made a killing for the past 3-4 years shorting biotech stocks--especially volatile ones like ARNA/DNDR, etc. However, If you want to be smart and informed-- UNLIKE the JACKOFF who simply wants to assert QNEXA will get approved and offers no argument nor data... -- Then make your investment decisions based on the profit vs risk ration a company offers and the potential upsides for huge growth margins based on pps/Market Cap's/ and other financials. ARENA IS A STRONG BUY - regardless of the shorts! Of course, if Lorcaserin is not approved later this year -- I would have lost horribly on this agent twice now...But, ME THINKS NOT!!!

Hey there; not for nothing but there was a press release recently stating that ARNA sold around $14M shares to some private company for $25M. Well if the company thinks their stock is only worth less than $2 why sould I buy it. If the possibilities were that great why would they dilute their own assets at a crap price.

Yes qnexa will get approved smart ass.

and here is why it won't matter...

Cleary you have no idea of the bariatric market. I launched Redux and sold pondimin at Wyeth and as well as sold branded Phentermine prior to going to Wyeth. First off, payers will not cover Lorcaserin just like they didn’t cover Redux, Phentermine, or pondimin. We are in a horrible economy so the likelihood of people shelling out the money for this drug out of pocket is low. Add to that in the US, oddly enough, obesity is associated with lower socioeconomic status meaning the fat poor people who need this drug won’t have the cash to pay for it. Also there will be a huge negative public perception to overcome with prescription weight loss drugs after the Fen-Phen and Redux health debacle and associated lawsuits. Look at Xenical, it’s not like it’s setting the world on fire nor did Merdia before it got pulled. You will not see the pop up weight loss clinics in every strip mall like you did during the fen-phen era of the 1990’s which was the driving factor of the short term financial success of those drugs. After all the lawsuits most MD’s will stay very far away from this drug and will be relegated to bariatric centers versus everyone with a medical license writing for it like in the 90’s thus the market volume will be substantially lower than the last time around. Eisai is a primary care company but it is highly unlikely that PC and IM’s will play with the weight loss drugs again at a high level. At the end of the day Lorcaserin is really just a Serotonin agonist, to the way Pondimin and Redux woked and very similar to the plethora of SSRI’s on the market that payers will pay for.

Whether it gets approve or not is irrelevant because as Eisai did with oncology, they are entering a market and therapeutic area they know nothing about nor have any expertise in. Once again Eisai is making flawed assumptions on the market potential and we all see how that has worked out in oncology. Shocker I know!