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Fat Limbaugh ratings crash

The tide has actually turned against Limbaugh and perhaps for the first time ever, I agree with BB: "Most Conservatives don't listen to his program."

LOL! Lots of babble from you as usual, but no effective refutation of what I said.

Smart people watch Fox and Rush is a game changer and continues to be a major influence on the political landscape.


Limbaugh's best radio days are behind him.

Even if true, that would be like saying after having won 15 majors, Jack Nicholas best golf days are behind him when he went on to win three more including his amazing win at the Masters. He's still going to be the number one, still going to be a huge influence and still be an icon in his field.

Correction: The company did not lose millions; they just didn't make as much as they did before. And the day that Rush taken is off the air is the day that someone else can fill 3 hours a day and generate anywhere near the revenue he does, or the day of his choosing.

It's really amazing how the liberals here are pwned in toto by Rush.
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The reality is that Rush is a game changer. He's made conservatism cool and it is more attractive to more young people than ever before. The tide is actually turning our way, not yours.

The FACTS, which as usual, you choose to ignore say otherwise.

The reality is that the comedian Limbaugh is becoming LESS attractive to young people:

The conservative radio host's ratings fell 27 percent in the key 25-54 demo in New York City, 31 percent in Houston-Galveston, 40 percent in Seattle-Tacoma, and 35 percent in Jacksonville, according to a selection of the March 29-April 25 Arbitron ratings provided by an industry source.


The real FACT is that Rush's ratings could probably fall 90% from here and he would still generate more revenue than all liberal radio hosts combined.
But keep imagining what you have to say means anything

The FACTS, which as usual, you choose to ignore say otherwise.

The reality is that the comedian Limbaugh is becoming LESS attractive to young people:

The conservative radio host's ratings fell 27 percent in the key 25-54 demo in New York City, 31 percent in Houston-Galveston, 40 percent in Seattle-Tacoma, and 35 percent in Jacksonville, according to a selection of the March 29-April 25 Arbitron ratings provided by an industry source.


You are cherry picking one data point, a favorite trick of you libtards.

I'm talking from the baseline of when Rush first began his show.

Ever heard of the "Rush babies"? They are people who have grown up listening to Rush and being profoundly influenced by him. There are millions of them and they will have a significant impact.

Now take your data point and run along now. I've humiliated you enough.

You are cherry picking one data point, a favorite trick of you libtards.

I'm talking from the baseline of when Rush first began his show.

Ever heard of the "Rush babies"? They are people who have grown up listening to Rush and being profoundly influenced by him. There are millions of them and they will have a significant impact.

Now take your data point and run along now. I've humiliated you enough.

Do you really believe the stuff you post here or are you just pretending?

Fatty is still on, but the company is losing millions as advertisers pull their ads and money. The arrogant assbag is a noxious as ever, but there is hope that conservaturds are wising up and abandoning the disgusting, vile, lying piece of shit known as Limburg. Of course he has to keep telling his lies to those idiot ditto heads who remain.


Monday, Politico's "media analyst" Dylan Byers's posted what at first glance looked like bad news for radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh, who has been the target of a boycott after apologizing for comments he made about about pay-for-my-birth-control crusader Sandra Fluke. Byer's headline reads: "Limbaugh takes post-Fluke ratings hit." According to Paul Bond's reporting at the Hollywood Reporter, there's only one problem with Byers' headline: it isn't true.


Monday, Politico's "media analyst" Dylan Byers's posted what at first glance looked like bad news for radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh, who has been the target of a boycott after apologizing for comments he made about about pay-for-my-birth-control crusader Sandra Fluke. Byer's headline reads: "Limbaugh takes post-Fluke ratings hit." According to Paul Bond's reporting at the Hollywood Reporter, there's only one problem with Byers' headline: it isn't true.


Gasp!! A liberal lying? Say it ain't so, Ho!

I just wonder why Libruhls aren't ever able to get their own "Rush" on the radio that is successful and is a widely listened to, syndicated radio show.

They have tried. Oh, they have sure tried. But for some reason, nobody will listen to their message. Deep down we all know why though, don't we? So they spend all their time and focus trying to bring Rush down (vs. having their own version of Rush) or trying to pass anti-free speech legislation (fairness doctrine) in order to silence him and those like him.

Seems like the only place Libruhls can get their message heard is by preaching to gullible teenagers in high school or college; and inept adults who have been told for generations the system is rigged against them; funded by taxpayer money and protected by the Unions of course.

I just wonder why Libruhls aren't ever able to get their own "Rush" on the radio that is successful and is a widely listened to, syndicated radio show.

They have tried. Oh, they have sure tried. But for some reason, nobody will listen to their message. Deep down we all know why though, don't we? So they spend all their time and focus trying to bring Rush down (vs. having their own version of Rush) or trying to pass anti-free speech legislation (fairness doctrine) in order to silence him and those like him.

Seems like the only place Libruhls can get their message heard is by preaching to gullible teenagers in high school or college; and inept adults who have been told for generations the system is rigged against them; funded by taxpayer money and protected by the Unions of course.
Don't they do the same thing with religion?

If Fat Limbaugh survives another year in radio..it'll be a miracle. The writing is on the wall.

Care to make a wager on that dude? The only way he doesn't survive, is if Barry wins again, and gets his FCC Thugs to take him off the air. That's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Re-education camps won't be far behind.

I just wonder why Libruhls aren't ever able to get their own "Rush" on the radio that is successful and is a widely listened to, syndicated radio show.

Because 'liberals', unlike cons, don't need a drug addled radio comedian such as Limbaugh to tell them how to think. It is a sad reflection on how the lemmings on the 'right' are led around by Limbaugh and actually believe what they hear on his show. It's safe to assume, from reading your threads and posts here, that you are one of those mindless drones who needs to be told how and what to think.