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Advertisers are Aborting Fat Limbaugh

Drip..drip is right. Looks like the beginning of the end for ole fatty. Bet he's gone within a month. I may get my Easter miracle afterall.:D

Gone where? If he leaves the AM dial, there is always satellite. But, he isn't going anywhere because the only thing that matters is ratings.

As someone who listens to his show, every single advertiser that you guys claim has "left", I have never heard advertise on his show. I have never heard Allstate. I have never heard McDonalds advertise. I have never heard many of the others.

They are just making token announcements that mean absolutely nothing and being uninformed liberals, you suck it up like pablum.

Now stop embarrassing yourself.

Show me one post where ANYONE says they get their talking points from Rush. I want to see the exact quotes. Not your liberal "interpretation".

Yep. . . That's my 'interpretation' - Deal with it.

If you find a quote of me saying that, then I will leave CP for good. If you don't, then you leave CP for good.

I wouldn't want you to leave - It's fun to have you here to smack around like an online pinata.

Ready? Go!

You are really sucking at this.

I know that you aren't very good at this, but I do expect you to be better than you have been.


Gone where? If he leaves the AM dial, there is always satellite. But, he isn't going anywhere because the only thing that matters is ratings.

As someone who listens to his show, every single advertiser that you guys claim has "left", I have never heard advertise on his show. I have never heard Allstate. I have never heard McDonalds advertise. I have never heard many of the others.

They are just making token announcements that mean absolutely nothing and being uninformed liberals, you suck it up like pablum.

Now stop embarrassing yourself.

If enough Republicans turn against him, he'll be gone..ratings or not.

You are delusional. Nobody is turning their back on him. Republicans in Congress? Hell, he bashes them. Of course you wouldn't know that because all you know about what he says is from MediaMatters so your opinion doesn't matter.

Rush is just fine.

Yeah..we'll see. BTW, I've listened to Rush for decades...but I can only tolerate about 5 minutes max and it's just to find out the mindset and latest from the right. Gotta stay fair & balanced you know. :D

Well my interpretation is that you are an OWEbama ass kissing sycophant who would even sell out his own children to defend the big eared douchebag.

So says ILA, the misogynistic RP, who starts a thread each day dedicated to his hero - The drug addled, sex touring radio comedian Rush Limbaugh.

Living rent free inside ILA's empty head . . . .


So says ILA, the misogynistic RP, who starts a thread each day dedicated to his hero - The drug addled, sex touring radio comedian Rush Limbaugh.

Living rent free inside ILA's empty head . . . .



speaking of drug addled, sex touring folks, how is OWEdummyfucker doing in the polls? Got Sinclair?

and did I call it yesterday when I predicted you would start reusing the "I live rent free inside your head" comment?

You haven't used it in forever and as soon as you see me do it, you break it back out like a little copy cat.


I so own you. Hell, it will take you all of 50 seconds to respond to this post. You can't help yourself. That is how much I own you.

Toodles, I have to go make some money. Now go drop some samples.



speaking of drug addled, sex touring folks, how is OWEdummyfucker doing in the polls? Got Sinclair?

and did I call it yesterday when I predicted you would start reusing the "I live rent free inside your head" comment?

You haven't used it in forever and as soon as you see me do it, you break it back out like a little copy cat.


I so own you. Hell, it will take you all of 50 seconds to respond to this post. You can't help yourself. That is how much I own you.

Toodles, I have to go make some money. Now go drop some samples.


WOW- You have some very serious emotional issues as evident from your above post. I guess getting cracked around each day all over this board has taken it's toll on what was 'left' of your lesser evolved mind.

Is there an adult there at your house that you can talk to?

And, sorry, I like women - You can stick with your boy Rush.

WOW- You have some very serious emotional issues as evident from your above post. I guess getting cracked around each day all over this board has taken it's toll on what was 'left' of your lesser evolved mind.

Is there an adult there at your house that you can talk to?

And, sorry, I like women - You can stick with your boy Rush.

BTW, when did you pull your "flamer" posts ;)

When checking out at the Cafe Pharma Store, I heard a cashier ask . . .

Would you like plastic, paper or ILA?


Haven't been a Rush listener for at least fifteen years. I'm betting that a huge percentage of his listeners is liberals looking for ammunition they can use in their phony outrage.

I would also bet that the lefty scum-sucking knee-jerk bottom feeder networks have at least one FTE whose job is to listen to conservative radio talk shows.

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Haven't been a Rush listener for at least fifteen years. I'm betting that a huge percentage of his listeners is liberals looking for ammunition they can use in their phony outrage.

I would also bet that the lefty scum-sucking knee-jerk bottom feeder networks have at least one FTE whose job is to listen to conservative radio talk shows.
Huge percentage?? I highly doubt it.