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Fat Limbaugh ratings crash




Fatty is still on, but the company is losing millions as advertisers pull their ads and money. The arrogant assbag is a noxious as ever, but there is hope that conservaturds are wising up and abandoning the disgusting, vile, lying piece of shit known as Limburg. Of course he has to keep telling his lies to those idiot ditto heads who remain.


One can only hope that this is a continuing trend. The drug addled blowhard Limbaugh started this far rightwing echo chamber and has done more than anyone to polarize this nation. As long as weak minded people need someone to focus their hate, predjudice and bigotry, Limbaugh will have an audience . . . And as long as there are those who believe in equality, truth, and justice, he will have his critics. Like many of the con RP's here, the Comdian Limbaugh serves as useful idiot to remind people of just how far to the right the GOP has wandered off the reservation.


Fatty is still on, but the company is losing millions as advertisers pull their ads and money. The arrogant assbag is a noxious as ever, but there is hope that conservaturds are wising up and abandoning the disgusting, vile, lying piece of shit known as Limburg. Of course he has to keep telling his lies to those idiot ditto heads who remain.

I read your article, but was more taken by the volume of vulgar hate speech shown in the libtard comments that followed. Now I see where you get your vile hate speach. There must be a lot of you types out there that are unable to express yourselves with any degree of intellectual dignity.

Limbaugh has a net worth fifty percent higher than Mitt Romney.

His annual income is $37,000,000, plus bonuses.

In other words, he gets about. $20,000/hour, not including tips. If he gets up during a commercial break in his studio, and goes to take a piss, he gets paid $333.33 for shaking it. When lets go a flutterbluster, he makes $100.

He is four-years into an eight-year guaranteed contract. Advertisers are lining up out to the street trying to buy advertising time on his program. Do you really think he gives a shit if he loses a few?
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Nobody but the elderly fox news crowd wants to hear fatty's rantings anymore. He's not reaching the necessary demographic..he's done. Good riddance.

For your information, most Conservatives don't listen to his program. I don't. He has as many paranoid libbie listeners as he does Conservatives. He's laughing all the way to the bank.

Nobody but the elderly fox news crowd wants to hear fatty's rantings anymore. He's not reaching the necessary demographic..he's done. Good riddance.

Translation: The smart people listen to Rush and watch Fox.

Are you becoming a age bigot now like Surferdude?

The reality is that Rush is a game changer. He's made conservatism cool and it is more attractive to more young people than ever before. The tide is actually turning our way, not yours.

Limbaugh has a net worth fifty percent higher than Mitt Romney.

His annual income is $37,000,000, plus bonuses.

In other words, he gets about. $20,000/hour, not including tips. If he gets up during a commercial break in his studio, and goes to take a piss, he gets paid $333.33 for shaking it. When lets go a flutterbluster, he makes $100.

He is four-years into an eight-year guaranteed contract. Advertisers are lining up out to the street trying to buy advertising time on his program. Do you really think he gives a shit if he loses a few?

Sadly, I agree. Makes me sick, though. However, I am a believer in karma. Maybe Rush will come back as fecal matter. Wait, he already is....

Translation: The smart people listen to Rush and watch Fox.

Seems like something got lost in your 'translation':

A study showed that Fox News viewers are less informed that people who don't watch news at all.


The reality is that Rush is a game changer. He's made conservatism cool and it is more attractive to more young people than ever before.

The reality is that the comedian Limbaugh is LESS attractive to young people:

The conservative radio host's ratings fell 27 percent in the key 25-54 demo in New York City, 31 percent in Houston-Galveston, 40 percent in Seattle-Tacoma, and 35 percent in Jacksonville, according to a selection of the March 29-April 25 Arbitron ratings provided by an industry source.


The tide is actually turning our way, not yours.

The tide has actually turned against Limbaugh and perhaps for the first time ever, I agree with BB: "Most Conservatives don't listen to his program."

The tide has actually turned against Limbaugh and perhaps for the first time ever, I agree with BB: "Most Conservatives don't listen to his program."

Evidently I didn't make myself clear. The reason most conservatives don't listen to Limbaugh is that it comes on at a very inconvenient time.

In the middle of the day, Conservatives are busy making a living so they can pay taxes so that the ELF Moocher Parasites can sit and listen to the radio for three hours in the middle of the day. While they munch on the free government Doritos dipped in free government salsa.
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Evidently I didn't make myself clear. The reason most conservatives don't listen to Limbaugh is that it comes on at a very inconvenient time.

Whatever the reason, according to you, they still don't listen.

In the middle of the day, Conservatives are busy making a living so they can pay taxes so that the ELF Moocher Parasites can sit and listen to the radio for three hours in the middle of the day. While they munch on the free government Doritos dipped in free government salsa.

Limbaugh's best radio days are behind him.