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Farxiga CKD approval!!!

Welcome in the pod sales force. They say old reps can't change. I've seen old reps adapt to change. Never management.

Who cares. Marketing Dept will F this up just like they did for heart failure. Competitors will continue to outperform with less label claims.

that’s the way it is here. Marketing screws up good clinical and sales reps get brunt of the blame.

any lokelmo rep openings?

Coming out of these fast start meetings, with the mindset they want us to have, you would think they would provide enough samples to fight the fight.

I ran out a little more than halfway they the month. Begged DSM for more but their response was everyone is in the same boat. And the thing is, I am not sampling like a whore. Never are my counterparts. Don’t be cheap! A classic example of penny wise and pound foolish.

I am so sick of seeing all the Jardiance commercials and literally ZERO Farxiga. My God, even Kerendia is out there pushing CKD and that product is weak. Get off your asses and spend some money. BI/Lilly must be laughing their asses off. I know I would be if I worked for them.

You listening AG?

It’s not AG’s fault. It’s the JA above her. He’s poisoned the culture and no one wants to work for him. One marketing director just left and others are sure to follow.

Many of my docs are extremely sample sensitive. It just doesn’t make sense to allow lack of samples be the reason we lose out to BI.

You get it, I get it, most of the pharma world gets it. These marketing geniuses do not. Samples should be 3 to 4x what we get especially with our indication. BTW, I still have NOT seen the CKD ad on the tele. You guys buying airtime on the networks no one watches?

You get it, I get it, most of the pharma world gets it. These marketing geniuses do not. Samples should be 3 to 4x what we get especially with our indication. BTW, I still have NOT seen the CKD ad on the tele. You guys buying airtime on the networks no one watches?

in all fairness I have seen them on Fox News, CNN (Yes I watch both) and many stations that are the prime audience 50+ year olds watch. Think HDTV and Cooking shows

Give us samples!,! God almighty everyone in the district is already out. And no, we are NOT over-sampling. Ridiculous.

it really is quite ridiculous. Every month my manager is scrambling to find us more samples halfway into the month, this month alone, we have over half the team with zero Farxiga samples. Incredibly short sighted.

Love how marketing invest in nascar race by posting “farxiga” on lap counter. We will definitely get more scripts that way, who needs samples when you have all of those nascar fans calling their pcp today begging to be on farxiga!

And as usual, Jardiance samples falling out of orifices. We are getting it done in spite of these twits. Brand better wise up quick. Jardiance already pre-selling CKD.

Yeah, but they aren't supposed to. No fair!! :(

Well, it's 3/10 and I'm out of samples. BUT, getting 6 for a month what would you expect? Asked my manager for help and they said, the entire district is in a similar situation. Yes I know you geniuses have come up with spreadsheets showing we aren't allocating them to the right people. Are you that stupid? Or just never spent a minute in territory?
I am not going to explain the why's behind sampling and why someone may show little activity (hint: large group practice, one sample closet) but just understand that your "strategy" is preventing more being WRITTEN. Fucking morons.

Have spoken to many reps from around the nation I know and everyone is in the same boat. So WTF? What is the thought process of providing the SALES team so little resources? Is AZ looking to sell off the brand to the highest bidder and trying to keep the bottom line # looking really good? That is the only thing I can think of. If that isn’t the case, we have some really stupid people running the commercial side of the brand.

Well I am officially getting beat by Kerendia and the doc said that samples are a big reason. This is an awesome place to work!

not quite there yet but Jardiance has so many more samples in ALL my offices. I went into one of historically good Farxiga writers because they were dropping off on NBRX. Asked why based on our indications. The response was: 1) expected class effect and 2) I use samples on new starts and I have a lot more Jardiance.
Said he is out of Farxiga more than he has it. A real bad way to lose a RX and a real good way for a habit to develop for our competitors.

My God, took months to see an ad on TV for CKD. Just wait when you know who gets the indication. Every other damn commercial will be theirs.

Someone earlier mentioned selling off the brand. I am beginning to wonder. Otherwise, Can the marketing team really be that inept?

Decided to check out the sloppy seconds called Farxiga. You guys are so messed up. Top writers w/ no Farxiga samples in my territory. They complain about it and I just :D & say write the big J. Already chatting up the trial. You guys are so screwed!

#Lillyrules! :p

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