Farewell Fanapt


The NeuroPsych BU is coming to an abrupt end of the road.

EH weeks away from announcing the end of promotional efforts for Fananpt. Both the West and East RD's are currently interviewing and maneuvering for other posiitons.

The ASM's in the know are also jockeying for their next role, many outside of Novartis.

This was once such a great Business Unit. Poor decisions and ineffective leadership has lead us here. The current leadership team are too little too late.

Good Luck in your next role


Uh, they promoted clueless N4-N5 representatives that had NO clue what they were doing.

There is no way you can blame reps for the demise of Fanapt. It was ridiculous to acquire a drug in a crowded market that was being highly scrutinized by the FDA. May I also remind you of the constant shift in focus, poor messaging, inaccurate target lists. lack of clinical data, and an absolutely inept Senior Leadership Team (at the time of launch). There may have been a few reps who were not prepared for selling Fanapt, but your moronic statement over generalizes incorrectly.

Unfortunately the Neuro rep in my area wasn't a very ethical worker. 8 calls on a Neurologist who thought we weren't promoting EXP anymore...he stopped prescribing long ago. I started calling on him..and he is using EXP now... and become a top advocate... really this job isn't hard if you just get out there...and earn your keep!

The NeuroPsych BU is coming to an abrupt end of the road.

EH weeks away from announcing the end of promotional efforts for Fananpt. Both the West and East RD's are currently interviewing and maneuvering for other posiitons.

The ASM's in the know are also jockeying for their next role, many outside of Novartis.

This was once such a great Business Unit. Poor decisions and ineffective leadership has lead us here. The current leadership team are too little too late.

Good Luck in your next role

WTH are you smoking dude? There hasn't been an announcement about end of Fanapt. We are getting new products in this BU. I just came from Boston Manager's meeting. Don't be a prophet of doom. This BU is more than safe aafe

WTH are you smoking dude? There hasn't been an announcement about end of Fanapt. We are getting new products in this BU. I just came from Boston Manager's meeting. Don't be a prophet of doom. This BU is more than safe aafe

Oh mighty one, what new products did they sell you on this time? Do you call Exp a new one? or are you thinking about the pipeline that is suppose to deliver a fragile x sometime in 2015? or are you buying that they will be acquiring something new very soon? Oh please,
If you think things are safe is more proof that dilusion is still alive and maybe if you took some fanapt yourself you would rid that dilusion into reality, putz !!!

The Speciality BU is waiting for several approvals for late 2013 & 2014. There is no guaranty that they get approved, especially given Novartis's track record of disappointments.

Moreover, none of the drugs, not one, are NeuroPsych drugs. In other words, they will not be given to the NP sales force but instead generate a new sales force, of which we all could apply for, along with the rest of the company and public at large.

So yes, its true, the current NP field force will most certainly come to an end. And we both know that they will never come close to telling us the truth at a managers meeting.

Novartis is run by swiss bankers who's main goal is always the bottom line...profits. This drug is not profitable. 72mil for a FF of 230 Reps & managers along with Vanda & Titum getting 18% gross revenue per dollar.

If you haven't updated your resume and began to search, than you are a fool by any standard

Well, if they are going to disband the NP unit, it seems strange that they just today posted another NP position in my area.

The position may be posted but it will not be filled until further notice. No new hires prior to January which is next scheduled training, but now with latest news leadership is involved in re-evaluating the structure going forward. New info will be released when final decisions are made.

The position may be posted but it will not be filled until further notice. No new hires prior to January which is next scheduled training, but now with latest news leadership is involved in re-evaluating the structure going forward. New info will be released when final decisions are made.

I've been told next training class is in November.

There will be NO restructuring. Period! While we may not carry Fanapt the new drugs like Sero, the Psoriasis drug announced in Boston and co promotes with Neuros will keep the division alive. Those are the facts straight from Boston and Carol. Quit being so negative! This is the Specialty BU. if anyone is in danger it's Primary Care. This thread ends now!

There will be NO restructuring. Period! While we may not carry Fanapt the new drugs like Sero, the Psoriasis drug announced in Boston and co promotes with Neuros will keep the division alive. Those are the facts straight from Boston and Carol. Quit being so negative! This is the Specialty BU. if anyone is in danger it's Primary Care. This thread ends now!

First of all, I decide when the thread ends, and it certainly doesn't end now!! yes this is specialty, but it is broken down into different specialty units. I am sorry, but with no neuro-psych drugs to sell there is no neuro-psych division. Please don't tell people that the neuro-psych reps will be trained to sell drugs outside of their disease state. They tried this during the Fanapt launch and look where that got them.. They will not make the same mistake twice and hire people naive to whichever disease state is being launched, PERIOD !!!

First of all, I decide when the thread ends, and it certainly doesn't end now!! yes this is specialty, but it is broken down into different specialty units. I am sorry, but with no neuro-psych drugs to sell there is no neuro-psych division. Please don't tell people that the neuro-psych reps will be trained to sell drugs outside of their disease state. They tried this during the Fanapt launch and look where that got them.. They will not make the same mistake twice and hire people naive to whichever disease state is being launched, PERIOD !!!

My goodness you are an Idiot!!! Like they couldn't train us on a new disease state! Fucking idiot. The example you gave was when they promoted peeps from primary care. That is a different sale. But specialty sales is specialty sales it's specialty sales. Disease state can be learned. Now go lick your wounds and this thread is done!

There will be NO restructuring. Period! While we may not carry Fanapt the new drugs like Sero, the Psoriasis drug announced in Boston and co promotes with Neuros will keep the division alive. Those are the facts straight from Boston and Carol. Quit being so negative! This is the Specialty BU. if anyone is in danger it's Primary Care. This thread ends now!

I wish I had a dollar for every time senior leadership at Novartis told me "There is nothing to worry about, there is absolutely no discussions about downsizing being discussed at this time"

How many of us were in the middle of a training classes when we were first told there would be a downsizing the very next week.

Just because they are posting jobs and may/or may not be conducting training classes in November is no reason to believe we didn't just hit an iceberg.

Fanapt will not be a Novartis promoted drug in 2013!!!

Thats a FACT

My goodness you are an Idiot!!! Like they couldn't train us on a new disease state! Fucking idiot. The example you gave was when they promoted peeps from primary care. That is a different sale. But specialty sales is specialty sales it's specialty sales. Disease state can be learned. Now go lick your wounds and this thread is done!

Again, this thread is not done!! Yes, you can be trained on a new disease but that my friend does not give you the relationships, contacts, and experience to sell in a new arena, PERIOD!!
That is the whole point. Why did NVS hire all those outside people to sell Gilenya ?, Can I please have the answer, putz!!

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