Factual info regarding interviews and hiring for bydureon

DM on another contract - info is dead on. 60-70 is the range, Malibu is the car, Az is the training. This will be a challenging sell, but can make you $$; more reps than jobs, so don't bother whining for more money...you can be replaced. For me, I'm pulling in 97k with 11 reps- 18k less than my last gig, but hey - I have a job.

thanks for the info. I would like is ask one question. Would you feel comfortable rejecting all 3 candidates over a skype interview? I was put on speakerphone and conducted my interview with my own voice feeding back to me on a one second delay over the laptop speaker. Professional speakers struggle with this situation and wear headphones to prevent it. This was the worst performance on an interview I have ever had. It was very difficult to stay focused on my answers. I understand that the DM had family issues and couldn't make it to Dallas but for future reference, wearing headphones would enable the manager to get an accurate assessment of talent.


Someone above was correct - we don't verify past salary when doing employement checks, or performance. We just check that you actaully worked for the company, and the dates.

This is going to sound obvious, but when you do your background check, it's going to ask for your most recent employer - this is the employer that gets called for verification. If you do not want your current job contacted, you can pick any other job from the last 10 years to be verified to successfully pass the employement section of background. but DO NOT put your current employer, and then call screaming about how the background agency told your current employer that you got a new job. They can only verify what you tell them to verify.

A red light ticket won't fail you for driving - you need more than 2 moving violations in the last 12 months or more than 3 in the last 24 to be be flagged - unless it's a DUI/DWI which needs to be more than 5 years in the past, or if you currently have a suspended license for moving violations, that will get you tossed too. If it's a suspended license for parking tickets, it can be corrected, but you better get your licence reinstated fast.

Someone above was correct - we don't verify past salary when doing employement checks, or performance. We just check that you actaully worked for the company, and the dates.

This is going to sound obvious, but when you do your background check, it's going to ask for your most recent employer - this is the employer that gets called for verification. If you do not want your current job contacted, you can pick any other job from the last 10 years to be verified to successfully pass the employement section of background. but DO NOT put your current employer, and then call screaming about how the background agency told your current employer that you got a new job. They can only verify what you tell them to verify.

A red light ticket won't fail you for driving - you need more than 2 moving violations in the last 12 months or more than 3 in the last 24 to be be flagged - unless it's a DUI/DWI which needs to be more than 5 years in the past, or if you currently have a suspended license for moving violations, that will get you tossed too. If it's a suspended license for parking tickets, it can be corrected, but you better get your licence reinstated fast.

Tickets that anyone gets related to traffic cameras are considered non-moving violations.

Thanks for the answer to my red light question. No other violations, suspension or DUI - just the ticket (very expensive!) for stupidly entering the intersection after the light had turned yellow.

Very much appreciate your response.