Factual info regarding interviews and hiring for bydureon

skype guy here. Thanks. have done each of your suggestions. My point was that I think that the hiring DM did himself a disservice in that he cheated himself of the best person for the spot and should take my advice and use headphones or postpone interviews. This is America and we will not always be in a jobs recession. This country has recovered from worse situations. Not trying to get all Dr. Phil on you but work is similar is marriage. Its not how you treat each other in the best times, its how you treat people in tough times. Organizations who treat people well now will be better positioned for growth and retaining top people when labor mkts become competitive again. And they will, they always do.

original dm here. lots of non-sense being posted here. to the question regarding time lines. the first number of folks that were extended verbals and went thru the background checks went quick. a number of days. since then, there are a couple hundred checks that will slow the process down a bit b/c of sheer volume of people. once you sign off on everything and do the drug test, you are probably looking at a week (minimum) to get your official offer. hang in there. i know its stressful, but if you have made it this far, and there is nothing in your background that would be a red flag, it will all come in short order.

i did my drug test on friday and background info on fri, my written offer which came via fedex showed up this am. obviously within the offer it says its contingent on results of background check and drug test. does anyone know when our cars will actually be arriving? and just out of curosity what type of cars, there is no info in the offer letter about this. i was also wondering if we get reimbursed for cell phones and internet and what our budget will be for breakfast and lunches for the offices. thanks for the help

i did my drug test on friday and background info on fri, my written offer which came via fedex showed up this am. obviously within the offer it says its contingent on results of background check and drug test. does anyone know when our cars will actually be arriving? and just out of curosity what type of cars, there is no info in the offer letter about this. i was also wondering if we get reimbursed for cell phones and internet and what our budget will be for breakfast and lunches for the offices. thanks for the help

from the looks of your fat ass you dont need breakfast. Any you are now an official cso. Time to celebrate.

i did my drug test on friday and background info on fri, my written offer which came via fedex showed up this am. obviously within the offer it says its contingent on results of background check and drug test. does anyone know when our cars will actually be arriving? and just out of curosity what type of cars, there is no info in the offer letter about this. i was also wondering if we get reimbursed for cell phones and internet and what our budget will be for breakfast and lunches for the offices. thanks for the help

I received notice that I would be receiving a 2012 chevy malibu. From my email I received, it said delivery in 3-4 weeks (received last week). From past experience with Ventiv, the phone budget was $60 a month, internet $40 (I don't know if this is the case with this contract though). No idea on DME budget spending.

I got the Fed Ex last week and returned it on Thursday. Did drug test etc. Got an invitation to register for the national sales meeting this afternoon so things are looking promising. I have not heard anything about the company car though.

I got the Fed Ex last week and returned it on Thursday. Did drug test etc. Got an invitation to register for the national sales meeting this afternoon so things are looking promising. I have not heard anything about the company car though.

Great note about the meeting is great fly in/out times and no roommates! I hope it all works out!

DM -

Thanks for all of the info. Very much appreciated by tenured rep displaced after surviving 5 other rounds in big pharma co.

Question - red light ticket (due to camera in intersection and bad timing on my part) 2 years ago. Is that a disqualifier during background checks?