Factual info regarding interviews and hiring for bydureon


dm here. here's the deal. i know that it can be stressful going thru this process. forget all the bs you read throughout these silly boards. i will be straight up with you regarding the process.
all of the interviews have been completed. the only interviews that need to be done moving forward are for those territories that were already interviewed, and the dm passed on all of the candidates. period. those interviews will be done locally this upcoming week.
many of the candidates that saw an rd were extended a verbal offer. the rds have bonged a number of candidates that they felt were not a good fit (for whatever reason). just because you met with an rd does not mean that you will get the job.
if you met with an rd and have not yet received a call from the dm - you probably will not. it is not within the policies of inventiv to have dms follow up with ANY candidate that is not moving forward. too risky from a legal perspective. it is solely up to the recruiter to engage in that discussion. period.
if you received a verbal, and accepted, you were instructed to complete a form that authorizes the background checks, etc, to be conducted. those are moving forward and being done very quickly. many people that have secured positions have in fact received their written offer letters. fact.
all the stuff i read about training appears to be fairly accurate. 8 days total in phoenix. cant come home. off on sunday. combination of classroom training and launch meeting. no rep will be employed until 2/6 - and that is contingent upon approval.
regarding salary. don't believe all the non-sense that you read. the range is 60 - 70. thats it. there may be some that come in a bit under (if they were previously making 45 - then they will be a bit less) there may be an exeption or two over 70 - but that is very rare. there is NO adjustment made for NE or west coast vs midwest or south. all that stuff you read is bs. period.
lastly - if you interviewed already, and the dm has not called you yet - you did not get the position. i dont say that to be mean - but to just be square with you so you can mentally move forward. the pool of candidates that we interviewed was very strong. very strong. i can tell you this. for those that interviewed well, and have a good track record of success - even if you did not move forward for this position - we did instruct the recruiters to flag you as a candidate that would be a teriffic asset for other opportunities in the future. believe me - they look at and consider those recommendations for ALL contracts.
i rarely check this site b/c it is a bunch of non-sense usually - but if there are LEGIT questions - i will check on and off this week and give legit answers. please - no moronic questions like 'can i pick the color of my car?'. really? seriously?
best of luck to you all. its a tough market and i wish you all the very best.

thanks for the info. I would like is ask one question. Would you feel comfortable rejecting all 3 candidates over a skype interview? I was put on speakerphone and conducted my interview with my own voice feeding back to me on a one second delay over the laptop speaker. Professional speakers struggle with this situation and wear headphones to prevent it. This was the worst performance on an interview I have ever had. It was very difficult to stay focused on my answers. I understand that the DM had family issues and couldn't make it to Dallas but for future reference, wearing headphones would enable the manager to get an accurate assessment of talent.

To the DM - Do the candidates who met with an RD but not heard any news getting phone calls or letters to let them know that they are out of the running? It has been a week and just wondering if any final contact will be made.

Yes, thanks for the info. However, I'd be interested to know how one actually gets even a phone call from a Ventiv recruiter on one of these jobs. I have applied for a couple different Ventiv positions here. I have extensive sales experience in the diabetes segment, have been in this territory for years, have good relationships with the providers. Yet, I don't even get a call for a phone screen.

I hate to say it, but I wonder if maybe I have too much experience for Ventiv, i.e., they think because my last salary before I was laid off was over $100K that I would not be a motivated rep, or they can figure out my age and are discriminating on age. My Amylin rep even sent my resume to the DM and referred me on the system that was set up. But not a word.

Yes, thanks for the info. However, I'd be interested to know how one actually gets even a phone call from a Ventiv recruiter on one of these jobs. I have applied for a couple different Ventiv positions here. I have extensive sales experience in the diabetes segment, have been in this territory for years, have good relationships with the providers. Yet, I don't even get a call for a phone screen.

I hate to say it, but I wonder if maybe I have too much experience for Ventiv, i.e., they think because my last salary before I was laid off was over $100K that I would not be a motivated rep, or they can figure out my age and are discriminating on age. My Amylin rep even sent my resume to the DM and referred me on the system that was set up. But not a word.

Another DM here. Personally if the salary range is much less than what you had previously made regardless of experience I will not consider you. I have been open minded in the past and offered jobs to people for which the salary was 10-20K less. I explained my concerns during the interview process and they reassured me they would not leave and would be committed for the one year I asked. Shorty after training they take another job and resign. After being burned a few times I am not going there again. I'm not looking to be an ass but if you have been making a certain salary you will not be happy making much less and will continue to look.

Another DM here. Personally if the salary range is much less than what you had previously made regardless of experience I will not consider you. I have been open minded in the past and offered jobs to people for which the salary was 10-20K less. I explained my concerns during the interview process and they reassured me they would not leave and would be committed for the one year I asked. Shorty after training they take another job and resign. After being burned a few times I am not going there again. I'm not looking to be an ass but if you have been making a certain salary you will not be happy making much less and will continue to look.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I actually don't really need to make as much as I did before, understand that those days are likely gone, due to every major pharma seemingly laying off now, but I want to work in this field. I need to work maybe 5 more years before I retire.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I actually don't really need to make as much as I did before, understand that those days are likely gone, due to every major pharma seemingly laying off now, but I want to work in this field. I need to work maybe 5 more years before I retire.

I work on another ventiv contract, and was just reading this thread out of curiosity. I wanted to let you know that a number of reps who were making huge salary before and are serious about taking a lower paying job have just been saying that their previous salary was lower than it actually was. It is my understanding that when they confirm your previous employment the previous company is only able to say that you did or did not work for them. They are not able to say what your salary was. Some companies like Novo ask for your pay stubs when you interview, but that is pretty rare. You might just state that you were making less when you apply for your next gig. Even if you are looking at a direct hire position, most jobs are paying less than you used to make. Just a thought. Good luck.

original dm here. a couple things.
#1 I cant comment on how the recruiters do their jobs. there will always be folks that are highly qualified but slip thru the cracks. also - more often than not - to those that go on and on about having known this person, referred by that person, etc, etc, the reality is that most of the time we as hiring managers DO in fact get your resume. we check some of your history before we decide whether or not to bring you in for an interview. do you have ANY idea how many reps get resumes from people when they hear of an opening? thats right - tons of it. when you approach that rep and say 'hey - i saw that amylin is hiring - i think it would be awesome to be your partner. what do you think? will you forward my resume?' what do you think they will say???? a lot of times the person that referrs you also says - 'i think we can do better' etc etc. there is some reality for you.
#2 I am not concerned with those that made 90K in their last gig - unlike the other dm that responded. pharma has changed. we all work to support our families. its my job as a dm to create an environment and culture that has non-monetary value. i try to create a dynamic where reps actually think - 'its not all about the money. I love my dm. great team. great culture. maybe i shouldnt consider a move for a fw grand more.' that may be a pipe dream - but i will be honest. my teams typically perform and my people typically dont leave. i guess it depends on the dm.
#3 regarding the skype. i cannot speak to the decision that would have been made regarding the skype. perhaps you just werent the right fit? my suggestion is that you move on - contact the recruiter - thank them for the opportunity - and ask that for future opps you will be considered. let them know of the challenges that occured - and let them know that you would in the future, love to have a face to face. i empathize - tough spot - good luck
#4 to the guy that responded and brought up age discrimination - screw you. you are an ASS. i get so sick and tired of the douches on this sight that are so quick to bring up the 'barbies, age, race, etc'. its insulting. the reality is this. all of us as dms have recently hired someone in their 50s. all of us. you are so quick to bring up age discrimination and the reality is we did our homework on guys like you before you ever moved forward. we found out that offices dont like you, that you have a crappy work ethic, that your a problem regarding coaching, that your disorganized, that you have a sense or entitlement b/c youve been in the industry for 20+ years. etc. etc. etc. there is a reason that you are 40+. 50+, 60+ trying to get in touch with a recruiter you dont know, to post for a position where you have no contacts, etc. with all your age and your tenure - youre a knucklehead b/c you haven't effectively networked. you dont have strong relationships with reps throughout the industry. you dont know people or have people willing to recommend you. ITS YOU NOT US!!!
sorry to the rest of you for that rant. i think im a pretty good guy. trying to be transparent and honest and help. one thing that really gets to me are those that are just sooo quick to accuse their situation on discrimination. very insulting. sorry though.
will check back periodically to see if there are legit ?s i can help with.

New person to this thread. That was an interesting rant about age there DM. I have a friend who is a recruiter, and his clients specifically tell him they want them young. There is absolutely age discrimination out there. Career coaches teach you about how to take your college graduation date out of your resume and only focus on the last 10 years to shorten it. Why do you think that is?????? That said... I am over 50 and recently hired by a new company in pharma, so it is possible. I have another friend who is near 60 and hired last year. This is not the norm though. It is really important to talk in a forward looking way when interviewing. Companies don't want reps who will be comparing the new reality to the way it used to be. Many reps who have been around a while are unhappy with the new ways, and that can drag things down. People who are newer to the industry don't know how it used to be, so they are happier to be here. It is challenging to get a job right now, and very important not to get psyched out. I can't tell you how many jobs I applied to without even getting an interview. Then there were the ones I got the interview, but still not the job. Now I have a job, but it was not as easy as used to be, for sure. Keep the faith and find good people to talk to who aren't on Cafepharma, because they will kick the crap out of you here. Good luck to everyone looking.

As an outside observer to this, I do find it interesting that the appearance of an accusation of discrimination does not cause people to protest. Rather, suddenly a 50 something wants to chirp in and cry discrimination also. Here is my suggestion to both of you. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, in any way, shape, or form, contact an attorney. Until you present your case to your attorney, and they file suit, and a judge finds merit in proceeding with your accusation, then keep them to yorself. It is very unfortunate that you two cry discrimination, and candidly make insinuations of this toward the InVentiv recruiters and/or management team, yet do nothing about it. Until then, I choose to believe you were not discriminated against. You two are both irresponsible and unethical for making such claims without merit.

Thanks again to the DMs who replied here. It's good to hear such strong denials of any discrimination. It would make sense that for a contract position in particular, age should not be a factor at all, since they usually only run for one or two years anyway.

I do believe you need to be very careful about what some reps will say about another rep who has been in the territory for a long time. For one thing, some rep in the area might just not want to face competition from a candidate because they know the rep is effective. Also, any rep who has been actually trying to move market share with a product and not just sample drop is going to ruffle a couple feathers somewhere in the territory, and that often gets blown out of proportion. The rep might nevertheless be a good and effective rep.

Now, about 2 years ago, my wife, who is also over 50, started applying for some non-pharma jobs. She has both a BS and MS in Nutrition and is a very sharp person. When she applied for several positions, she indicated her college graduation date, which was in the 1970s, on her resume. Well, she never heard a word back on any of them, in spite of the fact that she appeared to be qualified. Fearing that she was being shut out because of her age, on subsequent applications she omitted her graduation date, as well as any information that would indicate her age, from her resume. Interestingly, she immediately heard back and obtained interviews and was hired for a position after interviewing. I know this is entirely anecdotal, but makes one wonder.

As an outside observer to this, I do find it interesting that the appearance of an accusation of discrimination does not cause people to protest. Rather, suddenly a 50 something wants to chirp in and cry discrimination also. Here is my suggestion to both of you. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, in any way, shape, or form, contact an attorney. Until you present your case to your attorney, and they file suit, and a judge finds merit in proceeding with your accusation, then keep them to yorself. It is very unfortunate that you two cry discrimination, and candidly make insinuations of this toward the InVentiv recruiters and/or management team, yet do nothing about it. Until then, I choose to believe you were not discriminated against. You two are both irresponsible and unethical for making such claims without merit.

Calm down there. I never said that Ventiv discriminated against me, and I never said my recruiter friend was from Ventiv. As a matter of fact, contract companies are the best place in pharma to get a good job as an older rep. I think the fact that you have never discriminated yourself is wonderful. I was talking about the job market in general, and the fact that if someone thinks their age could be an issue, they should blind their resume, and increase their chances of an interview. It's up to you, if you get the interview, to sell yourself regardless of what you think might be stacked against you age or otherwise. I was trying to make the first poster feel better that I had also not been called for many jobs I was qualified for, but eventually I got a job. If you want to say that there is no discrimination of any kind in the marketplace however, you are delusional.

As an outside observer to this, I do find it interesting that the appearance of an accusation of discrimination does not cause people to protest. Rather, suddenly a 50 something wants to chirp in and cry discrimination also. Here is my suggestion to both of you. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, in any way, shape, or form, contact an attorney. Until you present your case to your attorney, and they file suit, and a judge finds merit in proceeding with your accusation, then keep them to yorself. It is very unfortunate that you two cry discrimination, and candidly make insinuations of this toward the InVentiv recruiters and/or management team, yet do nothing about it. Until then, I choose to believe you were not discriminated against. You two are both irresponsible and unethical for making such claims without merit.

Kind of a prickish irresponsible attitude on your part.

This has always been an ideal to place to bitch and moan anonymously without risking personal reputation in the real world, to test the waters for others with similar experiences, to seek advice from others who claim similar problems or who have actually filed suits. Most who are unemployed and face discrimination of any sort lack the funds to hire attorneys in order to bring to light and fight said discrimination.

Age, sex, race, color, nationality, weight, degree of attractiveness(both to good looking as well as the lack of good looks, body, etc) discrimination occurs every day in every industry. I see no way to completely eliminate discrimination. Even using computers as the parameters are imput by people with prejudices, years of experience are required, eventually you must furnish a transcript which reveals date of graduation and possibly your birthday. Those who have personal preferences in hiring will find a way to discriminate against those not meeting their preferences in order to hire the preferred body type, sex, ethnicity, etc.....

Hey Eagle Scout - the thread was created to help give people answers regarding their status with interviews - not a thread to bitch and moan. Also - if you had any sort of knowledge of the things to which you speak, you would realize that attorneys do not charge clients fees in discrimination cases.
Here's the way it works scooter: client contacts attorney because they believe they have been discriminated against. Attorney accepts or rejects taking the case based on their opinion regarding its ability to win a settlement or court case. If attorney takes the case, they get paid only if and when their is a monetary award issued to the client.
Go take a peek at your merit badges and comment to the troop about how to make fire with one match. Other than that - get a clue and go away.

Very funny but true response to the Eagle guy. Hilarious! It's also interesting that he has posted over 2500 times over the past 5+ years. That's 500 posts per year. An average of one and a half posts per day, every day, over the past 5 years. Obviously this guy does need to get a life. If he spends 20 minutes per day reading and writing on cafe pharma over this 5 year period, that's over 100 hours per year. That's his entire vacation allotment every year just posting on cafe pharma. Wow. Dude - you really do need to get life!

Hey, Leave the eagle alone. We are all wasting our time here if you think about it. I also have never seen a thread that didn't go off the rails at some point. Bring it back to what you want. It's ok to acknowledge the elephant in the room (discrimination), and then move on to how we deal with it as individuals, and how we work not to get psyched out about it. Keeping positive is really tough in this environment, but hugely important. People are looking to contract who would never have considered it a few years ago. Dreams and goals are being reassessed. Have a little patience with each other.

Hey, Leave the eagle alone. We are all wasting our time here if you think about it. I also have never seen a thread that didn't go off the rails at some point. Bring it back to what you want. It's ok to acknowledge the elephant in the room (discrimination), and then move on to how we deal with it as individuals, and how we work not to get psyched out about it. Keeping positive is really tough in this environment, but hugely important. People are looking to contract who would never have considered it a few years ago. Dreams and goals are being reassessed. Have a little patience with each other.

Thanks, Oprah.