EXPOSED-Atlanta RD sends voice mail to Reps instead of DMs

I can't believe you all are tripping about a VM? I heard it. I have been a rep at Forest for 4 years and a rep at a previous company for 3 years before Forest. He is not a bad RD. I have had bad RDs. No one uses VM anymore anyway. We all text. He didn't say anything I haven't heard before. You all are funny. Scared over a VM?

He was saying not to assume you are ranked high when we dont have ranking reports. That's all. Work hard cause you don't know. That scared you? I bet you get nervous when Jerry walks in your room at the POA too, don't you?

I find the USA Today more interesting than corporate VMs anyway. The worst are from the brand teams. Text me if you want my attention. The real question is why dont we have ranking reports right now? Why cant Forest ever fix the RX Credit system.......ever? That's the issue. Not an RD VM about a subject you have heard a million times.

That VM was nothing. If that scared you, you probably are texting when you should be selling and you probably aren't working hard. You kids are so funny today. You got scared by a VM? Really?

Look around people, hardly anyone is getting fired. I don't know why you all are worried. Seriously, you thought he was gonna fire you because of a VM that you all have heard year after year from your own DMs? That VM was nothing. He even commented on the next one that he sent it by mistake and said the same thing again about the reports being delayed, I 337d that one too. Please. He is not the worst manager or RD we have seen down here. Think about it? At least he's fair. You thought that VM was scary?

You only get fired if you work in TN or SC right now, they have been told to clean house there. Why are your worried about a harmless VM from your RD anyway? If you aren't in the process you shouldn't be worried about anything. I'm surprised you checked VM? You know you hardly ever check VM anymore?

I don't think my DM even knows how to fire anyone. What is the VM number anyway? I can't even remember. Seriously.

I will take a Dan Wells VM anyday versus a Dan Berger VM. I thought it was fine.

It appears this thread was allegedly started by a 9 year rep. This is false. Why'd you lie bro? I know you are not a 9 year rep because no 9 year reps still listens to their RD's VMs!

You are a new rep and you still fear your RD. Wise up, RDs don't fire you, your DM does. Only be afraid of your RD if he's standing next to your DM at your storage unit. That's D-Day bro. Get your resume out.

VMs all the end the same way, 337. Who cares? I can't believe you all were offended by anything on VM. Who listens to VM? There wasn't anything in that you hadn't heard before.

At least he owned it. Honest mistake. I only listen to VM when he is recognizing me for kicking your all's @sses. LOL. I'm going to Rome baby!

It was harmless. BTW, 9 year reps don't listen to their RD's voice mails. You're on your new hire probation and it's going south, don't lie. Who listens to VM still?

Hey, McDonald's is always hiring.

The fucking perverbal cat is out of the bag thanks to Danny boy, the RD in the ATL. That dumbass sends a voicemail to the whole region explaining to the DM's how to scare the shit out of the reps. He said, "act like their numbers are horrible (since the data is delayed) and this will motivate/scare them into working harder; regardless of their actual numbers". "Use your serious voice inflection to make them really feel the sense of urgency". "This is how we will destroy the rest of the nation". Now I know most of the management BS is made up lies and threats, but I have never had direct evidence like this before. This is profound and speaks volumes. Dan the man exposed the whole corporate culture at Forest: THE REPS ARE SHIT and management has zero accountability, conscious or ability. Keep the reps. down and burn them the fuck out. All management here is immoral and no one cares. Don't think Brad is not aware of this either. If we only knew more of the shit they talk about us behind our backs. Shame on all of you management cowards, your nothing more than ball sucking puppets.

p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!

If this is true, this is by FAR the funniest thing i have ever read on cp. Priceless. This is Forest to a "t"

In the message DW the told the managers to use, "voice inflection" to make us understand we suck. I will never take my managers, "fake drama" serious again. And I hate you for everytime you have done this in the past.

I have an interview with Forrest in a week in FLA? What is the starting salary for a prior pharma rep vs. a rep that was B2B before?

Will Forrest match my last salary?

I could care less about VMs as long as I have a job.

I appreciate any help you can give me? Can't get an answer from thehiring DM yet?

Forest's salaries are better than they used to be now. They used to give more bonus, now the salary is higher but you make less in bonus.

What company did you come from?

I got layed off at Pfizer before Thanksgiving. I was a Specialty rep for the last five years, and with the company for ten.

I just need a job with any company right now. They are all the same. I used to gripe about my DM daily, now he and I text each other each day to see who has an interview. It''s funny I used to hate him, now he is on my resume as a reference.

I would appreciate any tips on interviewing with Forest?

I got layed off at Pfizer before Thanksgiving. I was a Specialty rep for the last five years, and with the company for ten.

I just need a job with any company right now. They are all the same. I used to gripe about my DM daily, now he and I text each other each day to see who has an interview. It''s funny I used to hate him, now he is on my resume as a reference.

I would appreciate any tips on interviewing with Forest?

They are not all the same. You will see if you make the worst decision of your life.

I have an interview with Forrest in a week in FLA? What is the starting salary for a prior pharma rep vs. a rep that was B2B before?

Will Forrest match my last salary?

I could care less about VMs as long as I have a job.

I appreciate any help you can give me? Can't get an answer from thehiring DM yet?

are you interviewing with Forrest or Forest? You may want to clarify that before sending anything in writing

second, FL is a trainwreck, the RD used to be a good guy, but then he turned like Vader

he has his minions doing his dirty work... drink enough kool-aid and he gets you to sell your soul

watch out for North FL, the "new" DM, she is a backstabbing robot

and a contract force... wonder what that means? company is DONE

Note to all DMs that posted above. Quit trying to sweep this shit under the rug and change the subject. Dan is a decent guy, but he could give a shit less about any of us! These guys are so hung up on PC PC PC that they forget that actual people work for them. People that have families, homes, STRESS! Quit this type of crap and just help us sell without all this bullshit! A manager is supposed to motivate, develope skills and help improve a reps strengths. Dan's VM is just a taste of what the country is moving towards. A "scare them and they will work harder" approach. It only makes reps work hard at finding another job. As reps we are not afraid of feedback, we are not perfect, but don't tell us shit like this to get us to work harder...give us tools and actually do your job! A 2yr old can tell someone they suck and they better improve, it takes a good manager to actually help them do so.
So, DMs...quit your stupid little games that RDs tell you to do, grow a set, and HELP your reps do better, don't sit back and insult us!

I have an interview with Forrest in a week in FLA? What is the starting salary for a prior pharma rep vs. a rep that was B2B before?

Will Forrest match my last salary?

I could care less about VMs as long as I have a job.

I appreciate any help you can give me? Can't get an answer from thehiring DM yet?

Forest will not match your salary. Also, big dog BS in southeast doesn't like prior pharma experience and your chances of getting a legitimate shot are low.

Forest doesn't value relationships in any way either, negating any advantage you have by having prior physician relationships in a territory.

Last and not least. The entire Florida area is a joke. Stay away at all costs.

Note to all DMs that posted above. Quit trying to sweep this shit under the rug and change the subject. Dan is a decent guy, but he could give a shit less about any of us! These guys are so hung up on PC PC PC that they forget that actual people work for them. People that have families, homes, STRESS! Quit this type of crap and just help us sell without all this bullshit! A manager is supposed to motivate, develope skills and help improve a reps strengths. Dan's VM is just a taste of what the country is moving towards. A "scare them and they will work harder" approach. It only makes reps work hard at finding another job. As reps we are not afraid of feedback, we are not perfect, but don't tell us shit like this to get us to work harder...give us tools and actually do your job! A 2yr old can tell someone they suck and they better improve, it takes a good manager to actually help them do so.
So, DMs...quit your stupid little games that RDs tell you to do, grow a set, and HELP your reps do better, don't sit back and insult us!

Best post EVER on this board.

10 year rep here. My dm told me that the rd thinks we are all stupid and to treat us like the children we are. She really struggles with this b/c she knows it is wrong but has a family to support. But when the rd says to give LOC's she makes up shit and exaggerates exactly in line with the FOREST plan. What a horrible existance to know your morally wrong, but to "have" to do it anyways. No wonder these dm's and rd's have such bad personallity problems....they hate themselves. This is one F***ed up company!!!!

Agree with this one too!

I don't get it?

A sales job is to sell. Let's all sell. President's Club is the big prize at Forest. I want to win it every year. That's why I stay. I love getting on here to hear all the "graffitti on the bathroom wall," just like the next guy. You all have more time than I do that's all I can say. Some of you all type stuff on here after midnight, that's amazing to me.

I have been in this Company a long time. If you all got scared by that VM from DW that was that simple and basic, I hate to think what you all would have made out of one of Dan Young's heart stopping VMs from ten years ago? He would have had you all in an uproar and you would have been carrying your resumes around with you! Many of you all would not have made it past your first six months. We didn't have text, so all communication was VM back then.

If you all would just win PC once you'd see what all the fuss is about. I get it why you don't get it.

You kids better grow up and put your sharpies away and focus on selling. Forest is about to hire 300 hungry adults that have been short on money for awhile now with the Contract Sales Force. They are coming here being told they can have full time jobs after six months if they work hard and put up good numbers. They're prior pharma, they've had the same training you had, and their kids are hungry.

Whose job do you think they are gonna be gunning for on day one? You kids today crack me up. As soon as they find out you are on LOW, they are gonna be after your job like sharks in the water.
