The fucking perverbal cat is out of the bag thanks to Danny boy, the RD in the ATL. That dumbass sends a voicemail to the whole region explaining to the DM's how to scare the shit out of the reps. He said, "act like their numbers are horrible (since the data is delayed) and this will motivate/scare them into working harder; regardless of their actual numbers". "Use your serious voice inflection to make them really feel the sense of urgency". "This is how we will destroy the rest of the nation". Now I know most of the management BS is made up lies and threats, but I have never had direct evidence like this before. This is profound and speaks volumes. Dan the man exposed the whole corporate culture at Forest: THE REPS ARE SHIT and management has zero accountability, conscious or ability. Keep the reps. down and burn them the fuck out. All management here is immoral and no one cares. Don't think Brad is not aware of this either. If we only knew more of the shit they talk about us behind our backs. Shame on all of you management cowards, your nothing more than ball sucking puppets.
p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!
p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!