EXPOSED-Atlanta RD sends voice mail to Reps instead of DMs


The fucking perverbal cat is out of the bag thanks to Danny boy, the RD in the ATL. That dumbass sends a voicemail to the whole region explaining to the DM's how to scare the shit out of the reps. He said, "act like their numbers are horrible (since the data is delayed) and this will motivate/scare them into working harder; regardless of their actual numbers". "Use your serious voice inflection to make them really feel the sense of urgency". "This is how we will destroy the rest of the nation". Now I know most of the management BS is made up lies and threats, but I have never had direct evidence like this before. This is profound and speaks volumes. Dan the man exposed the whole corporate culture at Forest: THE REPS ARE SHIT and management has zero accountability, conscious or ability. Keep the reps. down and burn them the fuck out. All management here is immoral and no one cares. Don't think Brad is not aware of this either. If we only knew more of the shit they talk about us behind our backs. Shame on all of you management cowards, your nothing more than ball sucking puppets.

p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!

The fucking perverbal cat is out of the bag thanks to Danny boy, the RD in the ATL. That dumbass sends a voicemail to the whole region explaining to the DM's how to scare the shit out of the reps. He said, "act like their numbers are horrible (since the data is delayed) and this will motivate/scare them into working harder; regardless of their actual numbers". "Use your serious voice inflection to make them really feel the sense of urgency". "This is how we will destroy the rest of the nation". Now I know most of the management BS is made up lies and threats, but I have never had direct evidence like this before. This is profound and speaks volumes. Dan the man exposed the whole corporate culture at Forest: THE REPS ARE SHIT and management has zero accountability, conscious or ability. Keep the reps. down and burn them the fuck out. All management here is immoral and no one cares. Don't think Brad is not aware of this either. If we only knew more of the shit they talk about us behind our backs. Shame on all of you management cowards, your nothing more than ball sucking puppets.

p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!

Please let this be true and please please post this voicemail on YouTube. Please.

The fucking perverbal cat is out of the bag thanks to Danny boy, the RD in the ATL. That dumbass sends a voicemail to the whole region explaining to the DM's how to scare the shit out of the reps. He said, "act like their numbers are horrible (since the data is delayed) and this will motivate/scare them into working harder; regardless of their actual numbers". "Use your serious voice inflection to make them really feel the sense of urgency". "This is how we will destroy the rest of the nation". Now I know most of the management BS is made up lies and threats, but I have never had direct evidence like this before. This is profound and speaks volumes. Dan the man exposed the whole corporate culture at Forest: THE REPS ARE SHIT and management has zero accountability, conscious or ability. Keep the reps. down and burn them the fuck out. All management here is immoral and no one cares. Don't think Brad is not aware of this either. If we only knew more of the shit they talk about us behind our backs. Shame on all of you management cowards, your nothing more than ball sucking puppets.

p.s. Hey Einstein, that aint how your motivate people!!!


Not surprised and am glad mgt has been exposed. It's no secret that they try to motivate through harrassment, bullying, and wearing down reps. And yes, they take no responsibilty for anything that is going on in the territory. The typical move is to blame one rep and run them out and then move on to the next rep. It is the AMO for the entire company, HR doesn't give a damn. Just ask Tommy the RD for NC...oops that's right he was asked to step down! Ask some of his puppet mgrs like Steve Patterson...oops that's right he was "promoted" or conveniently removed from mgt because he is an HR nightmare!

Not surprised and am glad mgt has been exposed. It's no secret that they try to motivate through harrassment, bullying, and wearing down reps. And yes, they take no responsibilty for anything that is going on in the territory. The typical move is to blame one rep and run them out and then move on to the next rep. It is the AMO for the entire company, HR doesn't give a damn. Just ask Tommy the RD for NC...oops that's right he was asked to step down! Ask some of his puppet mgrs like Steve Patterson...oops that's right he was "promoted" or conveniently removed from mgt because he is an HR nightmare!

How about that english idiot Neil from NC. Talk about out of control harassment.

Hey OP. This thread should have 40 comments by now. If you can post this anonymously on YouTube you should do it. It is about time that these useless RDs get called on their shit. Now you know how your RD and DM truly feel about you. You almost have to be a sociopath to want to get into management.

Class action lawsuit for hostile work environment should be initiated. A labor attorney would have a field day with that recording. I've been here 9 years, and I have never seen it this bad. This place sucks.

10 year rep here. My dm told me that the rd thinks we are all stupid and to treat us like the children we are. She really struggles with this b/c she knows it is wrong but has a family to support. But when the rd says to give LOC's she makes up shit and exaggerates exactly in line with the FOREST plan. What a horrible existance to know your morally wrong, but to "have" to do it anyways. No wonder these dm's and rd's have such bad personallity problems....they hate themselves. This is one F***ed up company!!!!

PLEASE!!!!!!!post this to You Tube.....PLEASE for the love of God! Add Brown in KY to the list, that guy is way worse than DW. He doesn't care about anyone, he is all about himself and throwing his reps to the curb. His greed is unmatchable and his kiss ass DMs are too afraid to stand up to him. This is getting out of hand. HR...please do something about this!

Looks like this management behavior is nationwide. Corporate gives these asshats way, way too much authority without consequences. But looking at the threads the biggest problem is clearly in the Southeast area. WTF is going on with here?

It is everywhere - not just the south - there arent enough people in the northeast under SP, the abd, Tom, or Scott to complain.....all of the tenure has already been through the letter process and either driven out or fired....with more to come.

Long time employee here. The culture of this company is sooooooo far from what it was in the 90's it isn't funny. Change in culture came as marketing and EH took over. As soon as RD and ABD's lost control of putting the POA together things began to decline. EH has pushed POA's down people's throats for 10+ years and the power of the field management team has declined the entire time. ABD's and RD's have no say. DM's are glorified HR people who work out of home and spit out lines given to them by NY. Old RD's used to tell us how they were called into meeting to give input and help formulate POA's. Opinions from the field mattered, and their was enough respect to actually have a comment flow from rep to DM to RD and make a difference. Now - forget about! The CIA has not helped - individualism is so taboo it could cost you your job.

The results: have the Daliresp, Teflaro, and Viibrid, launches gone?

As far as ranking employees - don't get your panties in a wad over that - it is one of the oldest management tools in the books. But what is new is the fear DM's have of sharing their observations and opinions IF they do not match up to the RD's or upper management.

Mr. Satow and Mr. Goodman would be sick if they knew how their salesforce was treated today. And oldtimes with sales roots like Lynch, Azzari, Devlin, and even Renner & Spivey (although not in NY they are long time ABD's they should have enough courage to speak up) must have a hard time looking themselves in the mirror. Why were YOU guys smart enough to give valuable input as a rep, DM, and RD but now nobody's opinion is worth a lick????