Experienced Reps Need Not Apply

Not the OP and you are correct. Downstream effects are the issue, expect your kids to never leave home. They have lived in falsehood seeing you at home all the time making 250k. Reality is your kids can get a PhD and still work at target these days. You are another example of the useless delislinger crowd.

One hint amigos, cuts don't have to come around the same time each year. Enjoy your 250k now, CC is completely over in 2019, kaput. I'm a band 6 so have eyes on everything, CC has got to go.
The lack of civility by these low lives is astounding. I can even remember earning such a meager compensation. I have secured over $350000 every year without fail by producing and not evading responsibility.
You clowns remind me of the peasant that carry's a large ham under her arm and bitchs that she hasn't a loaf of bread to eat it with.
Your firings are way over due!

Not the OP and you are correct. Downstream effects are the issue, expect your kids to never leave home. They have lived in falsehood seeing you at home all the time making 250k. Reality is your kids can get a PhD and still work at target these days. You are another example of the useless delislinger crowd.

One hint amigos, cuts don't have to come around the same time each year. Enjoy your 250k now, CC is completely over in 2019, kaput. I'm a band 6 so have eyes on everything, CC has got to go.
This guy/gal is an asshat, plain and simple. Probably divorced, hated by their kids, defines his/her life by their job.

Getting way off topic! Heading into the red zone where layoffs are being talked about. If you see an opening and are experienced, it still remains that you should not bother applying. You role the dice with layoffs coming, they will give you an extremely low offer if they sense you are desperate enough, or the CTLs won’t even bother with your resume because they’d rather have a cheap kid they can attempt to mold. Any way you slice it you lose as an experienced rep here now.

Getting way off topic! Heading into the red zone where layoffs are being talked about. If you see an opening and are experienced, it still remains that you should not bother applying. You role the dice with layoffs coming, they will give you an extremely low offer if they sense you are desperate enough, or the CTLs won’t even bother with your resume because they’d rather have a cheap kid they can attempt to mold. Any way you slice it you lose as an experienced rep here now.
Had a very interesting conference yesterday centered on the numerical level of the emerging downsizing. Surprised at the astronomically high levels!

This guy/gal is an asshat, plain and simple. Probably divorced, hated by their kids, defines his/her life by their job.
This is funny. Look in the mirror. You are married and live separate lives. There is nothing there. Your kids are on the spectrum. Good chance you are fat. You don't make 250k plus to fix it.

I do enjoy a great bowl of noodle soup while pon pricking the deli crowd / which by. the way are soon burnt toast. What a pleasure it will be when they are medieval history!
We up on the pinnacle of company largess enjoy making fun of the fools especially when observing antics at the year end meetings.
A very sorry Lott of misfits and peasant stock uneducated morons!

As we all laugh at you, moron

CC rep here, as I carve the turkey this year I will be thankful. Inside I know this is a farce of a job with a road to nowhere. I tell others how important my role is but it is truly a dogshit job a high schooler could do. Along with the bathrobe brigade (field managed care) turkey day marks the day most field employees stop working for the year. Merck knows a majority of calls this time of year are bogus. I feel like a do nothing who does nothing. Ah, the pathetic life of a CC lifer deli slinger.

CC rep here, as I carve the turkey this year I will be thankful. Inside I know this is a farce of a job with a road to nowhere. I tell others how important my role is but it is truly a dogshit job a high schooler could do. Along with the bathrobe brigade (field managed care) turkey day marks the day most field employees stop working for the year. Merck knows a majority of calls this time of year are bogus. I feel like a do nothing who does nothing. Ah, the pathetic life of a CC lifer deli slinger.

I agree 15x15 guy. Complete and utter Sh$tshow.

Why would anyone sign up for a once per year commission? I can’t get used to this. My district was exceeding plan for the first half of the year, then expectations were raised to unattainable levels. Now it looks like our payout will be garbage. Not much time to do anything about it now. And if I leave for another company before the end of the year I lose my entire commission. Even though it is a terrible payout it would be worse to get nothing. Plus the annual raises are based on your current salary(and how it compares to everyone else) rather than your performance. My CTL said it is based on where I fall on the scale. Simple logic tells me that I will never do better than the 1.4% I got this year. How encouraging to work harder. After New Year I am out of here!!

Why would anyone sign up for a once per year commission? I can’t get used to this. My district was exceeding plan for the first half of the year, then expectations were raised to unattainable levels. Now it looks like our payout will be garbage. Not much time to do anything about it now. And if I leave for another company before the end of the year I lose my entire commission. Even though it is a terrible payout it would be worse to get nothing. Plus the annual raises are based on your current salary(and how it compares to everyone else) rather than your performance. My CTL said it is based on where I fall on the scale. Simple logic tells me that I will never do better than the 1.4% I got this year. How encouraging to work harder. After New Year I am out of here!!

That’s why GSK reps are the bottom of the barrel outside your companies bubble - no sales, no credibility, not worth a damn