Experienced Reps Need Not Apply

My CTL is micromanaging our district as if she is trying to get us to quit. Bonus sucks, raises suck, no more promotions, more tactics by managers to make reps uncomfortable, and commission paid once a year. This place turned pretty bad very quick!!

Merck Oncology now allows for a 2 day work week since we are now 4 up in a territory with an OSKAM, a Nurse Educator, a Reimbursement Associate, a Reimbursement Manager, a CTL, an OMAD, an HSOMAD, an NAE , a specialist in bio-marker testing, DCO’s, a field trainer and a group of marketing talking heads that always want to tag along in the field because they can't stand to be around the leadership morons, and BC. Did I get all the stakeholders who want to glad hand all the customers?... Those customers who don't really even want to see one rep..... Oh shit, I forgot Managed Care pajama champions...

Merck Oncology now allows for a 2 day work week since we are now 4 up in a territory with an OSKAM, a Nurse Educator, a Reimbursement Associate, a Reimbursement Manager, a CTL, an OMAD, an HSOMAD, an NAE , a specialist in bio-marker testing, DCO’s, a field trainer and a group of marketing talking heads that always want to tag along in the field because they can't stand to be around the leadership morons, and BC. Did I get all the stakeholders who want to glad hand all the customers?... Those customers who don't really even want to see one rep..... Oh shit, I forgot Managed Care pajama champions...
With all of the redundancy why am I the only one the accumulates all the accolades? Easy I produce and succeed!!

With all of the redundancy why am I the only one the accumulates all the accolades? Easy I produce and succeed!!

No, you talk and produce nothing but a bag of wind. Everyone else does the work, you do shit, and ride on their coat tails. The drug sells itself. You’re a lightweight and a fool, as well as a fraud. Why is it you are the only one blowing your horn?
Never forget, what goes up must come down, and you will come down like the ton of shit that you are.

Merck Oncology now allows for a 2 day work week since we are now 4 up in a territory with an OSKAM, a Nurse Educator, a Reimbursement Associate, a Reimbursement Manager, a CTL, an OMAD, an HSOMAD, an NAE , a specialist in bio-marker testing, DCO’s, a field trainer and a group of marketing talking heads that always want to tag along in the field because they can't stand to be around the leadership morons, and BC. Did I get all the stakeholders who want to glad hand all the customers?... Those customers who don't really even want to see one rep..... Oh shit, I forgot Managed Care pajama champions...

What does Oncology division Pay? I heard base of 120k and total comp at 150-160K

Oncology is not paying as much as some of the other companies. We have too many reps here. It is a matter of time before we have layoffs. It is still the safest place to be at Merck. However the times are changing. We used to only hire reps with oncology experience. Lately I have noticed more reps with little or no experience here. I think they would rather have more quantity than quality.

The economy is fake, so just do what you love in life.

People at Merck are boring. The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt.

do you really want to spend your life doing this job? You are the laughingstock of most of your family, friends, and community.

Good luck !

The economy is fake, so just do what you love in life.

People at Merck are boring. The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt.

do you really want to spend your life doing this job? You are the laughingstock of most of your family, friends, and community.

Good luck !

People with assets think it is real. How stupid can they possibly be? Answer: Very Stupid.

People with assets think it is real. How stupid can they possibly be? Answer: Very Stupid.

Love it. Money is fake. Too bad so many people don't want to believe that, and mess up the collective consciousness of the enlightened ones.

Also, I have been in sales for about twenty years, fifteen in pharmaceuticals...

and the pharma reps were easily the most narcissist and foolish ones outside of the workplace. most are not self aware, and have money as their god. not too smart.

Hey bro! Did you forget your meds today?

Daddy, you leave late and arrive home early, what do you do? Son, I'm a CC delislinger. I load up the lesbo Subie wagon, get signatures and deliver food. I actually talk to 3 doctors per day and spout out messages for OLD products and one newer failing one. Son, it's junior kollege for you as pension ends in a few months and CC will end in the near future. Son, every day is so long and miserable as I sit in parking lots trying to buy time by chatting on my cell. I cannot believe I am a pc rep at this age, the only thing that keeps me going is my liquor cabinet each night.

Daddy, you leave late and arrive home early, what do you do? Son, I'm a CC delislinger. I load up the lesbo Subie wagon, get signatures and deliver food. I actually talk to 3 doctors per day and spout out messages for OLD products and one newer failing one. Son, it's junior kollege for you as pension ends in a few months and CC will end in the near future. Son, every day is so long and miserable as I sit in parking lots trying to buy time by chatting on my cell. I cannot believe I am a pc rep at this age, the only thing that keeps me going is my liquor cabinet each night.
Don't get down in the dumps, you have plenty of time to concentrate deli resources to last forever. Purchase prepaid deli cards for your kid so he can eat at community college and get control of your wife's spending crack down. Stock up on Popov's, Four Roses and Black Label beer keep the ethanol levels at 2.0 or higher

Best job on the planet. Do not tell anyone about it. Company car, great benefits, free food, so you chat a little during the day delivering information. Some want it, some don't but you get paid and it is the best gig.

Best job on the planet. Do not tell anyone about it. Company car, great benefits, free food, so you chat a little during the day delivering information. Some want it, some don't but you get paid and it is the best gig.

Wrong...It's the most seductive gig on the planet...Great money for doing little to nothing, but it seduces you into sloth, and you convince yourself you have a real career...

Once it ends, (and it always ends unless you sell your soul and get into management) you will be in a major hurt locker...Especially, if you are older...

Also, it takes a huge psychological toll on many who have the self awareness to realize they are wasting their lives...

Wrong...It's the most seductive gig on the planet...Great money for doing little to nothing, but it seduces you into sloth, and you convince yourself you have a real career...

Once it ends, (and it always ends unless you sell your soul and get into management) you will be in a major hurt locker...Especially, if you are older...

Also, it takes a huge psychological toll on many who have the self awareness to realize they are wasting their lives...
Dude, you seem jealous. I make 1/4 million a year +, working about 20 hours a week. How is being able to take care of my wife/kids wasting my life? What do you do that is so valuable to society, Einstein? My guess is you failed at this job, as you didn’t know how to actually sell, so now you are working in retail criticizing us...sorry sucker!

Dude, you seem jealous. I make 1/4 million a year +, working about 20 hours a week. How is being able to take care of my wife/kids wasting my life? What do you do that is so valuable to society, Einstein? My guess is you failed at this job, as you didn’t know how to actually sell, so now you are working in retail criticizing us...sorry sucker!

Not the OP and you are correct. Downstream effects are the issue, expect your kids to never leave home. They have lived in falsehood seeing you at home all the time making 250k. Reality is your kids can get a PhD and still work at target these days. You are another example of the useless delislinger crowd.

One hint amigos, cuts don't have to come around the same time each year. Enjoy your 250k now, CC is completely over in 2019, kaput. I'm a band 6 so have eyes on everything, CC has got to go.