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Experienced People dropping like flies in CV West

Better jobs elsewhere. Perhaps there is a lot of talk in that area about layoffs and people are anticipating this and getting out now.
Maybe because they are experienced they are commanding more money, just assuming layoffs are coming isn’t always the problem. Damn people like you just piss me off, stop spreading bullshit!!! If this is such hard times for the pharma companies why would they leave for another job if this industry is hurting. AZ has turned it around, strong profits, stock soaring, pipeline one of the best and continue growth and opportunity for years to come. In oncology, openings are being filled, people promoted, expansion plans moving forward, explain that my friend!

Here is the truth. 2 female managers in CA are absolutely nuts. One has run off most of her team with more wanting to leave. Another is friends with the Regional Manger but is crazy too. The Regional only hires his friends. The region is run with a sky is falling mentality and people are just sick of it all. Word to the wise, do not apply for any open spots in CV West.
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Here is the truth. 2 female managers in CA are absolutely nuts. One has run off most of her team with more wanting to leave. Another is friends with the Regional Manger but is crazy too. The Regional only hires his friends. The region is run with a sky is falling mentality and people are just sick of it all. Word to the wise, do not apply for any open spots in CV West.
That doesn't sound fun.

Maybe because they are experienced they are commanding more money, just assuming layoffs are coming isn’t always the problem. Damn people like you just piss me off, stop spreading bullshit!!! If this is such hard times for the pharma companies why would they leave for another job if this industry is hurting. AZ has turned it around, strong profits, stock soaring, pipeline one of the best and continue growth and opportunity for years to come. In oncology, openings are being filled, people promoted, expansion plans moving forward, explain that my friend!

First of all I don't know you and you are not my friend. Second....who said they were leaving for another pharma company? I simply gave a reason why someone may leave. You are very angry and need to relax.

Here is the truth. 2 female managers in CA are absolutely nuts. One has run off most of her team with more wanting to leave. Another is friends with the Regional Manger but is crazy too. The Regional only hires his friends. The region is run with a sky is falling mentality and people are just sick of it all. Word to the wise, do not apply for any open spots in CV West.
Tip of the iceberg but sums it up. It runs much deeper than that. Sure you could say it's the same all around CV nation but there are much better CBDs and DSMs in other regions. Not here. Not sure what LF saw in SW.

CV West is a nightmare and it’s mostly due to the CBD. He has a primary care mentality, only hires his friends, and encourages managers to micromanage their people. He is running CV West in to the ground and people are leaving or are very unhappy since he came on-board. More people will leave I have no doubt. His expectations are not aligned with the rest of the nation and not in a good way.

When are folks going to figure out they don’t care? Those who left know there is no future here in CV West. Three DSM openings and not one promotion from within the region. There were numerous qualified colleagues, but not one was selected. A third of the region is drinking the “kool-aid”, another third are looking to get out and the last third are waiting for packages or retire. We went from hospital reps to selling a diabetes drug.

You should expect things to get much worse in CV West. The new performance management is designed to squeeze the life out of the reps. GT and LH will in particular make things a living hell for their reps with the new model. The other managers will at least scale it back to keep their reps on board. Make no mistake, get out if you can. You will be sorry with the new model.

The new area director for the west, Jeff, was a regional in FL prior to being promoted. Dudes a whack job. Loves kiss asses. Will put great pressure on managers to produce enormous numbers. I don't envy any of you!

You should expect things to get much worse in CV West. The new performance management is designed to squeeze the life out of the reps. GT and LH will in particular make things a living hell for their reps with the new model. The other managers will at least scale it back to keep their reps on board. Make no mistake, get out if you can. You will be sorry with the new model.

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