
Out of a department of 70? At this point, it would make since to have a department of around 30. Keep the top performers and professionals with potential. IMO there has been to much focus on the size of the department that is needed as opposed to the quality of the reps hired. It takes time to build a cohesive team. When you hire a bunch of people at once you always have high turnover within 2 to 4 years.

Out of a department of 70? At this point, it would make since to have a department of around 30. Keep the top performers and professionals with potential. IMO there has been to much focus on the size of the department that is needed as opposed to the quality of the reps hired. It takes time to build a cohesive team. When you hire a bunch of people at once you always have high turnover within 2 to 4 years.
For the most part, the people that you would want to stay have voted with their feet. Add to that KM’s personal goal of a building a 100 person sales force to put on his resume you end up with territories shrunk to not be viable and people with bottom rung experience.

For the most part, the people that you would want to stay have voted with their feet. Add to that KM’s personal goal of a building a 100 person sales force to put on his resume you end up with territories shrunk to not be viable and people with bottom rung experience.

A disaster waiting to happen......No it's a disaster HAPPENING!