Exact Sciences is DOOMED!

This is not standard SEC or FDA language. CG was given a 5 year approval in 2015. This means starting year 3, 2018 they have to start submitting data on the efficacy of the test. I have spoken to over 100 GI's that said 75% of the CG tests are wrong! They get a lot of positives, go in for the colonoscopy and find nothing. They are not happy with the test and therefore more and more are not ordering it. CG is not here to stay. There are multiple tests on the way that will wipe out this test. There are several blood tests seeking FDA approval and 2 urine based tests seeking FDA approval. If these test get approval, CG will be gone. Give the patient a choice and they will choose urine, blood then stool in that order. CG was meant to be a 3-5 year test at best. Build up the volume and stock price and then dump the company. This is not a long term test. When the data is submitted later this year to the FDA, the approval may be pulled. The data will not back up the specificity and sensitivity. The test is just not all it promised to be!

You're wrong! Every GI I talk with uses CG and embraces the need for what we are doing. Are there other companies trying to bring a better test forward? Sure. Are we? Sure. That's not a threat. There is more to ES than CG. You wish us to fail but we are expanding and growing and here to stay. Sorry you are so determined to keep coming back to this page, but nobody believes you except the haters like you who want us to fail.

and your liquid biopsy test that's the closest? Their study was 600 patients in Taiwan. More than half had CRC... that is not close to an accurate study. Call me when they do a study of 10k+ of a typical population. If they started today on the 10K study, they are 3-4 years out from bringing the test to market.

No-one has been able to get a liquid biopsy with more sensitivity than in the mid 40's. It will happen one day and ES might be the company that does it. The race is on!

You're wrong! Every GI I talk with uses CG and embraces the need for what we are doing. Are there other companies trying to bring a better test forward? Sure. Are we? Sure. That's not a threat. There is more to ES than CG. You wish us to fail but we are expanding and growing and here to stay. Sorry you are so determined to keep coming back to this page, but nobody believes you except the haters like you who want us to fail.

and your liquid biopsy test that's the closest? Their study was 600 patients in Taiwan. More than half had CRC... that is not close to an accurate study. Call me when they do a study of 10k+ of a typical population. If they started today on the 10K study, they are 3-4 years out from bringing the test to market.

No-one has been able to get a liquid biopsy with more sensitivity than in the mid 40's. It will happen one day and ES might be the company that does it. The race is on!

Well then your GI's suck, because all the GI's I speak with, and my father and brother are GI's all say the test sucks and the S&S is not what is advertised. Too many false positives, but I guess that is why your GI's order it. They want more colonoscopy even if they are not needed. More money for them, especially if they own their own surgi-center! If all the GI's love it then why after 2 years on the market only 550k in tests. That # should be 2.5m if the test was worth it. It is not and tons of GI's are jumping ship.When your company submits the data to the FDA and they revoke the approval, I will be back to say I told you so. No go out and sell the sham test to the GI's junior and when you are unemployed in 1-2 years I will be laughing my ass off!

Well then your GI's suck, because all the GI's I speak with, and my father and brother are GI's all say the test sucks and the S&S is not what is advertised. Too many false positives, but I guess that is why your GI's order it. They want more colonoscopy even if they are not needed. More money for them, especially if they own their own surgi-center! If all the GI's love it then why after 2 years on the market only 550k in tests. That # should be 2.5m if the test was worth it. It is not and tons of GI's are jumping ship.When your company submits the data to the FDA and they revoke the approval, I will be back to say I told you so. No go out and sell the sham test to the GI's junior and when you are unemployed in 1-2 years I will be laughing my ass off!

GI’s don’t order screenings for crc, they perform the screening/diagnostic colonoscopy. CRC screenings are ordered/referred by primary care providers.

Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Well then your GI's suck, because all the GI's I speak with, and my father and brother are GI's all say the test sucks and the S&S is not what is advertised. Too many false positives, but I guess that is why your GI's order it. They want more colonoscopy even if they are not needed. More money for them, especially if they own their own surgi-center! If all the GI's love it then why after 2 years on the market only 550k in tests. That # should be 2.5m if the test was worth it. It is not and tons of GI's are jumping ship.When your company submits the data to the FDA and they revoke the approval, I will be back to say I told you so. No go out and sell the sham test to the GI's junior and when you are unemployed in 1-2 years I will be laughing my ass off!

When your dad and brother do scopes on 10,000 CG patients and you have real data on a typical patient population, then come back and try to prove your case. Until then STFU! You have no clue what you are talking about yet you come here again and again. WTF is wrong with you? Do you have a life?

You keep quoting this 2.5 million number... that's NEVER been the guidance. On the investor call today NOT ONE PERSON asked about that number. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!!!

You will be back whether the FDA revokes the approval or not... YOU CAN"T QUIT US!!!

You're wrong! Every GI I talk with uses CG and embraces the need for what we are doing. Are there other companies trying to bring a better test forward? Sure. Are we? Sure. That's not a threat. There is more to ES than CG. You wish us to fail but we are expanding and growing and here to stay. Sorry you are so determined to keep coming back to this page, but nobody believes you except the haters like you who want us to fail.

and your liquid biopsy test that's the closest? Their study was 600 patients in Taiwan. More than half had CRC... that is not close to an accurate study. Call me when they do a study of 10k+ of a typical population. If they started today on the 10K study, they are 3-4 years out from bringing the test to market.

No-one has been able to get a liquid biopsy with more sensitivity than in the mid 40's. It will happen one day and ES might be the company that does it. The race is on!

I moved on from this company to a stellar company. I was reading about several tests recently, not just liquid biopsy, that are slated to be better. Research it... may be early stage trials on a few but even inEurope they have budding crc screening/diagnosis tests almost completed. So this one will be another fish in the pond.. they will-have a good run but have several competitors- even against their proposed pipeline testing... best of luck but I tend to agree with the initial comment, not the one below, been experienced for 20 years in this industry.. never drink their kool-aid as its poison

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6042636"]You're wrong! Every GI I talk with uses CG and embraces the need for what we are doing. Are there other companies trying to bring a better test forward? Sure. Are we? Sure. That's not a threat. There is more to ES than CG. You wish us to fail but we are expanding and growing and here to stay. Sorry you are so determined to keep coming back to this page, but nobody believes you except the haters like you who want us to fail.

and your liquid biopsy test that's the closest? Their study was 600 patients in Taiwan. More than half had CRC... that is not close to an accurate study. Call me when they do a study of 10k+ of a typical population. If they started today on the 10K study, they are 3-4 years out from bringing the test to market.

No-one has been able to get a liquid biopsy with more sensitivity than in the mid 40's. It will happen one day and ES might be the company that does it. The race is on![/QUOTE]

GI’s don’t order screenings for crc, they perform the screening/diagnostic colonoscopy. CRC screenings are ordered/referred by primary care providers.

Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Really I am wrong. Go ask the GI's about the test. They say it may be the worst test on the market and question why the FIT is not ordered, as the results are about the same, but the cost is 90% lower for FIT. Also, go speak to a PCP that actually orders the test and then follows up with the GI about the results. Those PCP's hate the test. The lazy PCP who is just checking their HEDIS boxes, they love it. More payments for them by doing the screening for CRC. The problem is that the test is overpriced compared to other cheaper tests. The statistics are bearing this out. CG is not a good test. The only reason the damn thing was approved was because the Mayo Clinic is involved with it and they strong armed it through the FDA and CMS process with their connections. Everyone know that Mayo is such a bastion of quality care! (sarcasm noted) Mayo is probably 2nd to Keiser Permanante in being a private wing of CMS. CG will go down as one of the biggest scams in history, the owners of Exact will make a fortune when they sell it off to a sucker PE firm, the employees will get screwed, and the test will go on the scrap heap with countless other tests that make huge promises, but deliver nothing! You suck just like your sh*tty test! (pun intended)

Really I am wrong. Go ask the GI's about the test. They say it may be the worst test on the market and question why the FIT is not ordered, as the results are about the same, but the cost is 90% lower for FIT. Also, go speak to a PCP that actually orders the test and then follows up with the GI about the results. Those PCP's hate the test. The lazy PCP who is just checking their HEDIS boxes, they love it. More payments for them by doing the screening for CRC. The problem is that the test is overpriced compared to other cheaper tests. The statistics are bearing this out. CG is not a good test. The only reason the damn thing was approved was because the Mayo Clinic is involved with it and they strong armed it through the FDA and CMS process with their connections. Everyone know that Mayo is such a bastion of quality care! (sarcasm noted) Mayo is probably 2nd to Keiser Permanante in being a private wing of CMS. CG will go down as one of the biggest scams in history, the owners of Exact will make a fortune when they sell it off to a sucker PE firm, the employees will get screwed, and the test will go on the scrap heap with countless other tests that make huge promises, but deliver nothing! You suck just like your sh*tty test! (pun intended)

STFU! You are a crybaby. Just like I said...YOU CAN"T QUIT US! You will keep coming back to this page over and over... 110K providers have ordered and 98% provider satisfaction!!! You are a fool!!!

I moved on from this company to a stellar company. I was reading about several tests recently, not just liquid biopsy, that are slated to be better. Research it... may be early stage trials on a few but even inEurope they have budding crc screening/diagnosis tests almost completed. So this one will be another fish in the pond.. they will-have a good run but have several competitors- even against their proposed pipeline testing... best of luck but I tend to agree with the initial comment, not the one below, been experienced for 20 years in this industry.. never drink their kool-aid as its poison

Congrats on your stellar decision. On question though... Do you think someone of the caliber of Mark Stenhouse would leave a career to come to a company that is doomed??? Do any of you think he doesn't do his research in the industry before making a life altering decision like this??? Please.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6042636"]You're wrong! Every GI I talk with uses CG and embraces the need for what we are doing. Are there other companies trying to bring a better test forward? Sure. Are we? Sure. That's not a threat. There is more to ES than CG. You wish us to fail but we are expanding and growing and here to stay. Sorry you are so determined to keep coming back to this page, but nobody believes you except the haters like you who want us to fail.

and your liquid biopsy test that's the closest? Their study was 600 patients in Taiwan. More than half had CRC... that is not close to an accurate study. Call me when they do a study of 10k+ of a typical population. If they started today on the 10K study, they are 3-4 years out from bringing the test to market.

No-one has been able to get a liquid biopsy with more sensitivity than in the mid 40's. It will happen one day and ES might be the company that does it. The race is on!

STFU! You are a crybaby. Just like I said...YOU CAN"T QUIT US! You will keep coming back to this page over and over... 110K providers have ordered and 98% provider satisfaction!!! You are a fool!!!

110k providers ordered. They only ordered 5 tests per provider based on your numbers. % stinking tests per provider. That is so low it is laughable. They are so satisfied, that they only ordered 5 tests each? This test is doomed. You need at least 5 tests per week from the 110k providers just to break even. You are losing money so fast that a sale must happen soon. You can't keep trading at a 20x multiple of revenue. This is unheard of in the industry especially when the company has never turned a profit. A sale of the company must happen, but no lab will buy the company because the test sucks! The numbers you claim here and the numbers your company claim just to not add up. This will go down as one of the biggest scams in American history. Right up there with Enron and Bernie Madoff!

110k providers ordered. They only ordered 5 tests per provider based on your numbers. % stinking tests per provider. That is so low it is laughable. They are so satisfied, that they only ordered 5 tests each? This test is doomed. You need at least 5 tests per week from the 110k providers just to break even. You are losing money so fast that a sale must happen soon. You can't keep trading at a 20x multiple of revenue. This is unheard of in the industry especially when the company has never turned a profit. A sale of the company must happen, but no lab will buy the company because the test sucks! The numbers you claim here and the numbers your company claim just to not add up. This will go down as one of the biggest scams in American history. Right up there with Enron and Bernie Madoff!

I told you that you couldn't quit us, and here you are again... You're pathetic.

You really are pathetic... You really can't quit coming back here to post can you? Can you stay away for a week? 2 days? 2 hours?

Get a life!

I have a life. My life is shoring POS stocks like Exact and making a fortune. I come to these sites to get a read on how good a company is. Every time you respond you re feeding me information. I am more convinced of my short position now than ever. Thanks for making me more money bitch!

I have a life. My life is shoring POS stocks like Exact and making a fortune. I come to these sites to get a read on how good a company is. Every time you respond you re feeding me information. I am more convinced of my short position now than ever. Thanks for making me more money bitch!

Better learn to spell shorting

I have a life. My life is shoring POS stocks like Exact and making a fortune. I come to these sites to get a read on how good a company is. Every time you respond you re feeding me information. I am more convinced of my short position now than ever. Thanks for making me more money bitch!

You're so full of shit! EVERYONE who has "SHORTED" us has lost their ass! You can't eve lie good.

Thanks for proving what a scumbag you are! Go back under you're rock and try to act like a tough guy somewhere else douchebag.