Euflexxa will over take Synvisc

Don't engage with competititors trying to spread misinformation. They will throw the patient and medical practice under the bus to make $$. Stick with the science. Be grateful we do not have euflexxa in our bag.

You must be a new rep. Stick with the science. You do realize that they don't truly know how viscos works. It's all implied and suggested. Ok let's stick to evidence based medicine. There are a ton of articles that show pseudo septic reactions associated with Synvisc. As a matter of fact studies also show the rates increase after multiple series.. I sold it for years and while I only saw a few (firsthand) and they were bad I was told from many Synvisc loyal physicians that it does occur and it makes them nervous. That is why they started using other viscos as well. As a former pusher of this chicken juice I will say although it works it's not worth the potential reactions. Also I refuse to feed into such a greedy as company. All the years of jacking the price up to loyal customers made me sick. Give me the other sh*t all at once. I've seen it done a bunch of times and it works just as well. How's that for your single injection?

Don't engage with competititors trying to spread misinformation. They will throw the patient and medical practice under the bus to make $$. Stick with the science. Be grateful we do not have euflexxa in our bag.

The reason Euflexxa will "over take" Synvisc is that Ferring is willing to drop their shorts with the payers.

The reason for the "pseudo-septic" (God, i HATE that "term") reactions is simple. It is because the Hylan B actually "balls up". I'll bet not ONE of you has opened enough Synvisc syringes to see it happen. It actually feels like little pellets within the fluid when you roll it between your fingers.

You are all idiots because you don't KNOW the real science....and there IS real science behind these products.

You reps are idiots! Unless you have all "Actually" had the injections all you have is some os the data for your products. I have had the synvist one injections in both knees for about 2 years now. The first shot seemed to work pretty good for four months. Second set of shot lasted about 3 months, The third and forth set have had NO effect at all!

-Here is the "data" you really need.....worked at first then not at all. After the third and forth set of injections both of my knees became swollen to the point that I couldn't hardly walk at all for about 3-4 weeks.

Get over yourselves and grow up!

So based on your personal study (n=1) every person is expected to respond the way you did? Oh, now I get it. Clinical trials are garbage unless they involve you and only you.

Hey stupid quick tip, trials are gauged on patient response not random rep opinions. You should post your name so people will know to never take you seriously.

You reps are idiots! Unless you have all "Actually" had the injections all you have is some os the data for your products. I have had the synvist one injections in both knees for about 2 years now. The first shot seemed to work pretty good for four months. Second set of shot lasted about 3 months, The third and forth set have had NO effect at all!

-Here is the "data" you really need.....worked at first then not at all. After the third and forth set of injections both of my knees became swollen to the point that I couldn't hardly walk at all for about 3-4 weeks.

Get over yourselves and grow up!

You reps are idiots! Unless you have all "Actually" had the injections all you have is some os the data for your products. I have had the synvist one injections in both knees for about 2 years now. The first shot seemed to work pretty good for four months. Second set of shot lasted about 3 months, The third and forth set have had NO effect at all!

-Here is the "data" you really need.....worked at first then not at all. After the third and forth set of injections both of my knees became swollen to the point that I couldn't hardly walk at all for about 3-4 weeks.

Get over yourselves and grow up!


Reading this was quite amusing. I am not a rep for either company but am in the industry. As a distributor I would just like to say that pharmaceutical companes are evil. You charge outrageous amounts to U.S. patients while Canadian patients can get the exact same thing for a fraction of the cost. Then you bullied doctors and went on a scare campaign to make them think they were breaking the law to bring in your DEVICE from Canada. You change your paackage inserts just enough to make it "illegal" to use in the U.S. even though it is the EXACT SAME PRODUCT! I don't know how you all sleep at night knowing that the cost of manufacturing it is so low. What is your profit percentage? 1000% ?

They are breaking the law if they bill Medicare for the hair gel bullshit you Canadian snake oil salesman you guys are selling. This is a chop shop C-pharmacy troll posting. It is illegal. But our profit percentage is bigger than your snake oil shop. If you want to be able to sell something here in the US, go create your own product. Don't be pissed at us just because we don't give the shit away.

Hi, interesting conversation. I am needing two things: references to the half-life for any form of hyaluronic acid injected into human joints, written prior to 2005. Also, I'm needing evidence of someone injecting more than one injection of hyaluronic acid (any brand) into one joint at one time. For example, into the left side and the right side of the same knee. Again, prior to 2005. It can be an article, conference note, discussion, anything. My email addy is Thanks!

You reps are idiots! Unless you have all "Actually" had the injections all you have is some os the data for your products. I have had the synvist one injections in both knees for about 2 years now. The first shot seemed to work pretty good for four months. Second set of shot lasted about 3 months, The third and forth set have had NO effect at all!

-Here is the "data" you really need.....worked at first then not at all. After the third and forth set of injections both of my knees became swollen to the point that I couldn't hardly walk at all for about 3-4 weeks.

Get over yourselves and grow up!

That is because your OA progressed. Not necessarily because of product failure. There are some physicians out there that don't realize NONE of the viscos work in Grade 4 OA. And if your doctor waited until you were this bad to use a visco and is still expecting results, you need to switch doctors.

From this thread on 2/3/2011...
"I think you're giving that poster a little too much benefit of the doubt. He said, "Ass wipe, Genzyme doesnt have to report adverse events because its a myth that you created." Along with his cursing and frothing (and complete disregard for the proper use of an apostrophe), he specifically said that Genzyme doesn't have to report adverse events..."

And then...
You must have some life trolling around on another company's board trying to stir sh*t up. So if you must keep crying because no one cares.

And then...
From the FDA's Medical Device Reporting guidelines..."The term “become aware” is defined in 21 CFR part 803.3 as meaning that an employee of the entity required to report has acquired information reasonably suggesting a reportable adverse event has occurred…. Comments on these final regulations (Dec 11, 1995) read: “FDA believes that manufacturers have a direct responsibility to inform employees to immediately forward adverse event information to the appropriate person appointed by those entities to submit MDR reports. Accordingly, FDA generally considers that a manufacturer becomes aware of an adverse event whenever any employee becomes aware of an adverse event.”"

When you say "no one cares", who exactly do you mean?

And then...
Jan 10 (Reuters) - A man who says he was paralyzed by a Medtronic Inc pain pump can pursue a state-law claim against the company, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a unanimous en banc decision, revived a lawsuit against Medtronic, overturning a lower court ruling that had found that federal law blocked the claims.
The Stengels cited a 2007 warning letter that the FDA sent to Medtronic, stating that the company had concealed known risks.

I think the 9th Circuit cares, and maybe Genzyme should, too.

Euflexxa vs Synvisc

I am orthopedic surgery provider and I am amazed at the amount of nastiness and negativity being demonstrated on this board, I cannot believe that actual company reps would engage in this type of rhetoric. I use both synvisc and euflexxa on my patients, what works well for some may not work for others, no matter what the name of the product. Both of these are temporary measures, they usually all end up needing or getting a total knee replacement. What we use sometimes is actually based on what the insurance company will pay for, so it comes down to cost. So everybody needs to relax, because no one here is curing cancer.

Once you become a seasoned, wiser rep you will realize that 99.99% of your doctors DO NOT CARE which HA they are using, as long as it makes their office the most money. I.e., which has the best spread for insurance. In that way Euflexxa is hard to compete with with stock and bill. For specialty pharmacy, whichever is the easiest to use.
I will say the only ha some doctors don't actually like is synvisc due to flare-ups with patients ( pseudosep. reactions)

I have had a severe, adverse reaction to Euflexxa. First shot 11/4/15. sick, that night with fever, neck pain and swelling and muscle aches. 2nd. shot 11/12/15 - Extreme pain in my neck with swelling, high fever, the works in health problems. The doctor didn't give me the 3rd. shot because, as he said -he doesn't like coincidences - (I also refused the shot) I have never experienced this much pain, inability to move my neck because of the swelling and pain that goes from my shoulders to the back of my head and down my arms. I have been unwell since 11/04/15, with all of the above health problems including a non-stop temperature and my life has been hell - My Thanksgiving and Christmas were hell - Do not take Euflexxa - I found out IT DOES CONTAIN POULTRY BY-PRODUCTS- I am allergic to Turkey. One doctor that I trust researched the drug and found information that verifies that poultry- by-products are indeed in this drug. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG - once it is in your system - it is hell until it releases your body. I even called Euflexxa hot line for help & they never returned my call. I have been on prednisone, soma & tylenol w/codiene for the pain and can't get any relief. Euflexxa has not helped and sadly the drug may take a year to get out of my system. DO NOT TAKE EUFLEXXA.
I should have had an operation on my knee instead.