I think you're giving that poster a little too much benefit of the doubt. He said, "Ass wipe, Genzyme doesnt have to report adverse events because its a myth that you created." Along with his cursing and frothing (and complete disregard for the proper use of an apostrophe), he specifically said that Genzyme doesn't have to report adverse events, not that Synvisc's AEs are a myth. If you are correct, though, it is still a little frightening that a sales rep wouldn't know about Synvisc's AEs.
So, really, why doesn't the FDA know that Genzyme is, apparently, not training their employees that adverse events need to be reported? (So far, no one has come forward refuting this assumption.) I understand that ignorance is bliss (at least as far as FDA red flags go) but what Genzyme appears to be doing is illegal. Shouldn't the FDA know about this? Or am I totally off base and Genzyme is FDA compliant in every way?