Ethicon vs Applied Medical

Blah blah blah...who cares what you are selling as long as your making money. Both EES and Applied corporate are aware that the products sell themselves (to a degree). Thus is why you will never make serious cash. Go sell something highly competitive or become an independent if you want to make real money and stop pretending you do.

Great point - I don't give two fucks what I sell as long as a. it's not illegal, and b. I'm making as much money as I possibly can. All of this loyalty people display on these boards to their company / product line is myopic and professionally limiting in my opinion. Sure this sounds mercenary like, but on the other hand most large corporations would lay off employees without a second thought if they had to improve a P&L statement. So, in sum (no pun intended), greed is good - go make some fucking money and crush your competition whomever it is.