Ethicon Biosurgery

I was considering getting a job working for Ethicon's BioSurgery Department. Any feedback? I am currently at a company that has a ton of backorders and product delays and do not want to be in the same boat.

Would like to know if this is even from a legitimate source? Hear a lot of BS these days and barely 1% turns out to be even remotely close to #facts!!

Lol! If you weren’t such a clown you’d know we source our thrombin from lactating bears. I heard that crazy Miami rep left the bear fridge open last time and it ruined all the nipples..

Anyone want to start a betting pool on
- Launch date for Ethicon Reps: +/- 3 years
- Time after launch it goes on back-order: +/- 4 months
- Time after launch it gets recalled: +/- 1 year

Lol we aren’t launching tachosil - we are going to strip their resources and rebrand a new launch of evarrest 2.0