
Hope Jim, Ann and Harold look good in orange jumpsuits. All I can say is: "You should have been honest when you were given the chance". Now you woke a giant.

By the way, Ann, Jim and Harold, if the other inmates ask you to "bend over and pick up the soap" - don't! It's a ruse. You'll thank me years from now.

Hllo everyone, my story on estratest. I had historectory {how ever u spell it] about 9 years ago. My doctor put me on estratest ,GREAT. Weigh has been under control ,felt great. Some facial hair but controlable.Sex life good I'm 46.Went to pick up had to get generic. In one month my hair is falling out. Alepecia ,had estrogen level checked generic will not bring it up. Now taking 30 mg estrgen shot a month.I want my estratest back might not be for everyone but it was perfect for me.I tried taking 2 pills a day still did not increase level , so generic not as effected.

A proposed Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit regarding the marketing of the hormone replacement therapy drugs Estratest and Estratest H.S. (collectively Estratest).

You are a member of the Settlement Class if you are an individual who purchased Estratest on or after March 8, 1998 (the “Settlement Class Period”) in any state of the United States of America other than the State of California.

Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (i) all persons who timely and validly request exclusion from the Settlement Class; (ii) Solvay’s officers, directors, and employees; (iii) Solvay’s attorneys; (iv) Plaintiffs’ attorneys; (v) Judge Timothy J. McManus and the members of his staff and immediate family; and (vi) Judges Richard H. Kyle and Raymond L. Erickson and the members of their staff and immediate families.

The Settlement provides $16.5 million to Settlement Class Members. Purchasers can obtain partial refunds up to 30% of the purchase price paid of Estratest. Attorney’s fees (not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Settlement Fund) and expenses, payments to the Settlement Class Representatives, and notice and administration costs will be deducted from the Settlement Fund before distribution. Settlement Funds remaining after payments to Settlement Class Members and for the other fees and costs discussed in this paragraph, if any, will be distributed to a non-profit organization.

For more information about the Settlement, click on the Notice tab.


What is this lawsuit about?
Answer: This litigation concerns the manner in which Estratest was marketed, promoted, advertised, and/or sold. No question is raised in this lawsuit about the safety or effectiveness of Estratest.

Plaintiffs allege that Solvay deceptively marketed Estratest as if it were an FDA-approved drug when in fact Estratest was not FDA-approved for any use. The lawsuit further claims that Estratest has been deceptively advertised through: the Physicians Desk Reference, electronic databases, written promotional materials, announcements of managed care coverage, drug labeling materials, and company representatives who market Estratest directly to physicians. Further, the lawsuit claims that Solvay’s deceptive marketing has misled healthcare professionals to prescribe and supply Estratest under the mistaken belief that Estratest was FDA-approved.

Estratest is being purchased by a former head of Solvay Pharm who will include it in a portfolio of women's healthcare products that will be marketed by a new specialty company.

I have been taking Estratest for about 10 years. I never had any side effects or problems with it. I was energetic, looked great and the drug restored my thinning hair. Since they pulled it from the market it has been devastating to my health. My skin is thinning and I look and feel years older than my age. I have lost almost half my hair. My skin is very dry. My concentration and energy levels are poor. To me the drug was a life saver and that is what I told my doctor after he prescribed it for me. I am a retired R>N>

I wish that were true. But sounds like BS...

That is complete BS. Your company marketed and sold Estratest for decades and it was never, I repeat, never approved by the FDA. It is gone. It is never, ever coming back. And hopefully some people will pay the price for having knowingly lied to patients and the government. It's called fraud, and submission of false claims, and Solvay "ain't got it like that".....not any more. Freakin' sweet!

And just in case you missed it, here is the proof of my statements:

Copy and paste in your browser and read it all the way through. FLORIDA BRECKENRIDGE V. SOLVAY. They say the best way to commit a crime is in broad daylight. Your boys at Solvay were the best. Now the arrogant pricks are going to pay (they already are, and so are you, unfortunately). They were warned in many ways!

I have never in my life posted to a blog, but this obvious male fascinated/fixed on the Solvay case, has made me want to reply. Sir, you are "spitting in the wind" to what purpose?? We women, who used Solvay's product for many years and found that it did good things for us, find your arguments irrelevant. Yes we can go read about the case. By 2011, we all know most of our drugs come from overseas; and many don't get adequate testing and approval (the approval is a one time shot which doesn't include long term testing usually). I have worked in the medical field and the pharmaceutical and chemical industries (manufacturing of drugs). But what I want to say, is that millions of women, who used Estratest are upset that a suitable replacement has not been found (though Breckridge and Glenmark's products do work). For the women out there, I would suggest that you read more about the Womens Health Initiative and the fact that some people confuse Methyltestosterone for Progesterone (used to inhibit conjugated estrogen). The big part of this study that is causing concern was done on older women (65+) and the numbers of them that developed stroke and heart issues is quite small compared to the number tested. Yes the incidence is double that of the placebo group, but overall, it is still quite small. By 2011, we now know that diet and exercise and not injesting triglicerides, sugary soft drinks and high fructose corn syrup, etc, as well as having adequate nutrients and vitamins are very big factors in these two health issues. If a person has a history of breast cancer and has also had other high risk factors in their life (exposure to chemicals, e.g.) then they would probably want to avoid estrogens or use them minimally (with methyltestosterone and not progesterone) and also avoid alcohol and foods which increase estrogen's effects. The whole point I am making is to read and learn all you can. See if you can get better health through nutrients (this takes some work to educate yourself). However there are other things in these capsules which we took for years, including carnauba wax and titanium dioxide, dyes, etc. Who knows whether years of injesting these "inactive ingredients" have some effect. As a person who has taken full strength for 15 years after taking estrace for 4 years, I find I can do fine with a half a tab. I am mostly vegetarian now, though occasionally I eat meat, mostly fish, rarely free farm raised chicken. I concentrate on eating good healthy food each day, using fish oil, vitamin D and B12 and only 600 calcium per day (no excess). I read Mayo's women's newsletter, which has a lot of good info, but you can also find most of that same news on the Web. I anticipate quitting the Estrogen as I get to my mid 60's. I walk/exercise and try to use my brain for new things, as the latest research says "our brain is plastic and exercising it wards off alzheimers". Green tea is a daily ritual for me as is a small amount of coffee. My health and memory are excellent. I love the law.....but it was sad to see this initial conversation deteriorate to a 10 year old boy's rant. Not that we don't get your message.....we do. But there was another conversation going on here. Thanks.

I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and my doctor prescribed Estratest. There were no side effects for me and life was wonderful, no hot flashes, sex was great, I was pretty much happy all the time, life through rose colored glasses I guess. Then came the WHI and every year when I went for my physical I would as the dr. (4 different dr.s over a 10 year period) should I continue to take this pill? It is the only one I take because I am or was in perfect health at 58 and feel great! The answer was always the same, continue to take the Estratest, the breast cancer risk is for women who take progesterin or who have not had a hysterectomy. On April 28th of 2011 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer (she also took Estratest and we have no previous family history of breast cancer) 1 week later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Our lives are a living hell!!! My sister has had to stop chem because the drs said it was killing her, I have had 4 rounds of heavy chemo, and have 10 more rounds to go followed by 12 rounds of radiation followed by surgery. My cancer dr. says it is a crap shoot, but women need to know that while life is beautiful on hrt specifically Estratest, breast cancer is a very real possibility. I have another sister who is about 200 pounds overweight, has smoked and taken high blood pressure meds as well as every recreational drug know to man but has never taken HRT and she does have breast cancer. Our ages are 57, 58 and 59. To conclude, I wish I had not felt so great on the Estratest, I wish the drs cared more about the patient than keeping their clinics and drug companies happy because when you hear that someone has breast cancer you think, oh thats awful, but when it happens to you believe me it is not just awful, it can destroy your life. I should have been smarter, dug deeper, after all you & you alone are responsible for your own health and I have no one to blame but ME!

I've been on Estratest for almost 17 yrs. with my ob-gyn's (a woman) blessing. The plain estrogens made me a zombie until we found Estratest. Helped my sex life and my general overall disposition. Then I found out it was good for my bones, a plus since I ride. I'm almost 67 but look younger and am very active. I'm dismayed the FDA has a hold on this product. Let's get real - all drugs have problems and side effects for individuals. Let's prescribe to those who can handle it and find something else for the rest. In other words, be sensible about it.

I took Estratest several years ago when I was perimenopausal, and it was the best thing that ever happened to my sex life. I have always had difficulty reaching orgasm. It's not that I can't; it just takes me a LONG time. And I've always had a low libido. Estratest solved both these problems for me. And I finally understood how men feel about sex...I was horny ALL the time, ready to go, anytime, anywhere. My husband loved it! But my hormones were all screwed up. I kept having hot flashes terribly. The blood tests my OB/GYN ordered showed that my estrogen levels were very low, even though I was also wearing an estrogen patch. She thought that my body wasn't absorbing the estrogen from the oral medication, so she had me stop it. Fast forward several years...I had a hysterhectomy a couple of years ago and asked my gyno (a different one...I had to change b/c of insurance reasons) to prescribe Estratest for me, and that's when I found out that I couldn't get it anymore. So she prescribed the generic form. But let me tell is NOT the same; not even close! I would give anything to be able to obtain Estratest again. I use a compounded testosterone cream, and it works ok; but still not as good as Estratest.

Too bad this has gotten into a name calling situation. At a certain phase in menopause, I got so tired, Evan after cups & cups of caffeine. & was fuzzy headed. This prescription was a GOD send. Have been taking it over 20 years with no ill effects. Have been warned that if I ever ever get heart or cancer symptoms will need to cold turkey. This is a good drug for the right people.
Hey, just look at thalidomide. -caused major birth defects to young pregnant women in the 1950's. But has now been shown to help shut down the blood supply to cancer cells.