I am an attorney, with ties to one of the biggest plaintiff’s medical malpractice and products liability law firms in the United States. The lawsuits against Solvay and its highly effective Estratest are bogus grabs for greedy money by fellow attorneys. These professionals could not care less about the dramatic improvement of quality of life for the thousands of women who have benefited from the uniquely formulated Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - Estratest and Estratest HS, and those other firms that offered similar name-brand medications.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, where I have been managed as a 2X breast cancer survivor for over 10 years, approved my Estratest HRT based on my personal profile .....and I have gone on to excel in health, vigor, career accomplishment and solo-parent achievements (I managed 5 frightened teenagers, caught up in confusion due to their mother's long-ago cancer battle, to the point where 4 of the 5 now are attorneys or have law degree/are law student, my special son has Down's Syndrome).
Okay.... where do we go... how do we petition the FDA...any details would be appreciated. I am pissed off that Solvay just dropped the product without any warning to patients... they could give a shit
I am unequivocal living proof that Solvay's Estratest (HS 2x daily) bolstered my ability to return to a productive and complete quality of life, with nary a negative effect despite the legal and media hysteria knee-jerk launched by a few that may not agree with the medication, and the recalcitrant sloth of an FDA that could not move in a logical approval direction when thousands of women hung in the balance. I plan to send this to the FDA in a request for Estratest approval.
At an age where many women without benefit of an HRT regime that suits their profile fade from an active lifestyle - that active lifestyle being another factor necessary for good health and mental well-being, I maintained my athletic activities and added snowmobiling, jet skiing and ATV riding, among other things; never an injury or a bruise despite some spills. And it did not occur to me to sue the manufacturers of the recreation vehicles I was riding on, either. At age 59, I have not required blood pressure medication nor cholesterol-reducing pills, have had no arthritis nor any aches and pains, ever.
Since the removal off the market of Solvay's Estratest, the deficits I was familiar with - after chemotherapy-induced menopause not helped by estrogen alone - have become apparent; recently I only stubbed my toe - and broke it. Conducting my usual heavy lift of items has seemingly now resulted in a rotator cuff sprain or tear. There are other benefits now destyroyed that are too involved to mention. The Estratest prescription cost me over $200 a month and I was happy to pay for it - I am not a wealthy woman.
So, to balance your page dedicated to finding plaintiffs who can be induced to further lawsuits, which have negatively impacted on a medication that was of great benefit to thousands, I post this comment here.
My real forum is the FDA and I encourage others to petition the government for a reprieve for Estratest before another good pharmaceutical company is put out of business by greedy lawyers.