
I guess you should go after aspirin too, afterall it is unapproved as well, and would never pass FDA today.

You are caught up in legal bantering and if you are not an attorney then you don't realize some of the arguments are embellished.

What you are missing is that clinically, Estratest works for patients.

Lets say Estratest is not available, where would patients get their androgen/estrogen combination? Well guess what?, they'd have to have it compounded and guess what else?, these aren't approved either. Get off your "holier-than-thou" attitutude, there are many unapproved products being used by patients every day.
Besides, Solvay didn't create Estratest, it was already 25+ years on the market.

Sorry, but the aspirin analogy won't work. I here that story all the time, but it probably would pass. There have been combo drugs using aspirin that have been approved, so the likelihood off approval would be strong.

As for Estratest, it have yet to prove that it will work. Notice that the FDA has already turned it down more than once. There currently is no real clinical data (double-blinded, placebo controlled studies) that show anything that this works any different than estrogen alone.

This drug was post 1962 and does not derserve to be on the market.

You are missing the point - clinically it works. Are you a gyn? No. Have you experienced menopausal symptoms? no Does this product work for many patients? yes.
The FDA approval is subjective at best. They are notorius for giving approvals for products they then have to pull. If they thought e/a was such a danger they would have shut all of them down.
Nice to debate this with you, but you have no clinical knowledge and are not an expert in menopausal symptoms. The world is not perfect, a better avenue for your time on saving the world from unapproved drugs would be to find a cure for poverty and the homeless. These are far worse than a product 40+ years on the market where it has been established and accepted therapy.
Good day.

I am intimitately familiar with Estratest and have been for many, many years. Ask me anything....go ahead. You don't want to debate me there.

What is sad is that you have attacked me from the outset with names and labels in the face of facts and an education you should eager to receive. Nothing I have written is personal - it's just FACT.

It will be a "good day" indeed when Estratest is off the market and Solvay coughs up 100s of millions of dollars in civil and criminal penalties. At least ask Harold, Jim or Ann what the deal is and decide for yourself if they are as truthful with you as I have been.

This medicine stopped my heavy periods, hot flashes and increased my sex drive back to what it was at 20 years old. I went to the Mayo clinic and they did not take me off of it.

Hey, asshole lawyer. First of all, go back to chasing ambulances. Secondly, as asshole lawyers go, you're typical --- you don't know the full story.

Estratest didn't have the FDA approval for its INDICATION, which was resolution of vasomotor symptoms when estrogen alone wasn't enough. Does that mean the Estratest by itself didn't work??? NO. Does that mean that for 40+ years the drug was virtually entirely used for libido issues??? YES. Several years back, the methyl testosterone component of the drug was unavailable resulting in Estratest being completely unavailable for several months. You want to talk about a patient uproar??? WHEW!

Estratest is not and was not for everybody. But, for the right patient, it worked wonders. Why?? Because when a women goes into menopause, especially surgical menopause, their estrogen levels AND testosterone levels plummet. Just as is the case with estrogen, there are testosterone receptor sites all over the body, that respond to Estratest.

So, fuckstick, go back to defending asswipes who lose fingers because Sears didn't warn them NOT to pick up a lawn mower when it's running. While your at it, why don't you take 5 pounds of week old lox and shove it up your ass.

I have used Estratest for over 10 years. I am honestly not sure it did that much for sex drive.... but I have to tell you that I am 60 and have virtually no wrinkles... I mean none.... and I have excellent muscle tone....without bulk... none of that skin flapping in the breeze and I really feel it is due to Estratest.

I am not sure what I am going to do now... I will have to find some supplement of some kind.... any suggestions for a fake estratest.

And to the lawyers out there.... quit trying to protect me... it is hard enough trying to find a job when you have hit 60.... and I know it will be worse when I look 60. So if estratest can help .... it is worth the minimal risk involved.

I am an attorney, with ties to one of the biggest plaintiff’s medical malpractice and products liability law firms in the United States. The lawsuits against Solvay and its highly effective Estratest are bogus grabs for greedy money by fellow attorneys. These professionals could not care less about the dramatic improvement of quality of life for the thousands of women who have benefited from the uniquely formulated Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - Estratest and Estratest HS, and those other firms that offered similar name-brand medications.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, where I have been managed as a 2X breast cancer survivor for over 10 years, approved my Estratest HRT based on my personal profile .....and I have gone on to excel in health, vigor, career accomplishment and solo-parent achievements (I managed 5 frightened teenagers, caught up in confusion due to their mother's long-ago cancer battle, to the point where 4 of the 5 now are attorneys or have law degree/are law student, my special son has Down's Syndrome).

I am unequivocal living proof that Solvay's Estratest (HS 2x daily) bolstered my ability to return to a productive and complete quality of life, with nary a negative effect despite the legal and media hysteria knee-jerk launched by a few that may not agree with the medication, and the recalcitrant sloth of an FDA that could not move in a logical approval direction when thousands of women hung in the balance. I plan to send this to the FDA in a request for Estratest approval.

At an age where many women without benefit of an HRT regime that suits their profile fade from an active lifestyle - that active lifestyle being another factor necessary for good health and mental well-being, I maintained my athletic activities and added snowmobiling, jet skiing and ATV riding, among other things; never an injury or a bruise despite some spills. And it did not occur to me to sue the manufacturers of the recreation vehicles I was riding on, either. At age 59, I have not required blood pressure medication nor cholesterol-reducing pills, have had no arthritis nor any aches and pains, ever.

Since the removal off the market of Solvay's Estratest, the deficits I was familiar with - after chemotherapy-induced menopause not helped by estrogen alone - have become apparent; recently I only stubbed my toe - and broke it. Conducting my usual heavy lift of items has seemingly now resulted in a rotator cuff sprain or tear. There are other benefits now destyroyed that are too involved to mention. The Estratest prescription cost me over $200 a month and I was happy to pay for it - I am not a wealthy woman.

So, to balance your page dedicated to finding plaintiffs who can be induced to further lawsuits, which have negatively impacted on a medication that was of great benefit to thousands, I post this comment here.

My real forum is the FDA and I encourage others to petition the government for a reprieve for Estratest before another good pharmaceutical company is put out of business by greedy lawyers.

I am an attorney, with ties to one of the biggest plaintiff’s medical malpractice and products liability law firms in the United States. The lawsuits against Solvay and its highly effective Estratest are bogus grabs for greedy money by fellow attorneys. These professionals could not care less about the dramatic improvement of quality of life for the thousands of women who have benefited from the uniquely formulated Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - Estratest and Estratest HS, and those other firms that offered similar name-brand medications.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, where I have been managed as a 2X breast cancer survivor for over 10 years, approved my Estratest HRT based on my personal profile .....and I have gone on to excel in health, vigor, career accomplishment and solo-parent achievements (I managed 5 frightened teenagers, caught up in confusion due to their mother's long-ago cancer battle, to the point where 4 of the 5 now are attorneys or have law degree/are law student, my special son has Down's Syndrome).

Okay.... where do we go... how do we petition the FDA...any details would be appreciated. I am pissed off that Solvay just dropped the product without any warning to patients... they could give a shit

I am unequivocal living proof that Solvay's Estratest (HS 2x daily) bolstered my ability to return to a productive and complete quality of life, with nary a negative effect despite the legal and media hysteria knee-jerk launched by a few that may not agree with the medication, and the recalcitrant sloth of an FDA that could not move in a logical approval direction when thousands of women hung in the balance. I plan to send this to the FDA in a request for Estratest approval.

At an age where many women without benefit of an HRT regime that suits their profile fade from an active lifestyle - that active lifestyle being another factor necessary for good health and mental well-being, I maintained my athletic activities and added snowmobiling, jet skiing and ATV riding, among other things; never an injury or a bruise despite some spills. And it did not occur to me to sue the manufacturers of the recreation vehicles I was riding on, either. At age 59, I have not required blood pressure medication nor cholesterol-reducing pills, have had no arthritis nor any aches and pains, ever.

Since the removal off the market of Solvay's Estratest, the deficits I was familiar with - after chemotherapy-induced menopause not helped by estrogen alone - have become apparent; recently I only stubbed my toe - and broke it. Conducting my usual heavy lift of items has seemingly now resulted in a rotator cuff sprain or tear. There are other benefits now destyroyed that are too involved to mention. The Estratest prescription cost me over $200 a month and I was happy to pay for it - I am not a wealthy woman.

So, to balance your page dedicated to finding plaintiffs who can be induced to further lawsuits, which have negatively impacted on a medication that was of great benefit to thousands, I post this comment here.

My real forum is the FDA and I encourage others to petition the government for a reprieve for Estratest before another good pharmaceutical company is put out of business by greedy lawyers.

Okay... what do we do... how do we petition the FDA... any guidance is appreciated.. I am pissed that Solvay dropped the product without any warning to patients.

Okay... what do we do... how do we petition the FDA... any guidance is appreciated.. I am pissed that Solvay dropped the product without any warning to patients.

Ladies, this is all a moot point since Solvay has been sold to Abbott. Abbott is not going to want to take on all the legal entanglements of this products since the cost would probably be more than the profits. And actually the legal problems rose from the FDA's decision to mandate a stronger warning label for all estrogen products regarding a higher than previously known risk for breast cancer. Given the large amount of data that had been presented that lead to this increased warning label, the FDA isn't going to reverse their decision. And without that, the lawsuits are going to continue especially when there have already been substantial damages awarded to patients who sued. I agree that Estratest is a good product for many women, but not many companies will continue to market a drug if hefty liability awards continue to be handed out in the courts.

To Anonymous #29:
See the following that was posted to the thread entitled: Estratest HS no longer being manufactured?

"There is a simple and effective alternative to Estratest and the "generics". Instead of methyltestosterone (by mouth) you find a local pharmacy that will compound creams on site. They are around, frequently near hospitals. Call one near you and ask if they compound 2% testosterone cream ($50 for 6month supply about size of small pill bottle). Maybe your gynecologist will prescribe it, maybe not, but if she/he was prescribing Etest with its MT, they should have no problem prescribing 2% T cream because T has no liver issues. You might have to go see the compounding pharmacy and ask nicely for the names of gynecologists who will prescribe it. You just have to assure your doc (and maybe the pharmacist) that you will start out very small. You simply put a SMALL dab (maybe 1/8 teaspoon) on some place, say inner thigh skin, every night. After 2-3 weeks you may decide that you need a little more or a little less, based on libido or mood for example. Basically you titrate yourself based on effect. It's easy. In our case it certainly was easy based on libido! You will also want an estrogen, and for this you also get a prescription and can separately titrate the dose. A great benefit is that rather than the fixed ratio of E and MT in Etest, you might find that you only need a very low dose of T, or maybe a very low dose of E, to feel good. And, again for the doc concerned with safety, maybe you'll need less T than the low dose MT your were taking. And, again, it's easy."

As someone else pointed out, there are no GMP types of testing done on these compounded creams, so maybe you should renew the prescription every 3 mo or so.

I took Estratest for a few years. It was helpful, but did add more body hair to anal area (yech) and I now have to shave the end of my chin daily. So, there are some side effects that appear to be permanent.

Okay... what do we do... how do we petition the FDA... any guidance is appreciated.. I am pissed that Solvay dropped the product without any warning to patients.

Pissed that the company finally did the right thing only because they absolutely had to? I don't get that logic. Solvay was warned that this scam - no, crime - would be brought to light years ago and was given an opportunity to come clean. They should have listened. Right Jim, Ann and Harold? Happy orange jumpsuits.....

My wife has taken it for several years now. It eliminated her menopausal symptoms and increased her libido significantly. The only negative was some chin hair, and her clitoris is now HUGE (ok, not negative, but odd). She seems to get even wetter than before, so not as much lube needed.

WTF with the anal hair?

Is it bigger than your pecker? Did she give it a name? If so, I'm afraid that's both negative and odd.

So a lady who has been on Estratest for a while goes in to see her doctor for a check up. The doctor asks how she has been feeling and she replies she feels great. The only difference I notice is a little bit more body hair but not too bad. The doctor responds, "Good, Where is the hair if you don't mind me asking?" The lady responds "On my balls."