
A lot of people are saying this thing is getting ready to take off to the moon, those of us who have been around a while know it’s time to get excited based on the NEW RX data. The buyout offers will be richer as we continue to distill the results and refine our results with a focus on maximizing ROE. EXCITING TIMES AHEAD.
Holy Toledo.
Who wrote this fantasy ?
Hasn't this been posted a couple of years ago ?
The ESPR rocket has never even make it to the Launch Pad.

A lot of people are saying this thing is getting ready to take off to the moon, those of us who have been around a while know it’s time to get excited based on the NEW RX data. The buyout offers will be richer as we continue to distill the results and refine our results with a focus on maximizing ROE. EXCITING TIMES AHEAD.
Just wow
Circle back from the
June 17 post.
Another dud.

We’ve come a long way baby, to get where we’ve got to today. So happy to see the investment community begin to appreciate the underlying fundamentals and price reacts accordingly. Many are focused on the volume as clearly there is a drive to capture and monetize the clinical successes of late. Sorry if you are short, I guess you can always blame it on genetics.

We’ve come a long way baby, to get where we’ve got to today. So happy to see the investment community begin to appreciate the underlying fundamentals and price reacts accordingly. Many are focused on the volume as clearly there is a drive to capture and monetize the clinical successes of late. Sorry if you are short, I guess you can always blame it on genetics.
Who is this “many” you speak of. Lazy post. Name names. Oh no, you can’t because you’re making it up.

Who is this “many” you speak of. Lazy post. Name names. Oh no, you can’t because you’re making it up.
This person is known as Anthony. He's paid by Esperion to pump the stock incessantly. He posts overly optimistic statements about how Esperion is doing. He really lays it on thick at Yahoo Finance boards under ESPR and under community. This is where he completely goes off the rails. What a pathetic job to have pumping this dumpster fire.

This person is known as Anthony. He's paid by Esperion to pump the stock incessantly. He posts overly optimistic statements about how Esperion is doing. He really lays it on thick at Yahoo Finance boards under ESPR and under community. This is where he completely goes off the rails. What a pathetic job to have pumping this dumpster fire.
Maybe Anthony can pump up the strategy of Scientific Hires, Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team and Lipid Trained Experts.
They need pumping.

Great number six car did well at Pocono, Brad drove a tough race and definitely helped keep the banner in the limelight. This type of exposure really drive patient engagement; the brands continue, to gain market share with professional specifications, and having patients clamor for a recognized and respected brand is why these types of partnerships are so valuable. Smart moves have been made by management this year, and we will reap the profits sooon.

Great number six car did well at Pocono, Brad drove a tough race and definitely helped keep the banner in the limelight. This type of exposure really drive patient engagement; the brands continue, to gain market share with professional specifications, and having patients clamor for a recognized and respected brand is why these types of partnerships are so valuable. Smart moves have been made by management this year, and we will reap the profits sooon.
NASCAR " Driving " sales !
Are the Scientific Hired, Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team supporting in the Pit ?

Great number six car did well at Pocono, Brad drove a tough race and definitely helped keep the banner in the limelight. This type of exposure really drive patient engagement; the brands continue, to gain market share with professional specifications, and having patients clamor for a recognized and respected brand is why these types of partnerships are so valuable. Smart moves have been made by management this year, and we will reap the profits sooon.
This does nothing to move scripts. You would have better luck having g Brad drive his personal car down the Interstate and scream out the window Esperuons selling message.