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Look I wasn't here at the start and I heard all the stories about the initial hire process. Every recruiter I talked to filled me in. I agree it wasn't right what happened. I took the job because I needed it and not afraid to admit it. I don't claim to be a lipid expert. I do admit the managment team is a joke but it is what it is. I'm looking for something else all the time . Good luck to all.

It’s not hard to get excited about a big pop in the stock like what we saw today, and this looks to be the base that we’re building from with great heights to be achieved in the coming years. CLEARly those who are unenthusiastic just don’t get it, malcontent no matter what. We’ll look back on these times in the not too distant future with great pride as we persevered and made the company a success !

Yep right on que! The Ann Arbor lackey!! Big pop... wow! $5.00 a share . Now that's something to be proud of considering when this toilet of a company started flushing at $78.00 a share. There's no base to build on. The skeleton crew of castoffs are barely keeping their heads above water. Nobody on this team is proud of what their doing. Go ahead with your weekly message of stupidity as it's sometime humorous. LOSER!

It's up 4% over the last 3 months. It's down 50% over the last 6 months you Jackass. Grab a wing? That's a laugh! More like grab a life jacket you Ann Arbor lackey. This stock is an embarrassment along with the company and its 3rd rate employees.

The stock is coming back down to reality after the miniscule uptick over the last weeks thar caused Zack Research to post an obnoxious bravado article on how Esperion has turned the corner.. lolol. Total joke of a backroom company. Just think Boileroom. $5.10 a share is nothing to be excited about.

The stock is coming back down to reality after the miniscule uptick over the last weeks thar caused Zack Research to post an obnoxious bravado article on how Esperion has turned the corner.. lolol. Total joke of a backroom company. Just think Boileroom. $5.10 a share is nothing to be excited about.

Esperion has turned the corner, the final corner. It's really only a matter of time....and not a lot of time.

The stock continues to be torpedoed. Back down in $4.80 range and falling hard. So much for all the BS talk from management and the paid for articles in the financial sector to make this out like Moses parted the Red Sea. Back where we started from down ticked to death as usual. Nice job since coming onboard Sheldon!!

The stock continues to be torpedoed. Back down in $4.80 range and falling hard. So much for all the BS talk from management and the paid for articles in the financial sector to make this out like Moses parted the Red Sea. Back where we started from down ticked to death as usual. Nice job since coming onboard Sheldon!!

Sheldon and the rest of Upper Management have collected great salaries and continue too.
Issn't this what Capitalism is all about ?
Buyer beware ?
Stupid investors get and education !

You found the floor? Wow... Esperion has ventured out of the dungeon to the floor. This is the biggest scam going in pharma. Total investor fraud. Always easy to con greedy people. People were warned when this stock was $75.00 pet share and it would drop. We saw the arrogant post from Ann Arbor people but what actually happened? The stock dropped from $78.00 to $5.00 a share in 14 months. Just keep up the humorous boasting.