Esperion paying staff to post on Cafepharma

I got a call from one of my offices on a 55 year old Male experienced urinary issues. Said he was taking BPH medication for 4 years and had no issues until he started BA. Now he's having trouble voiding and is up like 6 times a night. Anyone else seen this?

No, I can’t say I’ve heard of that. Wow, this thing is really taking off though, it’s amazing how well we are doing with very limited contact. I guess it’s a testament to the product and our people.

I got a call from one of my offices on a 55 year old Male experienced urinary issues. Said he was taking BPH medication for 4 years and had no issues until he started BA. Now he's having trouble voiding and is up like 6 times a night. Anyone else seen this?

This sounds like the angry, cursing poster.

No, I can’t say I’ve heard of that. Wow, this thing is really taking off though, it’s amazing how well we are doing with very limited contact. I guess it’s a testament to the product and our people.

Really? Your reps are Ghost Riders. Nowhere to be seen. We shall next week when Esperion reports 1st quarter earnings . This drug is a dog and the feeble minded hired couldn't work a tollbooth.

Who you trying to fool TTPW!! You're a piece of shit. Its not an embarrassment at all shit ass. You see, we like it here. We don't like bottom feeders like you who have a bad attitude because you weren't hired. Then you start taking pot shots at the company and individuals. Last time I knew there were employees who enjoyed someone sticking up for the company. So eat shit scum bag. Stock price, scientific discussion, Alan, AE's, scientific process, strategy with Novartis gets here, blah, blah, blah. You come on and act like an Esperion employee. What a fuck. And a stupid one at that. I like to let the offices do the talking. And, another one is coming up! Go troll somewhere else shit ass.

Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Im telling daddy!

"We've the scientific process to get us around testing"

Are you a fowl person or a foul person? Stupid shit for brains

You have to like this one.

He is very sweet and complimentary. Probably was border line on the Scientific Hiring process.

Anger...but not enough cursing.


It’s the same jackass loser who didn’t get hired posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Very sad, big time complete loser, no future.


It’s the same jackass loser who didn’t get hired posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Very sad, big time complete loser, no future.

Just put CB in front of each Over on this Rant.

And repeat out loud.

Zen quality to the chant.

Hey trailer trash, how’s that job search going? Any leads yet? I’m sure you have lots of references. NOT. Have another PBR and buy another scratch-off, it’s your only hope.

CB is not here. Is just you trailer trash POS that posts over and over, how’s that job search going? Wendy’s is hiring shift managers, too bad you aren’t qualified.

Just keep paying office staff on cafepharma. Job well done. Good selling energy put to good use. I'm sure the office administration or hospital chain that owns the practice would be proud of your courage. Good utilization of your office time . Esperion is going down a slippery slope. This is what happens with bad hires and a unprofessional hiring practice.

Just keep paying office staff on cafepharma. Job well done. Good selling energy put to good use. I'm sure the office administration or hospital chain that owns the practice would be proud of your courage. Good utilization of your office time . Esperion is going down a slippery slope. This is what happens with bad hires and a unprofessional hiring practice.

Hey TTPW-did you conduct one of your "scientific" investigations to turn us into the FDA for giving out gift certificates you shit ass? We were on pins and needles awaiting the outcome of what you found. Just like we were waiting on a big announcement months ago from "Alan." Its so easy to figure out why nobody likes you, and why clinics can't stand you. Why dont you call the office administrator and squeal on them shit ass? You apparently know who the clinic is. So go for it shit for brains. Im hoping we get more clinics to join in on telling us what they think of you. I think its great. Im loving the fact that you're getting owned constantly on here. Youre nothing but a piece of shit whos unemployed and sour he didnt get our gig-with a really good company. Eat

It sounds like your struggling in this current selling space. What will this employee do when things get real tough. 100% you don't work for Esperion. Your just a troll that's latched onto this board to entertain your own demon from your moms basement. Your computer board is filled with cheetos residue and your social security disability Psych check is the only thing keeping you going besides your lardass mother.

It sounds like your struggling in this current selling space. What will this employee do when things get real tough. 100% you don't work for Esperion. Your just a troll that's latched onto this board to entertain your own demon from your moms basement. Your computer board is filled with cheetos residue and your social security disability Psych check is the only thing keeping you going besides your lardass mother.

TTPW doesn't live at home. He's in a trailer. Actually, he turned to a she a while back. Yes, he/she is a shit for brains for sure. The scientific process definitely worked, and he/she is a stellar example of that. What I loved the most is the feedback from the clinic RN where he/she works. Doesn't get any better than that

It sounds like your struggling in this current selling space. What will this employee do when things get real tough. 100% you don't work for Esperion. Your just a troll that's latched onto this board to entertain your own demon from your moms basement. Your computer board is filled with cheetos residue and your social security disability Psych check is the only thing keeping you going besides your lardass mother.

TT-not struggling at all. Selling well in my neck of the woods. How are your sales? Oh-you have none because you didnt get this job and now youre unemployed. Ha!!!


It’s the same jackass loser who didn’t get hired posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Very sad, big time complete loser, no future.


The " Scientific Hired, Lipid Expert " has declared " Over "!

Over and Over.

Not good for Esperion.