Who you trying to fool TTPW!! You're a piece of shit. Its not an embarrassment at all shit ass. You see, we like it here. We don't like bottom feeders like you who have a bad attitude because you weren't hired. Then you start taking pot shots at the company and individuals. Last time I knew there were employees who enjoyed someone sticking up for the company. So eat shit scum bag. Stock price, scientific discussion, Alan, AE's, scientific process, strategy with Novartis gets here, blah, blah, blah. You come on and act like an Esperion employee. What a fuck. And a stupid one at that. I like to let the offices do the talking. And, another one is coming up! Go troll somewhere else shit ass.
Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Im telling daddy!
"We've the scientific process to get us around testing"
Are you a fowl person or a foul person? Stupid shit for brains