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Esperion paying staff to post on Cafepharma


You prescribe a preventive drug with these adverse events ?

TTPW-stupid shit. I might try to find another nurse to add about how their clinic feels about you. They know who you are too. You don't know it, but they didn't care for your sorry ass before because they use to talk about you. Stay tuned.

The arrogance that Esperion has shown is one for the record books. They act like they've a cure for the virus. They had no idea they would get this much blowback from their Scientific interviews . This board went from virtually nothing in December to the most active board on cafepharma with 95% of post are beyond negative. All of this for a very non-essential treatment for LDL. Generics do just as well and if they need the best they go PCSK9 route.

The arrogance that Esperion has shown is one for the record books. They act like they've a cure for the virus. They had no idea they would get this much blowback from their Scientific interviews . This board went from virtually nothing in December to the most active board on cafepharma with 95% of post are beyond negative. All of this for a very non-essential treatment for LDL. Generics do just as well and if they need the best they go PCSK9 route.

wrong again shit lips. the only blowback is from you who has all day to post in her/'his trailer because you have time on your hands and you're unemployed. Youre responsible for 95% or more of the posts. You didn't get the job because you suck ass-like one of your accounts said. Then you lie on your resume. People know who you are, it wasnt hard to figure out. You're a fake. Period. Go troll somewhere else. The scientific interview process worked very well, as evidecet by not hiring you dick face. Go troll somewhere else. For some "fowl" reason you don't seem to get the idea that you're an embarrassment, and that you get owned every time you post. POS. TTPW-lube it up.

Esperion has no backup plan. Limited funds with big notes coming due. Sales are null and void and a salesforce disengaged sitting at home playing Mindsweeper and Glactica. They're awesome in jumping on a conference call making up success stories. It's literally been a vacation for them and management is sitting there enabling them. Stock by the way is down this am. Big surprise. Wasn't this at 73 Feb11th? Now clunking along at 38.

One thing for sure Esperion will never conduct interviews ever again like they did. The Scientific interviews failed miserably..they got a C team of castoffs. Lipid Experts is even funnier.

One thing for sure Esperion will never conduct interviews ever again like they did. The Scientific interviews failed miserably..they got a C team of castoffs. Lipid Experts is even funnier.

Actually yes they will shit lips. It got your ass out of here. Other companies doing the same thing as we speak. TTPW at it again. Lube

Chris when are you going to put a stop to this? You know the Esperion reps that keeps egging this person on. Time to be the bigger picture and talk with this employee. This board has become a complete embarrassment. It's been refreshing that your not on here everyday also. It was time to step away and concentrate on business. Again Chris put a stop to this so we won't be the laughing stock of these boards.

Chris when are you going to put a stop to this? You know the Esperion reps that keeps egging this person on. Time to be the bigger picture and talk with this employee. This board has become a complete embarrassment. It's been refreshing that your not on here everyday also. It was time to step away and concentrate on business. Again Chris put a stop to this so we won't be the laughing stock of these boards.

Chris when are you going to put a stop to this? You know the Esperion reps that keeps egging this person on. Time to be the bigger picture and talk with this employee. This board has become a complete embarrassment. It's been refreshing that your not on here everyday also. It was time to step away and concentrate on business. Again Chris put a stop to this so we won't be the laughing stock of these boards.

Who you trying to fool TTPW!! You're a piece of shit. Its not an embarrassment at all shit ass. You see, we like it here. We don't like bottom feeders like you who have a bad attitude because you weren't hired. Then you start taking pot shots at the company and individuals. Last time I knew there were employees who enjoyed someone sticking up for the company. So eat shit scum bag. Stock price, scientific discussion, Alan, AE's, scientific process, strategy with Novartis gets here, blah, blah, blah. You come on and act like an Esperion employee. What a fuck. And a stupid one at that. I like to let the offices do the talking. And, another one is coming up! Go troll somewhere else shit ass.

Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Im telling daddy!

"We've the scientific process to get us around testing"

Are you a fowl person or a foul person? Stupid shit for brains

It’s the same jack ass loser who didn’t get hired posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Very sad, big time loser, no future.

This company employee that keeps posting and making himself look foolish is an example of The Scientific Process for Interviews has been a complete failure . Pretty much the launch a disaster and RD's and their buffoonery have magnified the incompetence.