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Enough of the Diversity Lip Service. Real Change Happens In the C Suite!


Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.


Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.

Why don’t you go riot and tear down the Apis Bull statue. That seems to be the preferred course of action.

Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.

God help us if this person actually works here. "Need to be illegal"?

And just so you know, this is coming from a 'person of color', before you start on another soy latte-inspired 3-page manifesto. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last thing we need is more wealthy, entitled, white female liberal arts grads telling America how racist we all are. Just go to work, be a good person and steward for humanity, do something to create a better world, and stop creating more division. Alright, I'm out.

Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.
Have you seen the Obesity Business Unit? There is a large pool of diversity Leaders/Managers. Open your eyes Dumbass!!

Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.

How many different pharma company sites are you going to post the same fake (and obvious) dog whistle post about banning All White Male interview panels?
Everyone, this person/these people go up and down companies on cafepharma, starting threads and then quickly turning them into a political message platform. Banning All White Male Interview Panels (as if there is a such thing in your industry) is the latest one I've heard about. Astellas, Amgen, GSK and some others all have been hit with this coordinated fake posting. If this is another of the first son-in-laws brilliant "we just get sh*t done" strategies...I dont know, man.

D&I is a joke! First, racism is a two way street here at Novo! If you can’t see that then you are part of the problem. I have heard many African American employees complain and belittle others based off their skin color. I reported it and NOTHING was done by HR!
Second, if you think Novo is holding you back based off your skin color, you are part of the problem! I have lived through ups and downs in my life and not once did I say oh well because of racism, I didn’t get the job! No, because I wasn’t ready or had enough exposure was why I didn’t get the job! Finally, pushing these people into promotions or higher positions just based off of sexual orientation, skin color or whatever is wrong! If you can’t get promoted based off your performance or tangible skills then you don’t deserve the promotion! people that think they are owed everything in life, need to open their eyes, freedom isn’t free and neither is life! You want to hide behind racism and poor me attitude, you are part of the problem!

D&I is a joke! First, racism is a two way street here at Novo! If you can’t see that then you are part of the problem. I have heard many African American employees complain and belittle others based off their skin color. I reported it and NOTHING was done by HR!
Second, if you think Novo is holding you back based off your skin color, you are part of the problem! I have lived through ups and downs in my life and not once did I say oh well because of racism, I didn’t get the job! No, because I wasn’t ready or had enough exposure was why I didn’t get the job! Finally, pushing these people into promotions or higher positions just based off of sexual orientation, skin color or whatever is wrong! If you can’t get promoted based off your performance or tangible skills then you don’t deserve the promotion! people that think they are owed everything in life, need to open their eyes, freedom isn’t free and neither is life! You want to hide behind racism and poor me attitude, you are part of the problem!

The White Boy

Let’s examine who is doing the hiring 99% of the time ? All White Male Interview Panels need to be illegal. No amount of D&I conference calls, and article postings will have an impact until that happens. Why are the given the benefit of the doubt that they hire the “most qualified” and the “best fit” for the job time and time again? And the hires happen to think and look like them. This generation is tired of the blah blah blah talk and need action.

So lets re-elect President Trump to make all of this go away!

Why are you threatening this person? You are really sick, Skippy.[/,UOTE] , it's fun to see you fall apart and come undone art hole, thanks for all the posts, some that are still here some that were deleted...

D&I is a joke! First, racism is a two way street here at Novo! If you can’t see that then you are part of the problem. I have heard many African American employees complain and belittle others based off their skin color. I reported it and NOTHING was done by HR!
Second, if you think Novo is holding you back based off your skin color, you are part of the problem! I have lived through ups and downs in my life and not once did I say oh well because of racism, I didn’t get the job! No, because I wasn’t ready or had enough exposure was why I didn’t get the job! Finally, pushing these people into promotions or higher positions just based off of sexual orientation, skin color or whatever is wrong! If you can’t get promoted based off your performance or tangible skills then you don’t deserve the promotion! people that think they are owed everything in life, need to open their eyes, freedom isn’t free and neither is life! You want to hide behind racism and poor me attitude, you are part of the problem!

totally agree, Novo is full of racist people just look at the posts on here! Everyone at novo wants a participation trophy!

totally agree, Novo is full of racist people just look at the posts on here! Everyone at novo wants a participation trophy!

These are the men doing the hiring here and at every company in America. You can’t legislate them to like or respect you. They decide who gets the “Good” jobs and no wonder the wealth gap keeps increasing exponentially. However, with the Racial Reckoning happening in America, hopefully laws are passed for 2 or more White Men in the hiring room to be banned from choosing employees.

These are the men doing the hiring here and at every company in America. You can’t legislate them to like or respect you. They decide who gets the “Good” jobs and no wonder the wealth gap keeps increasing exponentially. However, with the Racial Reckoning happening in America, hopefully laws are passed for 2 or more White Men in the hiring room to be banned from choosing employees.

White guy here. Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, a lot of my white male coworkers feel attacked and feel that something is being taken from them.

That is why they push back so hard. They think they’ve earned every promotion, every pay raise, every advancement through sheer effort alone and that if black people just worked as hard as them, they’d get the same.

Because I’m a white guy, I’m “in the club” and get to hear a lot of the conversations that POC and women don’t get to hear...the sexism...the racism...it’s all there.

White guy here. Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, a lot of my white male coworkers feel attacked and feel that something is being taken from them.

That is why they push back so hard. They think they’ve earned every promotion, every pay raise, every advancement through sheer effort alone and that if black people just worked as hard as them, they’d get the same.

Because I’m a white guy, I’m “in the club” and get to hear a lot of the conversations that POC and women don’t get to hear...the sexism...the racism...it’s all there.

The world gets to hear it to. Anonymously on social media websites like this one. Confirms what POC have been saying for years. Enough of the BS token symbolism like saying BLM or having feel good conference calls. Let’s get to the root of the problem. The “Good White People” need to speak up.

The world gets to hear it to. Anonymously on social media websites like this one. Confirms what POC have been saying for years. Enough of the BS token symbolism like saying BLM or having feel good conference calls. Let’s get to the root of the problem. The “Good White People” need to speak up.

name some good white people that aren’t racist, you’re not one of them.

The world gets to hear it to. Anonymously on social media websites like this one. Confirms what POC have been saying for years. Enough of the BS token symbolism like saying BLM or having feel good conference calls. Let’s get to the root of the problem. The “Good White People” need to speak up.

when will you all realize
All lives can’t matter until black
Lives matter

The world gets to hear it to. Anonymously on social media websites like this one. Confirms what POC have been saying for years. Enough of the BS token symbolism like saying BLM or having feel good conference calls. Let’s get to the root of the problem. The “Good White People” need to speak up.
I agree. It is difficult because that involves those people putting their own careers on the line or being marginalized themselves. I was at a POA once with a group of leadership folks - DBMs, RBDs, etc - and couldn’t believe the conversation. How do I, a DCS, stop that? How do I challenge those with authority in a way that is respectful enough that I am not miraculously on a ZS list a year from now? Those are the tough questions...and that is why you see a lot of good people stay silent. I’m not saying it’s right or it needs to stop, but that’s what it is.

Ive been a lot more successful pushing back on friends and family than I have coworkers.