Energy Opportunity

I read the previous posts and your interpretation is out of context. That person caught flack because they were bragging about making 175K and being able to play golf multiple times per week. Whenever a person brags like a douche they deserve to be ridiculed.

$175k and time for golf sounds pretty good to me...

Seeking some honest feedback. Talking to a recruiter about an energy position. Says total comp first year should be 120K-150K uncapped. Currently making 115K in b2b sales so this sounds like a step up. Thoughts? Don't wanna make a poor choice as I have a family. Thanks!

I am currently talking to a recruiter about various energy positions and wondering a few things:
Why are there so many open positions? Any new products been introduced recently? In my research it does not look like there have been any new energy products for the laparoscopic group for years. Any insight provided would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Thank you for the feedback - I will run as fast as possible. I have heard additional dirt from others that I have reached out to - I have been told that it sucks to work for OCA.

Don't listen to them. Please take the job.

Thank you,

Is this a desperate manager begging someone to take the job? How pathetic!

Why should they take the job previous poster??? You know damn well the shape / position Olympus is currently in. One more misstep and this company will be in a world of hurt. (aka...will lose the GSA federal contract) So, as this company decides to stay in a state of paralysis, clamp down on ALL expenses / sales rep compensation, (except for salaries for corporate kronies); the frustration of this job for the Energy division or any other division at Olympus is NOT worth it at this time. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CURRENT JOB FOR A POSITION AT OLYMPUS. You would have to be out of your mind to do so...

If you do not think more trouble is ahead, look at what is happening to the once heralded GI capital job and the challenges they will soon be facing...again:

You cannot deny there is another major storm brewing. Good Luck to all the Olympus sales reps trying to get out. You will find another job / company who respects your talents.

Wow thank you so much for sharing the links enlightening me to the news of Olympus. Very discouraging for the company. I had heard a little about some issues with the company but did not take it too much to heart as many large companies have legal challenges.
I had no idea the extent of challenges that Olympus currently has not to mention the lengthy list of really, really bad past legal issues.

I would never consider working for a company with the terrible reputation that Olympus has going at this time. I can only imagine the garbage that happens behind closed doors that has not made the news (yet).

Had phone screen , and stopped as soon as compensation was discussed. I could not believe how bad the comp plan is for energy. Though you would be step up rather big step down .

In talking with several current and a couple of past Olympus employees it really sounds like working for Olympus Surgical is horrible at this time and many reps are looking or have recently left the company. Apparently Olympus corporate is a complete disaster as well. No good marketing support, no decent new products. Not to mention the pending litigation in other Olympus divisions.

In talking with several current and a couple of past Olympus employees it really sounds like working for Olympus Surgical is horrible at this time and many reps are looking or have recently left the company. Apparently Olympus corporate is a complete disaster as well. No good marketing support, no decent new products. Not to mention the pending litigation in other Olympus divisions.

Oh shut up you whiney bitch

The role is not bad.

Thunderbeat is a good device and surgeons want to talk about and use it. You got to. Hold the relationship with the surgeon and if half decent you will do well.
There are a few surgeons who are affiliated to Medtronic and J&J but don't focus on them. Get the younger surgeon so when they establish their name Medtronic and J&J are locked out.
I wouldn't believe everything what people are saying here every company has its politics and issues, get pass that you will do fine.
You put the leg work in, serious leg work, in the first 6-12 months your territory will coast. You have to be very strategic and focussed and you will be successful. Expect $150k plus only if you do the yards. It's one of those roles that you won't be pushing crap uphill.

You are a god damned liar. Medtronic has all of the contracts and most docs could give a shit less about Thunderdick! Why do you think reps all over the country are getting canned in energy. You are such an asshole! Do not interview with Olympus Energy.

You are a god damned liar. Medtronic has all of the contracts and most docs could give a shit less about Thunderdick! Why do you think reps all over the country are getting canned in energy. You are such an asshole! Do not interview with Olympus Energy.

Things aren't perfect, but there a lot better than a few years ago. Almost half the sales force is at quota and we are launching new products. Are you still with us because if you left us a while back I would understand your frustration?