Endochoice to BSX

You are all failing to realize that BSC reps are not happy about this either. It's a garbage commodity portfolio. Hopefully there is something other than cinch pads hiding in there that our management has a strat plan for.

IDGAF what happens, because I'm leaving. I was in GI before EC, and will be after. I've always had the motto to stick it to Boston, and now is no different. Seriously, Boston Sci is the biggest piece of shit company I've ever had the pleasure of competing against, and I can't wait to see them fuck up this investment.

That's what I'm trying to get at. Here we're being told that there is going to be " a lot of opportunity with Boston for reps, but don't apply for anything open or contact the hiring manager."

Basically we're being told false hopes to try and motivate us to generate more revenue and then eventually get the royal shaft. I'm not dummy to how Boston operates or the fluff piece we're getting from above.

You've summed it up. I am pretty amazed with some of the reps here that think that Gregg/EndoChoice will do the right thing and are waiting to see how this plays out. I know how this plays out, we will get laid off and Boston takes our product bag. Boston acquired the products, they don't need the EC sales force to sell cinch pads.

If MG sold this company without GC's knowlege, why does anyone think that Gregg has any leverage in this acquisition? Right now, he is probably worried about his own job. Sure, he can tell us that Boston will hire us to keep us engaged but who does that help? It helps Gregg for us to work hard for the rest of the year.

Don't let GC control your career path. He hasn't shown much concern about our careers while at EndoChoice, why would he now?

You are all failing to realize that BSC reps are not happy about this either. It's a garbage commodity portfolio. Hopefully there is something other than cinch pads hiding in there that our management has a strat plan for.

I wouldn't be complaining if I was a Boston sci rep, they have limited room for growth in the hospital and Olympus is coming hard at them. They now have a few more devices to add, infection control, procedure support, and pathology. Who fucking cares what the products are, it's something additional to grow your business and bring home money. Is your ego so high that you're above selling EC products?

You are all failing to realize that BSC reps are not happy about this either. It's a garbage commodity portfolio. Hopefully there is something other than cinch pads hiding in there that our management has a strat plan for.

I couldn't agree with you more. The majority of our products are total commodities with very little clinical selling behind them. However, the flip side is that we didn't have a strong GPO position and you(Boston) do. So, all you have to do is bundle these procedural kits into your forceps/snares business and you can grow some business. It isn't that hard to sell a cinch pad with a bunch of commodities thrown into it. With your GPO position, this will be easy growth.

You've summed it up. I am pretty amazed with some of the reps here that think that Gregg/EndoChoice will do the right thing and are waiting to see how this plays out. I know how this plays out, we will get laid off and Boston takes our product bag. Boston acquired the products, they don't need the EC sales force to sell cinch pads.

If MG sold this company without GC's knowlege, why does anyone think that Gregg has any leverage in this acquisition? Right now, he is probably worried about his own job. Sure, he can tell us that Boston will hire us to keep us engaged but who does that help? It helps Gregg for us to work hard for the rest of the year.

Don't let GC control your career path. He hasn't shown much concern about our careers while at EndoChoice, why would he now?

Not a lot of real sharp knives in the drawer here.

Can any of you just take a wild guess as to why GC and MG don't want you reaching out to BSX?

C'mon. Just take a stab at it.

Not a lot of real sharp knives in the drawer here.

Can any of you just take a wild guess as to why GC and MG don't want you reaching out to BSX?

C'mon. Just take a stab at it.

I don't get it. People at Endochoice want to believe that MG and GC will do the right thing but these guys have never done the right thing when it comes to the sales force. They are only out for themselves. No one else.

Not a lot of real sharp knives in the drawer here.

Can any of you just take a wild guess as to why GC and MG don't want you reaching out to BSX?

C'mon. Just take a stab at it.

I must be stupid because I thought the reason was because the Boston reps know that we will be gone. Are you saying something different?

Not a lot of real sharp knives in the drawer here.

Can any of you just take a wild guess as to why GC and MG don't want you reaching out to BSX?

C'mon. Just take a stab at it.

Ha! I hear ya. BSX has no clue as to what they just bought. GC and MG want to put a muzzle on everyone until this thing closes. Keep the 4,673 skeletons in our closet completely undisturbed. That's the only reason.

considering there have been 40 or so Boston sales reps who have already gone through EndoChoice training, yes you read that right, EndoChoice has been training current Boston reps on our products prior to the close.

If any reps are actually kept, I'm betting it's only temporary and for some crap associate pay where they treat you like a bastard child.

considering there have been 40 or so Boston sales reps who have already gone through EndoChoice training, yes you read that right, EndoChoice has been training current Boston reps on our products prior to the close.

If any reps are actually kept, I'm betting it's only temporary and for some crap associate pay where they treat you like a bastard child.

Not to be a smart ass but what training would they need? Going over our endokits and the injection needle would take maybe an hour webinar. Not difficult stuff.

Not to be a smart ass but what training would they need? Going over our endokits and the injection needle would take maybe an hour webinar. Not difficult stuff.

You would be surprised as to how many people struggle to close endokit business. Dont forget about the pathology and scope repair business.

Boston reps are the olympus reps of devices, they haven't had to for years upon years. Just reinforce the contract, scare them about price hikes unless they meet certain commitment, purchase x to get y at $x.xx price. Speaking from experience, boston has turned a blind eye to the surgery center field and held the death grip on the hospitals. They will need a different tactic to really capture the surgery center business as most nurse managers will tell them to pound sand if they use their current methodology of selling.