Endochoice opportunity

You never mentioned it because you don't have any! You run your mouth about a company you don't work for... I told you ewave was coming out... You said it's make believe.... Ok? Keep drinking the green Cool-Aid you assclown.

You are a douche canoe. Please learn to spell and punctuate correctly. It's Kool Aid and ass clown. Get it right Jr! Make Olympus proud! You are exactly right, EC doesn't have any reputable marketshare. What marketshare they do have is minuscule. Please Mr. Olympus, enlighten me on the market changing EWAVE and when it will be released. It must sting to be 2nd to market with a product.

You are a douche canoe. Please learn to spell and punctuate correctly. It's Kool Aid and ass clown. Get it right Jr! Make Olympus proud! You are exactly right, EC doesn't have any reputable marketshare. What marketshare they do have is minuscule. Please Mr. Olympus, enlighten me on the market changing EWAVE and when it will be released. It must sting to be 2nd to market with a product.

Yeah, it really stings... Just like when Viking had a 3d lap camera first... It doesn't matter if your 1st to the market with a shit product. Pour some of that Kool Aid down your cum dumpster.

This conversation is amazing. Thank you for allowing your ignorance to be displayed so proudly!!

I believe the person who mentioned "alienating the GI community" is referring to the advertising campaign that is saying that they are not getting a quality exam unless they are using a Fuse system.

Yes, that is alienating physicians, and I have heard it several times myself.

What Fuse sales people do not understand, and obviously completely discount, is the functionality and quality of the scope. Whether it be air/water issues, poor handling, poor optics (I'm talking about image quality not just field of view) FUSE has issues. these scopes have a nifty field of view thing going - but its issues are and will continue to hold it back. The scopes are not of the same quality. Period. (how long will they last, what kind of repairs will be needed, how much will those repairs cost when they replace 3 ccd chips?).

Your field of view is one piece of the puzzle, the entire package is what has created the market for its leader, and Fuse certainly does not have it.

This is a spirited debate - please don't let my logic and facts (yes facts) get in the way of the fan boy arguments here...

This conversation is amazing. Thank you for allowing your ignorance to be displayed so proudly!!

I believe the person who mentioned "alienating the GI community" is referring to the advertising campaign that is saying that they are not getting a quality exam unless they are using a Fuse system.

Yes, that is alienating physicians, and I have heard it several times myself.

What Fuse sales people do not understand, and obviously completely discount, is the functionality and quality of the scope. Whether it be air/water issues, poor handling, poor optics (I'm talking about image quality not just field of view) FUSE has issues. these scopes have a nifty field of view thing going - but its issues are and will continue to hold it back. The scopes are not of the same quality. Period. (how long will they last, what kind of repairs will be needed, how much will those repairs cost when they replace 3 ccd chips?).

Your field of view is one piece of the puzzle, the entire package is what has created the market for its leader, and Fuse certainly does not have it.

This is a spirited debate - please don't let my logic and facts (yes facts) get in the way of the fan boy arguments here...

100% accurate. No disputing 330 view is better than 170. But that's not enough. Until the rest of the scope is up to snuff this will not take off. I believe it will eventually be standard of care but the big question is....,,will Endochoice be the company to execute?

This conversation is amazing. Thank you for allowing your ignorance to be displayed so proudly!!

I believe the person who mentioned "alienating the GI community" is referring to the advertising campaign that is saying that they are not getting a quality exam unless they are using a Fuse system.

Yes, that is alienating physicians, and I have heard it several times myself.

What Fuse sales people do not understand, and obviously completely discount, is the functionality and quality of the scope. Whether it be air/water issues, poor handling, poor optics (I'm talking about image quality not just field of view) FUSE has issues. these scopes have a nifty field of view thing going - but its issues are and will continue to hold it back. The scopes are not of the same quality. Period. (how long will they last, what kind of repairs will be needed, how much will those repairs cost when they replace 3 ccd chips?).

Your field of view is one piece of the puzzle, the entire package is what has created the market for its leader, and Fuse certainly does not have it.

This is a spirited debate - please don't let my logic and facts (yes facts) get in the way of the fan boy arguments here...

Hey Olympus dipshit! Your corrupt company has robbed physicians of the confidence that they don't actually need you, but we are helping them see the light. What started as a company that innovates, to advance medicine and help people, has turned into an arrogant, monopolizing, corruption factory that is finally being exposed. You can sit on this site and spew what you've been taught to, you soulless monkey, but Endochoice is the real deal. You and those worthless ingrates who are coming on here knocking what we're doing, do so out of fear. Get ready for change, it's coming!!

Re: Endochoice "opportunity"

Helping them see the light eh? How about helping them fight through shadows, blind spots, with these poorly constructed scopes with poor handling, and even worse air and water capability.

Lets not also forget about inferior image quality - yes, image detail and resolution matters.

They need you alright, to pull that piece of shit console out of the room, and to roll the Olympus system back in once they take off a polyp and can't even find it because of your "amazing technology".

What's worse than the quality of this piece of shit, is the 3rd string salesmen who are out pushing and lying, and doing everything they can to get this into every hack shop of an endo center out there. Want to find Fuse? Go to the lowest quality physicians outpatient centers who are begging for any edge they can get (your "promotional dollars").

Good luck fan boy, I'll check back in 6 months and see if you have sold anything, or the guts to stick with this piece of shit company built on the back of low quality disposable products.

Have you placed more than 15 rooms across the country yet?? Seriously??!

I'd start focusing on those piece of shit biopsy forceps and carts because thats probably your best chance at a sale these days.

Re: Endochoice "opportunity"

Helping them see the light eh? How about helping them fight through shadows, blind spots, with these poorly constructed scopes with poor handling, and even worse air and water capability.

Lets not also forget about inferior image quality - yes, image detail and resolution matters.

They need you alright, to pull that piece of shit console out of the room, and to roll the Olympus system back in once they take off a polyp and can't even find it because of your "amazing technology".

What's worse than the quality of this piece of shit, is the 3rd string salesmen who are out pushing and lying, and doing everything they can to get this into every hack shop of an endo center out there. Want to find Fuse? Go to the lowest quality physicians outpatient centers who are begging for any edge they can get (your "promotional dollars").

Good luck fan boy, I'll check back in 6 months and see if you have sold anything, or the guts to stick with this piece of shit company built on the back of low quality disposable products.

Have you placed more than 15 rooms across the country yet?? Seriously??!

I'd start focusing on those piece of shit biopsy forceps and carts because thats probably your best chance at a sale these days.

Dude...seriously? Why are you in this room if you don't even work for EC. We get it already! You love Olympus and hate EC. Congrats! I couldn't be happier for you. It's funny you mentioned third string salesmen and shitty products. If memory serves, the only way Olympus get their disposables into labs is to bundle it. Shady...yes, surprising...no. Your post reeks of hypocrisy. Olympus has built there business on lies and false promises.

Enough! Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to tell you people to stay off of this site and stop entering into ridiculous arguments about Fuse. We've talked about on our calls, we've talked about it at RAP yet AGAIN, and we've discussed at meetings. Stop it. Enough. The sad part is that we have management on here at all hours of the day and if it doesn't stop, you're gone. Period. It's as simple as that. You're compromising company intelligence and being complete idiots in the process. We can have IT run reports that implicate your IP address and laptops. Enough.

From an outside observer, my take is this: Endochoice has like 60 reps and virtually 100% of their time is spent trying to sell the Fuse. In almost 18 months time you have only sold @ 15 systems. If that. With 60 reps.

Olympus has 100 some reps that sell endoscope systems among many other products and services that compliment their bag. And they sell literally 300X the endoscope systems and dollars as the Fuse. And Fuse supposedly is this groundbreaking technology that has game changing data. Really? Seriously? Then where are the sales? Where are the results?

That's a problem, fellas. You have devoted probably 3x the man hours and resources as Olympus. Your motivation and passion can't possibly be greater. It's not translating though. And you're still not getting it done.

What reasonable excuse do you possibly have? It's been 18 months. 15 systems? Most of which I'm sure were to "friends of the company". Something's not right.

I'm listening.

From an outside observer, my take is this: Endochoice has like 60 reps and virtually 100% of their time is spent trying to sell the Fuse. In almost 18 months time you have only sold @ 15 systems. If that. With 60 reps.

Olympus has 100 some reps that sell endoscope systems among many other products and services that compliment their bag. And they sell literally 300X the endoscope systems and dollars as the Fuse. And Fuse supposedly is this groundbreaking technology that has game changing data. Really? Seriously? Then where are the sales? Where are the results?

That's a problem, fellas. You have devoted probably 3x the man hours and resources as Olympus. Your motivation and passion can't possibly be greater. It's not translating though. And you're still not getting it done.

What reasonable excuse do you possibly have? It's been 18 months. 15 systems? Most of which I'm sure were to "friends of the company". Something's not right.

I'm listening.
Hi Outside Observer, if you're trolling - well done. I'm sure your post could incite some emotionally charged, lengthy responses. If you're serious, what's your background? What is your level of understanding of how businesses work, product launches, and the GI endoscopy capital equipment market? Whatever your intentions, never give up! Never stop listening and learning.

Oh EndoChoice, where do I begin...

As a full disclaimer, I was an employee who left on good terms. I was not fired like all the others I am hearing about, but then again I worked there during an easier time. It's sad to see what has happened...it makes me upset to see the territory I helped build now rotting away. The best way to describe the current situation, "pigs get slaughtered"

The executives (MG & GC) became extremely greedy and basically ruined what was working, mortgaged the whole company (which was almost profitable) on FUSE, which lets face it, is absolutely a piece of garbage. To boot, they couldn't have hired a more retarded "team" to put it all together. Look, no one is perfect with their hiring choices, but no one should also be that bad! Honestly, I'd have to blame GC on the hiring...if anyone knows him, he's the most arrogant, unlikable, unwilling to listen to anyone, person I have ever met (most would agree).

Anyways, I've digressed...

The devices kind of sucked (sticking forceps), but they had a good thing going with the compliance kits. The kits may be the ONLY thing that is representative of CHIE. It was a product that got people excited and made my job fun! As I mentioned though, it simply wasn't enough. Or it wasn't enough for the CEO to build an additional mansion, lol! I think at one time most of the reps were genuinely happy because management was happy. If you're goikg to pin point the turning point of EC I would have to say without a doubt, FUSE. Again, though it's a novel idea...it's GARBAGE in terms of quality. It's the quintessential "Lamborghini kit" on the Fiero. This company will without a doubt fail (if they're not sold)...hopefully they will be able to pay Sequoia back :)

Anyways, to make a long story short, this company used to be awesome and now they blow. To any future TM's with interest, listen to the board and pass on this. Worst case, you're looking a few more months for a job and best case, you'll make $70,000 (if you make it out of your first year), but you'll literally cry every Sunday night because you'll dread the start to another soul crushing week!

To use a line from my favorite show as a child growing up..." But you don't have to take my for it" (that's Reading Rainbow for all of you Millennials)

Oh EndoChoice, where do I begin...

As a full disclaimer, I was an employee who left on good terms. I was not fired like all the others I am hearing about, but then again I worked there during an easier time. It's sad to see what has happened...it makes me upset to see the territory I helped build now rotting away. The best way to describe the current situation, "pigs get slaughtered"

The executives (MG & GC) became extremely greedy and basically ruined what was working, mortgaged the whole company (which was almost profitable) on FUSE, which lets face it, is absolutely a piece of garbage. To boot, they couldn't have hired a more retarded "team" to put it all together. Look, no one is perfect with their hiring choices, but no one should also be that bad! Honestly, I'd have to blame GC on the hiring...if anyone knows him, he's the most arrogant, unlikable, unwilling to listen to anyone, person I have ever met (most would agree).

Anyways, I've digressed...

The devices kind of sucked (sticking forceps), but they had a good thing going with the compliance kits. The kits may be the ONLY thing that is representative of CHIE. It was a product that got people excited and made my job fun! As I mentioned though, it simply wasn't enough. Or it wasn't enough for the CEO to build an additional mansion, lol! I think at one time most of the reps were genuinely happy because management was happy. If you're goikg to pin point the turning point of EC I would have to say without a doubt, FUSE. Again, though it's a novel idea...it's GARBAGE in terms of quality. It's the quintessential "Lamborghini kit" on the Fiero. This company will without a doubt fail (if they're not sold)...hopefully they will be able to pay Sequoia back :)

Anyways, to make a long story short, this company used to be awesome and now they blow. To any future TM's with interest, listen to the board and pass on this. Worst case, you're looking a few more months for a job and best case, you'll make $70,000 (if you make it out of your first year), but you'll literally cry every Sunday night because you'll dread the start to another soul crushing week!

To use a line from my favorite show as a child growing up..." But you don't have to take my for it" (that's Reading Rainbow for all of you Millennials)

What I took from your rambling post-----you couldn't get the job done. When someone can't get the job done, they slam the former employer. Well played sir, well played.

Such Negativity when we are in very capable hands. Th charisma, charm and knowledge of the Area Directors and GC will guide us through these rough waters ;) Ive got a bridge for sale as well.

Endochoice - an economy disposables company that wanted to go big time.
They bought into technology that is good in concept, but poor in quality, and design.

This segment has huge barriers to entry, and this product is not going to get it done as is. The competitors certainly do have products in development that will be of higher quality and technology, and with an established FULL product line to boot. And it isn't as far away as some here think.

Good luck.

Please continue with the theatrics. This was really entertaining.

This place is definitely a churn and burn for sales reps. Senior leadership sees the rep as a resource that can be easily replaced. Last year we grew but we still had 40-50% turnover in the sales force. A high turnover may not impact the purchases of cheap products like bite blocks and cleaning brushes but it will impact Fuse sales. The capital purchase process can be long and challenging. Every time we lose another rep, that process has to be started over again with a new rep. Until senior leadership recognizes and appreciates tenure, Fuse sales won't improve.