Enbrel ex-McKinsey nerd

Amgen is hiring McKinsey to run a to. Projects right now and all I can tell you is thatt hey provide no value.

Fancy slides written in ways to hide that all they do is state the obvious. I don’t need fancy graphs and expert quotes to tell me that eating my poop will taste bad.

That's McKinsey for you. Nothing original, just crap on nice slides regurgitated from company to company. Better get people with real experience to help us, not 27 year-old dudes straight our of MBA kindergarten.

McKinsey doesn’t develop leaders. They never have. They teach people to understand who has the power and how to influence them under the guise of analytical skills. The fact that Jay is a career climbing sociopath isn’t different than the usual McKinsey alumni. The up and out McKinsey structure is about competition and politics. It isn’t about inspiring and leading normal peons who went to non elite schools.

Dude, you are seriously having some kind of drawn out mental freakout over Jay. All your ridiculous posting has done nothing to keep him from staying with Amgen. I'd pay $100 to know what is motivating your obsession with him.