You all have it backwards. The problem isn't that RKM is always leaving early the problem is that he always comes back!!!!!!
You all have it backwards. The problem isn't that RKM is always leaving early the problem is that he always comes back!!!!!!
Richard is a consummate self promoter who has ripped off the company and gotten away with it. So what else is new? It is well known, you are dealing with a dishonest and a narcissist individual. A trait well established within Merck management. Go back to when he was in charge of Academic Affairs and then EMSA. He destroyed the outcomes group, clinical affairs and medical services. He has doctored documents and data to suite the flavor he wants to present. The list of poor managed practices are listed thru ought the trail of these messages. It is truly amazing now he hides within the useless domain of the office chief medical officer. This joke reinforces how clueless Merck senior management is.
Richard is a consummate self promoter who has ripped off the company and gotten away with it. So what else is new? It is well known, you are dealing with a dishonest and a narcissist individual. A trait well established within Merck management. Go back to when he was in charge of Academic Affairs and then EMSA. He destroyed the outcomes group, clinical affairs and medical services. He has doctored documents and data to suite the flavor he wants to present. The list of poor managed practices are listed thru ought the trail of these messages. It is truly amazing now he hides within the useless domain of the office chief medical officer. This joke reinforces how clueless Merck senior management is.
What else can you say the man is teflon.
How can you work with crazy nutty people like Frank S. This guy needs to be sent to therapy and sedation.
The CMO, Granowitz, and Murray et al., are disgusting nasty individuals creating a toxic work environment of lies and distortions.
Granowitz is an exploiter and self promoter extrodinaire. He may have shut down grants but a lot of the dollars shifted back, paid directly by marketing teams. They have to live with the results, he doesn't.
Hopefully it didn't hurt Saphris too bad nor will it adversely affect launch of respiratory combo. Adam says we need these to be successful. Time will tell.
Why are bullies like Granowitz and Murray allowed to use their position power to intimidate us?
Why are bullies like Granowitz and Murray allowed to use their position power to intimidate us?
Throw in Victrellis and I think we have our answer! Duh.
Launch of Saphris + Dulera + Victrellis + Sylatron = MA Epic Fail.
Interesting that a lot of the people in USMA are the same with a big difference. Granowitz in and Murray Out bringing in his version of Medical Affairs support. His view of doing things in support of launches is distinctly different than Murray who was around for those small product launches like Januvia, Gardasil and Vytorin. Adam, Adam, Mark, Mark...Bueller, Bueller, anyone, anyone.
I think I miss Murray
I think Dr. M just bitch slapped Dr. G.
Dr G's reputation as a socially awkward slash and burn leader is well known inside and out of the company. Given the revolt in Med Aff and the poor support results, where the heck are Timney and Adam. Waiting for the relaunch of Sylatron? You didn't want to properly fund the first launch and now you live with the results. Yervoy is eating your lunch. BMS had no problem doing all the things that Merck used to do under Dr Murray. IIRC didn't Dr G head marketing for Intron A. How'd that work out?