To my friends and colleagues here are the reasons why Dr. Murray continues to survive....truth be said, our top management has checked out and is failing.
Realistic Assessment:
Merck needs a true messenger with credibility and trust. Currently there is no trust capital left and lets make a case and point, this is not the right team to do battle nor to turn things around. Honestly, it is beyond their capacity. We are back to dealing with consultants. A sign that managements does not know or understands their own business. Situation complicated by too many arrogant losers with bad track record in high management positions (legacy of Vioxx). It is not just about one event, it is an emerging pattern and series of missteps and poor decision making at the top. Current management team is rotting and dysfunctional on all fronts. Too much infighting and back stabbing, analysis paralysis and lets not forget the famous Merck bureaucracy and lack of objectivity, accountability and cover up of bad practices. Yes there is no accountability at the top. And yes, MRL and senior management have got the science wrong which cannot be forgiven. Take research for instance Dr. Kim and team cannot read the tea leaves from the FDA and one has to say he is an abject failure (Arcoxia was to be a sure thing....20 to 1 no decision, totally missed the call on Cordaptive). Obviously there is a fundamental fatal flaw in the research program they are missing the point that it is all about the delivery of effective safe medicines. Look at the vaccine area they cannot manufacture their products to needed capacity and have quality control problem. Estimated to be a $500 Millon debacle. The manufacturing area is a disaster. EPA citations on environmental hazard. Sales marketing and business decision making are totally a dismal. Public affairs disaster with Enhance. What were they thinking. Yes it is true the press, congress, and our customers do not like Merck and pharma in large part due to the DTC and Vioxx debacle has changed the whole playing field and put the industry into a defensive posture. Add to that the Company is under siege from the Feds and regulators. Subject to a new Compliance program agreement. Litigation expenses continue (frazier may have saved the company but the misery and work environment sucks). Physician offices have signs saying Merck reps not welcomed. We are in the business of selling medicines and not defending about lies and sharing nice platitudes (patients come first, SURE...SHOW ME) raises serious doubts that Merck will survive. Top employees have no reason to stay and Merck resumes are flooding the market and this is a far short of the Merck we once used to be. Mr. Clark and team have squandered the core values of trust and credibility. It is a shameful disappointment to be an employee of once greatly admired company we called Merck. Cannot imagine that Mr. Clark has lowered the current standards even lower than that of Mr. Gilmartin’s legacy. What is surprising that even with 35 plus years of service Clark has no connectivity with the grass roots of the company. One would think employees would trust him since he is one of us. Obviously, he is not connected to reality of the magnitude of the disaster with employee apathy and lack interest and resolve top save the company have set in. So far his new programs beyond cost cutting and to improve the companies integration and functionality (COMET/E2E) are failing. Decision making is back in the hands of idiots who defer it back to committees which compound the problem of indecison making. Mr. Clark has forgotten his first speech after the Gilmartins departure. For lesson sake read it for notes and that he received a standing ovation from the employees. Took the eye of the ball and has lost the culture war to facilitate and bring change. Pre Enhance stock price run up can be summed up as a MIRAGE and not based on reality of what the company was truly capable of delivering. On all counts Clark and team are emerging as a failure. Expect management spin that the industry and the economy are obvious excuses. I beg to differ, this is a Merck internal problem.
What is unacceptable is that hundreds of millions were spent on the 3 phases of trial for Cordaptive and we received FDA rejection letter and disapproval on even the name. Mr. Clark there must be accountability for what went wrong with Enhance, Cordaptive, MVD, Manufacturing, sales/marketing, and ....!
Serious doubts that Merck has the board and management team to survive. We have 7 large worldwide Pharma companies. I do not think Merck will be in the top tier position in the next 3 to 5 years. A small nimble effective company is all that we can wish for.
To all the colleagues in EMSA lets work together smartly to survive, remain sane and help the company do well.
Good luck!
This is a very interesting read and sounds like it comes from someone with a realistic grasp of the problem(s) at Merck. Management reveals their incompetence and disability/dysfunction through the level of threat, anxiety, and fear felt by rank and file employees. As the quoted post accurately points out, there is no trust or confidence in the management representing Merck, whether one is an employee or general public observer.