Elidel cause cancer?

Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

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This is so obvious!!! Brainwashed rep who either doesn't know or doesn't care about honesty, ethics, and just plain old good human nature! To hell with you and your elidel!!

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Honesty, ethics, plane old human nature ?? WTF are you talking about?? There is ZERO data linking elidel to cancer. There is NO evidence linking Elidel to cancer in animals. There is a limited number of cases of ORAL elidel in HIGH doses showing enough systemic suppression to leave an animal "susepible" to cancer.

What is unethical about selling a drug that has been proven safe in humans and has a theoretical risk in animals when taken in extremely high doses.??

Now you will call me "brainwashed" as well, but everything I just stated comes from the FDA site, not Novartis'. I beleive in my heart that there are many many drugs (including steroids) which "may" have a "theoretical" link to cancer in animals when given in high oral doses.

The stats prove that cases of reported cancers in Elidel pts is LOWER than the general population. My ethics are just fine, becasue I have truth, evidence and facts on my side.

Now fuck off "Steroid Rep"

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Maybe you are "ethical" or you intend to be "honest". BUT it is very hard to be ethical and Honest when you are in fact BRAINWASHED! You must wake up. Elidel has a black box warning; a BLACK BOX WARNING; WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I BET YOU HAVE A GREAT REBUTTAL TO ANY PHYSICIAN THAT QUESTIONS THE LONG TERM SAFETY OF ELIDEL DON'T YOU? I FORGIVE YOU FOR YOU JUST SIMPLY DON'T KNOW.


Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

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This is so obvious!!! Brainwashed rep who either doesn't know or doesn't care about honesty, ethics, and just plain old good human nature! To hell with you and your elidel!!

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Honesty, ethics, plane old human nature ?? WTF are you talking about?? There is ZERO data linking elidel to cancer. There is NO evidence linking Elidel to cancer in animals. There is a limited number of cases of ORAL elidel in HIGH doses showing enough systemic suppression to leave an animal "susepible" to cancer.

What is unethical about selling a drug that has been proven safe in humans and has a theoretical risk in animals when taken in extremely high doses.??

Now you will call me "brainwashed" as well, but everything I just stated comes from the FDA site, not Novartis'. I beleive in my heart that there are many many drugs (including steroids) which "may" have a "theoretical" link to cancer in animals when given in high oral doses.

The stats prove that cases of reported cancers in Elidel pts is LOWER than the general population. My ethics are just fine, becasue I have truth, evidence and facts on my side.

Now fuck off "Steroid Rep"

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You're an insane person

I work for a steroid company

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Why would you work for a steroid company? You sell a branded generic, and you and your company have no future. I refuse to hire the losers who sell branded generics because your whole sales presentation is "Please, Please use my worthless wanna be product in just one patient." "If you do I will go on an incentive trip because no one else is stupid enough to do it."

Check the FACTS. Elidel DOES NOT have a black bow warning. It MAY get one someday, it has been recommended to have one by an advisory comittee (based on theoretical risk), but I repeat., EDLIDEL DOES NOT HAVE A BLACK BOX WARNING. Look it up Einstein.

And even if it did, 1/3 of drugs in any sample closet have black bix warnings. Hell, ALL birth control pills carry a black box warning. Do Drs prescribe any of those.
It is SO obvious that you are an Elocon rep (or some other side-affect laden steroid) that it is comical.

You have NO credibility to come in here saying Elidel has a black box when in FACT it does not.

Check the FACTS. Elidel DOES NOT have a black bow warning. It MAY get one someday, it has been recommended to have one by an advisory comittee (based on theoretical risk), but I repeat., EDLIDEL DOES NOT HAVE A BLACK BOX WARNING. Look it up Einstein.

And even if it did, 1/3 of drugs in any sample closet have black bix warnings. Hell, ALL birth control pills carry a black box warning. Do Drs prescribe any of those.
It is SO obvious that you are an Elocon rep (or some other side-affect laden steroid) that it is comical.

You have NO credibility to come in here saying Elidel has a black box when in FACT it does not.

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Brainwashed; eat your words in a few months. The bottom line is YOU MUST STOP promoting elidel for long term use on infants and young children. Get a CONSCIENCE!

Novartis R/D rep here, for the past 3 years, I have NEVER, not even ONCE promoted Elidel for infants (our indication is 2 and up) or for 'long term use". Never, not once. havent had to, because there are SOOooooooo many out there with atopic derm that is under treated or under-diagnosed that we have become a market leader within indication. I've had 3 managers in that time (original one got promoted, got a second one, then we realigned) and none of the 3 have encouraged ANY type of off label promotion. If/when we get a black box warning, we will deal with it. Most likely, warning will simply emphasize what is already in the labelling.

Why so many Elidel haters on this thread?? No new data, no human cases, no causality, just a possibility of a balck box warning someday based on a theoretical animal risk. So what??

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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Here is proof that Elidel is being illegally promoted for use in children under 2.

Uh Oh.

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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The reps are brainwashed, and tell you it's safe for everyone, but they're not to blame; they're simply looking to get paid, and well, they're brainwashed. I would use a little aloe and some hypoallergenic detergent for his/her clothes, blankets, etc.(also wash in hottest water temp).

My 5 month old son was using Elidel 2x a day for 30 + days for a slight eczema problem until my Dr. told me last week to stop using it. She said she was previously under the impression that it was okay for babies as young as 3 months, and now the rep is telling her no. If any of you are parents, then you understand my sentiments when I say this little baby is everything to us. When prescribed Elidel, it was used as the first source to treat his newly diagnosed eczema. I had heard negative things about steriod treatments, and we only wanted the very best for our little guy, so we forked out the money (our insurance only paid a very smaill amount) for Elidel. Now, I feel that I have only hurt our son with this cream and I live with a fear and guilt that cannot be described. The worst part is that this could have all been avoided, had the people responsible come forth with the information they knew to be true. He was prescrbied the drug in early-mid Feb., and stopped using only last week.

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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The reps are brainwashed, and tell you it's safe for everyone, but they're not to blame; they're simply looking to get paid, and well, they're brainwashed. I would use a little aloe and some hypoallergenic detergent for his/her clothes, blankets, etc.(also wash in hottest water temp).

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Thank you so very much for the advice! I know about getting a paycheck, my husband is with a different pharma co. It's frustrating when you have 1 min w/ a doc. I am grateful I checked this board otherwise my son would still be using elidel. I am sure in moderation it's fine for older children. Thanks again!!!!!

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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The reps are brainwashed, and tell you it's safe for everyone, but they're not to blame; they're simply looking to get paid, and well, they're brainwashed. I would use a little aloe and some hypoallergenic detergent for his/her clothes, blankets, etc.(also wash in hottest water temp).

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Thank you so very much for the advice! I know about getting a paycheck, my husband is with a different pharma co. It's frustrating when you have 1 min w/ a doc. I am grateful I checked this board otherwise my son would still be using elidel. I am sure in moderation it's fine for older children. Thanks again!!!!!

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Glad to be of help, and just trying to stop the madness that is "pharmaceutical sales."

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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The reps are brainwashed, and tell you it's safe for everyone, but they're not to blame; they're simply looking to get paid, and well, they're brainwashed. I would use a little aloe and some hypoallergenic detergent for his/her clothes, blankets, etc.(also wash in hottest water temp).

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Thank you so very much for the advice! I know about getting a paycheck, my husband is with a different pharma co. It's frustrating when you have 1 min w/ a doc. I am grateful I checked this board otherwise my son would still be using elidel. I am sure in moderation it's fine for older children. Thanks again!!!!!

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Glad to be of help, and just trying to stop the madness that is "pharmaceutical sales."

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Dear "Concerned Mom". Your concerns are understandable. Anytime someone mentions "children" and "cancer" in the same sentence, it is cause for concern. Here are the FACTS on Elidel, and I challenge ANYONE on this board to dispute these facts:

1. 19,000 patients in clinical tirals and NO cancers in anyone

2. Over 5 million people on Elidel since it was launched and NO cases of cancer linked to Elidel (FDA website)

3. Rat studies, where Rats were given Elidel in high dosed orally, NO cancers

4. Monkey studies: 30 monkeys given very very high doses on Elidel orally (over 1000x recommended dose) and ONE monkey had lymphome in ONE lymphnode. It was a type of lymphome NOt consistent with t-cell modification.

5. A HUGE pediatric study on Elidel in INFANTS is underway at National Jewish out in Denver, and the FDA has NOT asked them to stop that study. Now if the FDA is truly concerned about Elidel in children under 2, don't you think they would ask National Jewish to stop that study ASAP ?? Nope, FDA says go ahead and enroll MORE infants.

Those are all undisputable FACTS. When someone says the earth is round, are they "brainwashed", or are they simply stating the facts?

Do what you want with your own 15 month old by all means. NO ONE knows what the long term effects of Elidel are. It has only been studied since 1996. What we DO know, is that if you give 1000 times too much Elidel to monkeys orally, 1 in 30 can develop a cancer.

Honestly, What are the risks to those under 2? My 15mo. old is on it, but not every day, just outbreaks. I am asking you reps because you are usually more informed than the Pediatricians.

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The reps are brainwashed, and tell you it's safe for everyone, but they're not to blame; they're simply looking to get paid, and well, they're brainwashed. I would use a little aloe and some hypoallergenic detergent for his/her clothes, blankets, etc.(also wash in hottest water temp).

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Thank you so very much for the advice! I know about getting a paycheck, my husband is with a different pharma co. It's frustrating when you have 1 min w/ a doc. I am grateful I checked this board otherwise my son would still be using elidel. I am sure in moderation it's fine for older children. Thanks again!!!!!

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Glad to be of help, and just trying to stop the madness that is "pharmaceutical sales."

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Dear "Concerned Mom". Your concerns are understandable. Anytime someone mentions "children" and "cancer" in the same sentence, it is cause for concern. Here are the FACTS on Elidel, and I challenge ANYONE on this board to dispute these facts:

1. 19,000 patients in clinical tirals and NO cancers in anyone

2. Over 5 million people on Elidel since it was launched and NO cases of cancer linked to Elidel (FDA website)

3. Rat studies, where Rats were given Elidel in high dosed orally, NO cancers

4. Monkey studies: 30 monkeys given very very high doses on Elidel orally (over 1000x recommended dose) and ONE monkey had lymphome in ONE lymphnode. It was a type of lymphome NOt consistent with t-cell modification.

5. A HUGE pediatric study on Elidel in INFANTS is underway at National Jewish out in Denver, and the FDA has NOT asked them to stop that study. Now if the FDA is truly concerned about Elidel in children under 2, don't you think they would ask National Jewish to stop that study ASAP ?? Nope, FDA says go ahead and enroll MORE infants.

Those are all undisputable FACTS. When someone says the earth is round, are they "brainwashed", or are they simply stating the facts?

Do what you want with your own 15 month old by all means. NO ONE knows what the long term effects of Elidel are. It has only been studied since 1996. What we DO know, is that if you give 1000 times too much Elidel to monkeys orally, 1 in 30 can develop a cancer.

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Give it up already! Quit selling Elidel to infants you ignoramous! You're making us all look really bad!

Elidel does work. The scientific community and FDA all agree that the drug works. It does not work as dramatically or as fast as the steroids do; however, it does work if used like it is designed to be used. Steriods are effective and safe when used appropriately - just as Elidel is effective and safe when used apporpriately. Would you agree that Derms are better judges of what is safe and effective, and are smart enough to judge the long-term safety data? Derms, thought leaders, are saying that the safety concerns are overblown - with the scare being predicated on oral dosing 17X or more of the usual dose of Elidel, and transport agents being applied with the cream resulting in high serum levels - where with Elidel cream, serum levels are barely measurable. Elidel offers the physician another choice for those who can't take steriods or who suffer from specific side effects of steriods. Again, everyone needs to calm down and let the scientific community sort this out. If Novartis is guilty of anything, it is overpromotion resulting in Peds using the drug inappropriately (kids under 2) - let's hope that an effective,safe, needed drug is not dealt a death notice until some real evidence is presented.

For some people like myself, Elidel is the only drug that works - topical and systemic steroids are completely ineffective, I would take Elidel any day over a winning multi million £ lottery ticket ...