Elidel cause cancer?

Alright, I'll admit I'm biased: I am an Elidel rep, but I am also a parent of 3 kids that use Elidel. So, I decided to look into this as deeply as I could, googled every possible verbage I could think of and here are my conclusions:

When used or absorbed SYSTEMICALLY, elidel MIGHT cause a person to become so immunosupressed that they COULD become suseptible to cancer. However, Elidel is not used systemically, it is used topically, and in NO study has it been found to be absorbed to s systemic level. Therefore, since my kids are over 2 yrs old, I will continue to use it on them, and I have ZERO concern that it will cause, or be linked to in any way, cancer. There is simply no evidence, and no viable reason linking elidel to cancer.

FDA is in CYA mode ever since Vioxx.

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You have not a clue!!!

My kids, family's kids, friends kids, and so on will never use Elidel again...it's not worth it to me!

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You, your kids, families kids, friends kids, n=and so on stand a greated chance of getting killed in a car wreck than getting cancer from a drug the FDA says has "no established link" to cancer in humans. The FDA sited "a potential risk" of increased cancer based on animal data. How many drugs in the PDR do YOU think have a "potential risk of cancer" when you give an animal over 1000 times the human dose for extended periods of time?

p.s. I call bullshit on your post anyway, becasue clearly you are too fucking stupid to have friends

I work for a steroid company & we're having a great time publicizing the fact that the FDA has made a statement & required a black box.
Novartis reps are a disgrace to the pharma industry...they've lied to Peds & now they're getting called out on all their lies. Including: recommending that Peds write Elidel 1st line (knowing that they are only APPROVED 2nd line); knowing that in Oct 2003, the FDA Ped Advisory group met to discuss serious concers regarding IM's & links to cancer.
Yes Elidel is "Non-steroidal" - so is Vioxx but we don't give that to babies either!

You work for a steroid company? LOL. I got so many comebacks and not enough time. Go sell your HPA axis suppression drug...can you sell yourself out of that one vs Elidel? Didn't think so.

You work for a steroid company? LOL. I got so many comebacks and not enough time. Go sell your HPA axis suppression drug...can you sell yourself out of that one vs Elidel? Didn't think so.

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Hmm...typcial idiotic remark from an Elidel rep....you people are morons. LOL - HPA axis suppression - is that the best you got!?!?!

Alright, I'll admit I'm biased: I am an Elidel rep, but I am also a parent of 3 kids that use Elidel. So, I decided to look into this as deeply as I could, googled every possible verbage I could think of and here are my conclusions:

When used or absorbed SYSTEMICALLY, elidel MIGHT cause a person to become so immunosupressed that they COULD become suseptible to cancer. However, Elidel is not used systemically, it is used topically, and in NO study has it been found to be absorbed to s systemic level. Therefore, since my kids are over 2 yrs old, I will continue to use it on them, and I have ZERO concern that it will cause, or be linked to in any way, cancer. There is simply no evidence, and no viable reason linking elidel to cancer.

FDA is in CYA mode ever since Vioxx.

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You have not a clue!!!

My kids, family's kids, friends kids, and so on will never use Elidel again...it's not worth it to me!

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You, your kids, families kids, friends kids, n=and so on stand a greated chance of getting killed in a car wreck than getting cancer from a drug the FDA says has "no established link" to cancer in humans. The FDA sited "a potential risk" of increased cancer based on animal data. How many drugs in the PDR do YOU think have a "potential risk of cancer" when you give an animal over 1000 times the human dose for extended periods of time?

p.s. I call bullshit on your post anyway, becasue clearly you are too fucking stupid to have friends

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I can take my kids to the park, McDonald's playland, etc...and the joy of those moments is worth the risk of my safe driving. On the other hand, using a elidel, which didn't work anyway...is not. It is an extrmely overpriced tube of first aid cream. I'll stick with topical corticosteroids as needed, instead of long term elidel. If you promote elidel, and you claim it should be used for prolonged use; I feel sorry for you, but I'll forgive you for you do not know that you are brainwashed. I urge you to wake up.

Like all drugs that are prescribed, the patient and physician have to determine the tolerable benefit/risk ratio. Is the benefit of Elidel is greater than the risk of the theory about cancer? Only an eczema sufferer and/or their parents and the physician recommendation's can determine this. Eczema can be so disfiguring and socially embarrassing for some patients that this risk may be low compared to the efficacy and relief experienced by these patients.

I wish people would get off their high horses about drugs and side effects. I also wish that we as reps were trained to effectively push for the time to share fair/balanced messages. We are forced to only spew the good points of our drugs, because that is all the time we get. This part of the job sucks and is harmful to the public.

Elidel doesnt even work. What do you say about the efficacy of this product? 10 days? 14 days? It burns and stings.

To reiterate: it takes forever to work, it stings like crazy, and could potentially cause cancer. Hmm, great product, lets dowse newborns in it!! This is a horrible product and thank God for Novartis that they prey on unfounded fears of uneducated peds for their business. You all do realize that each and every one of us knows more about dermatology than any pediatrician you call on. I just cant fathom how they use this product in the name of saftey. We have no idea the damage this product could be doing. Its only been around a few years. If it does cause cancer then we will soon have millions of children with skin cancer. At least with steroids we know the exact risks: stretch marks, reverible blanching, spider veins, and possible reversible HPA suppression. Even at that, its gonna take a super high potent steroid at ridiculous doses and occluded with plastic wrap. There is NO risk of significant side effects while using a low to mid potent steroid on anyone if used as directed.

Novartis got the FDA investigating by intentionally selling to off label indications. This whole thing falls back on them.

Elidel does work. The scientific community and FDA all agree that the drug works. It does not work as dramatically or as fast as the steroids do; however, it does work if used like it is designed to be used. Steriods are effective and safe when used appropriately - just as Elidel is effective and safe when used apporpriately. Would you agree that Derms are better judges of what is safe and effective, and are smart enough to judge the long-term safety data? Derms, thought leaders, are saying that the safety concerns are overblown - with the scare being predicated on oral dosing 17X or more of the usual dose of Elidel, and transport agents being applied with the cream resulting in high serum levels - where with Elidel cream, serum levels are barely measurable. Elidel offers the physician another choice for those who can't take steriods or who suffer from specific side effects of steriods. Again, everyone needs to calm down and let the scientific community sort this out. If Novartis is guilty of anything, it is overpromotion resulting in Peds using the drug inappropriately (kids under 2) - let's hope that an effective,safe, needed drug is not dealt a death notice until some real evidence is presented.

The over promotion of this drug is ridicuous. We are telling Peds to use it for seb derm, in combination with a steroid for severe eczema, for anything that is red and itchy, and totally overblowing the risks of steroids. If steroids are as dangerous as training would have us believe, why aren't more children walking around with with spider veins all over their atrophied, hypopigmented, growth stunted little bodies? I've never seen childrem like this!! And neither have my docs!

Steroids will get bb next. Being reviewed next month. Derms are pissed and think that FDA is full of it. Covering their A????. If Elidel gets a bb. Will get lifted. Even Derms say that Steroids present a greater risk to patients.

you guys are fools. Steroids ar no risk whatsoever. Unless you are using the highest potency and occluding it. Steroids have been around for 30 years. I cant believe that you try to make an argument for mid and low potent steroids being dangerous. That is uneducated. Does Elidel cause cancer? Probably not, but until it has a 30 year track rcord of safety, Id save the comparisons to steroids as far as safety record goes for another day.

you guys are fools. Steroids ar no risk whatsoever. Unless you are using the highest potency and occluding it. Steroids have been around for 30 years. I cant believe that you try to make an argument for mid and low potent steroids being dangerous. That is uneducated. Does Elidel cause cancer? Probably not, but until it has a 30 year track rcord of safety, Id save the comparisons to steroids as far as safety record goes for another day.

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Are you serious ?? Steroids have a 30 yr track record of atrophy, striea, hypo-pigmentation, and that pesky little thing called HPA axis supression. My wife has an area on her right calf that looks like she was in a fire, and it is from intermitent use of Cutivate and Elocon for about 4 years. Those are mid-potency.

Had a Derm tell me yesterday that if steroids were noe to the market today, they would never get approved by the FDA. Too many known risks.

If you think mid-potency, non-occluded steroids are safe, then lather up YOUR infants face wise guy

Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

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It is very obvious you are a loser Novartis rep selling Elidel!!! Hope you think it is a God send when they get the black box warning and your numbers tank!!!!

Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

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This is so obvious!!! Brainwashed rep who either doesn't know or doesn't care about honesty, ethics, and just plain old good human nature! To hell with you and your elidel!!

Family of 5, 3 of us have eczema. Elidel has been a life saver for the 2 kids. Chronic Eczema requires constant treatment. No way am I outting a steroid on the kids' skin 365 days a yr. Our ped has us on a regime of Steroid for severe flares, Eleidel 2x a day for about 2 weeks, then 1x a day. He also has all 3 of us on anti-histamine and leukotriene blocker. Eczema is now nothing more than some moderatly dry skin with virtually NO itching. People say Eldidel stings, you want stinging? Try Cutivate or Elocon. They burn like heck.

I am not worried about potential black box s our kids are 9 and 7 (the ones with eczema) and since we use it "second line" (for maintenance) I feel very safe. Any parent who has kids with Eczema knows that it is a painful, miserable disease, and any therapy that can help control it will continue to get useage. Sorry some of you are Elidel-haters, but we think this product is a God send

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This is so obvious!!! Brainwashed rep who either doesn't know or doesn't care about honesty, ethics, and just plain old good human nature! To hell with you and your elidel!!

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Honesty, ethics, plane old human nature ?? WTF are you talking about?? There is ZERO data linking elidel to cancer. There is NO evidence linking Elidel to cancer in animals. There is a limited number of cases of ORAL elidel in HIGH doses showing enough systemic suppression to leave an animal "susepible" to cancer.

What is unethical about selling a drug that has been proven safe in humans and has a theoretical risk in animals when taken in extremely high doses.??

Now you will call me "brainwashed" as well, but everything I just stated comes from the FDA site, not Novartis'. I beleive in my heart that there are many many drugs (including steroids) which "may" have a "theoretical" link to cancer in animals when given in high oral doses.

The stats prove that cases of reported cancers in Elidel pts is LOWER than the general population. My ethics are just fine, becasue I have truth, evidence and facts on my side.

Now fuck off "Steroid Rep"