Alright, I'll admit I'm biased: I am an Elidel rep, but I am also a parent of 3 kids that use Elidel. So, I decided to look into this as deeply as I could, googled every possible verbage I could think of and here are my conclusions:
When used or absorbed SYSTEMICALLY, elidel MIGHT cause a person to become so immunosupressed that they COULD become suseptible to cancer. However, Elidel is not used systemically, it is used topically, and in NO study has it been found to be absorbed to s systemic level. Therefore, since my kids are over 2 yrs old, I will continue to use it on them, and I have ZERO concern that it will cause, or be linked to in any way, cancer. There is simply no evidence, and no viable reason linking elidel to cancer.
FDA is in CYA mode ever since Vioxx.
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You have not a clue!!!
My kids, family's kids, friends kids, and so on will never use Elidel's not worth it to me!
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You, your kids, families kids, friends kids, n=and so on stand a greated chance of getting killed in a car wreck than getting cancer from a drug the FDA says has "no established link" to cancer in humans. The FDA sited "a potential risk" of increased cancer based on animal data. How many drugs in the PDR do YOU think have a "potential risk of cancer" when you give an animal over 1000 times the human dose for extended periods of time?
p.s. I call bullshit on your post anyway, becasue clearly you are too fucking stupid to have friends
Alright, I'll admit I'm biased: I am an Elidel rep, but I am also a parent of 3 kids that use Elidel. So, I decided to look into this as deeply as I could, googled every possible verbage I could think of and here are my conclusions:
When used or absorbed SYSTEMICALLY, elidel MIGHT cause a person to become so immunosupressed that they COULD become suseptible to cancer. However, Elidel is not used systemically, it is used topically, and in NO study has it been found to be absorbed to s systemic level. Therefore, since my kids are over 2 yrs old, I will continue to use it on them, and I have ZERO concern that it will cause, or be linked to in any way, cancer. There is simply no evidence, and no viable reason linking elidel to cancer.
FDA is in CYA mode ever since Vioxx.
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You have not a clue!!!
My kids, family's kids, friends kids, and so on will never use Elidel's not worth it to me!
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You, your kids, families kids, friends kids, n=and so on stand a greated chance of getting killed in a car wreck than getting cancer from a drug the FDA says has "no established link" to cancer in humans. The FDA sited "a potential risk" of increased cancer based on animal data. How many drugs in the PDR do YOU think have a "potential risk of cancer" when you give an animal over 1000 times the human dose for extended periods of time?
p.s. I call bullshit on your post anyway, becasue clearly you are too fucking stupid to have friends